Thursday 25 October 2018

Muster Patrol Platoon and Female Squad 15mm packs released!

“You want to get into the Patrol lad? Well its not for everyone but lets see how you measure up eh. Ok. First off where you from and how long you been in?” 

The gnarled Sarj looked the young Muster trooper up and down. He noted the slight fade on the cloth of the trooper's uniform and the dents on the Aketon ribs that protected his torso from ballistic and blade based attacks. The Sarj had been measuring troopers in all their dimensions for more than two decades and he was proud of his skill in picking those right for duties in the Patrol. 

“Rikergast sir. Two years sir.” That got the Sarj's attention. Not only that the trooper easily had the one year service in Muster ranks needed for application but that he was from the now destroyed moon of Rikergast. 

“You got the time trooper. Shame about your home though. I been to R'gast back in 19' nice place. So seen any active?” 

The trooper's gaze hardened at this. Not many had been to his home. An out of the way place known for ore mining. Or at least it had been until the League of Yordan had cratered the domes and vacced the whole place. “I was on Hakke and I did a tour with the 903rd taking down the droid works at Farnborough VII. So yeah, I seen some action.” 

Nearly there though the Sarj. The trooper had the time in service needed and he had seen a tour with combat. That was two of the three requirements and now for the third and most over overlooked by those wishing to enter patrol service. “You got the scars trooper. How you feel about about leaving your friends in the ranks and going where it's sharpest?” 

The trooper had been expecting this question. If you joined the Patrol it was not only a way to leave all you ever knew as the Patrol were like the Retained and were sent any and everywhere but also a quick way to get dead. The death rate in this arm of the Muster was higher than any other. But there was no finer place for adventure, for potential rewards and also for advancement. More than anything the trooper wanted to join the Retained as a Varlet and being in the Patrol was the best way to do it for him. 

“Sharper the better Sarj. Any time, any how, any where. Sign me up.” The Sarj gave a wide grin and lifted the data pad hooked to his belt. “Put your mark here lad and its done. You just did the best thinking of your days.”
Sarj Layatt Jones. Central Command New Glastonbury. 4326IC 

Welcome to our final releases for the month of October 2018! Following up on the Adder Combat Tankettes we now have a new all female squad pack and also platoon pack for the toughest troopers in the Muster..the Patrol! Much requested these eleven new poses add to the existing fifteen giving a full force. Go HERE or read on for full details and also the other half of the tale above. 

IAFP13 Muster Patrol Platoon 
A new full Platoon of miniatures which includes a free unique miniature only found in this code which you can order on its own too. A Platoon of 25 Humans composed of two Squads of ten and a Command of five plus one unique 'veteran'. A full force for your wargaming table. This platoon pack is composed of the following packs:IAF021 Muster Patrol 1st Command, IAF022 Muster Patrol 1st Squad, IAF162 Muster Patrol 2nd Squad and Muster Patrol Veteran in camo smock and gear. (Unique to this pack). The Patrol Muster of the Prydian Army operate in Platoons (22), Squads (10) and Fire-Team's (4-5). Human miniatures in Aketon clam shell armour armed with a variety of weapons including Moth Type 6 Rifles, Tumbler Mpi, Hermit 44mm Plasma Rifle, Minstrel PP2 Taser and Ron 32mm Hi-Ex Launcher. 

This code comprises twenty six different poses of 15mm scale white metal miniatures. You have the option of purchasing a pack or three packs with a saving applied on screen. You can see the constituent parts of this platoon pack in the other images. Supplied Unpainted and without Bases. 12.50GBP per pack. Go HERE

IAF162 Muster Patrol 2nd Squad 
A new release into the most glamorous and dangerous arm of the Muster; The Patrol. The Patrol is a vast number of regiments of troopers who all have time served combat experience and act as a front time aid to Retained Knights and also in their own right. This squad of ten brand new white metal 15mm poses of female troopers is composed of a low ranking officer with Sword and Tumbler SMG, several poses of trooper with Moth Rifle, with Tumbler SMG and four of with heavier weapons Minstrel Taser, Moth Type 12, Hermit Plasma Rifle and Pardoner Fire Projector. Wearing Aketon armour and Patrol helmets this is a central squad for a patrol platoon.

