Monday 24 February 2014

Ellen and Ripley get green by Eric Leidberg

Skilled miniature painter and 15mm fan Eric Leidberg has put up some photos of his own painted vision of Ellen and Ripley our female character Retained Knights in the Ion Age.  As you can see he used some great green shades and they look very different to the red and white of the Prydian Army.  I have taken these images from his google plus feed.  You can visit him here if you are on that system.

IAF017 has had a great response from IonFans and its fantastic to be able to feature another wargamer and figure painter's vision of them.  Click on the link if you want to see our own painted versions.

Well done Eric!



  1. The rich green suits them. Nice painting.

    1. Indeed they are. That shade of green is rather captivating.

