Monday 20 October 2014

Lasers and Broadswords blog Mullo Armoured Fighting Vehicles

The three Mullo AFV Variants
Retained Knight, Geo Shelter and Mullo in 15mm scale
When I look at the web and check out what people are doing with my life's work it makes me smile every time I see the joy that our miniatures bring to people.  Currently for The Ion Age few are as active on their blog as Alexander is on his Lasers and Broadswords blog as a fan of our products.  His latest Ion Age posting is all about the brand new vehicle reinforcements his Galactic Knights have received from the fabricators on New Glastonbury (well..Scotland but never mind that!) a trio of awesome Mullo Armoured Fighting Vehicles.

You can read the full post with more pictures.  I think the Mullo looks excellent in its bright blue with white details and strikingly different from our own browns colour scheme which you can see below.  

IAF042 Mullo AFV can be found on our website.  We consider it to be our first medium sized vehicle and larger than the Adder Combat Car or Combat Lifter you can see in the picture. Interestingly Alexander considers it a 'monster' a behemoth in 15mm scale and that is fine with us. Its meant to carry Retained Knights and powered armour needs room inside the hull.  The Mullo is a wheeled vehicle in a true space opera style and its quite special.  Well done Alexander!

With the release this week of the Portable Weapon Platforms we continue to grow and as I said the Mullo is a super medium vehicle...there are large vehicles to come.

Thanks for Reading.



  1. Wow those are spiffy! Very spit-and-polish compared to your gritty versions. They kind of remind me of... oversized Tamagochi! Or maybe not. Anyway a nice urban, police look.

    1. That's the first time we have been described as 'gritty' in our paint jobs. But I see your point. Alexander's are very spit and polish and more space opera than our own. I like them too. GBS