As always this code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save 10% option on the page. Go HERE. Price 5.00GBP per pack.

There are two other Muster Patrol packs both of which feature in the platoon as well. They are IAF021 Muster Patrol 1st Command and IAF022 Muster Patrol 1st Squad

The Patrol are the spear tip of the Muster meaning that they are first into the field encountering the enemy and often given intense urban clearing missions as well. If you can make it here you can aspire to the knightly ranks of the Retained themselves. Creating a force in Patrol Angis which is comprised of Muster Patrol is an easy and fun experience. The core game book gives you all you need to create the platoon along with its special abilities. Here are three pictures taken from a recent game of Patrol Angis where the Muster Patrol took to the fight to a Shia Khan raiding party of two Legionary Ordos with the assistance of their transport in the form of a trio of Grey Adder Lifter 'Battle Taxi' APC's. While the Legionaries had more fire power the terrain counted against them and the skills of the Patrol carried the day.

And now part two of the story.....

“You sure you want this promotion Patrol Superior Trooper Hanson? Going up to Emeritas will change things for you.” 

Trooper Hanson dropped back from the crisp salute he had given Sarj Lyatt Jones and into a more easy pose. He has anticipated this question and indeed he wanted it asked. He had survived the vaccing of his home moon Rikergast and then enforced closure of the outlawed droid works on Farnborough VII where had a gotten two scars from the experience. As it that was not enough he had been with the 903rd on Hakke in the initial war against the thinking robots of the M.O.R. How he hated machines. He had survived all of that and gotten into the prized ranks of the Patrol. Now here on Canaveral II in the ongoing war with the League of Yordan for the system he had proven himself again in a number of firefights. The promotion was more than earned. Things would change, but didn't they always. That was the sick joke that passed for life these days. 

“Yes Sarj. I am. You know I earned it. You know I want it. I also know that you got sent here for a reason you are keeping quiet about.” 

Sarj Jones bridled at this but his face remained impassive. He had enrolled Hanson into the Patrol from the regular Muster two years previously back at a cosy recruiting office on New Glastonbury. He was pushing sixty year old now and if had not been for money owed he would have retired. Damn his son, damn him and his gambling. Danger pay was good on active duty for the Patrol. It ought to be, you had to earn it. Jones needed the money and he was right in the thick of it now. 

 “Fair enough Hanson. Come with me and we'll go and see the Captain. See if you can fill Merther's boots.” 

The Sergeant turned on his heels and began to march towards the command post some hundred meters away. Troop Hanson smiled and then marched behind him. There was nothing of home left for him, no family or possessions. The Prydian Army was his life and he had set his aims at joining the ranks of the Retained as a Varlet. This was the only way a man like him could make it. He had to rise, to rise and survive. 

 “Don't want his boots Sarj. They got snuffed just like he did. Nothing left after the impact. But it will mean that you will be calling me sir....” 

Hanson saw the Sarj's shoulders tense if only for a moment. Whatever had happened to make Jones leave New Glastonbury must have been bad. He was too old for this game now. 

“If you get the promot' Trooper, if you get it. But then I known you long enough ain't I. Seen what you can do. Wouldn't surprise me if you made it all the way to Varlet.”
Sarj Layatt Jones. 874th Regiment, Patrol, Canaveral II . 4328IC 

I do wonder if Layett Jones will make it to the ranks of the power armoured Retained. Perhaps we will see in the future... 

That is it from us for this month so get your orders in now but remember you earn your Reward Points (link) on all orders and that there is a new free download of rules for the great Commander Murdo Taranis Tank. Lastly that until the end of October our month long offer is 15% off the mighty IAF146 Tohlic Armoured Crawler. Thank you for your custom and your support and see you all in the spooky month of November. 


Tuesday 23 October 2018

Percival Sparkletrout mixes it up with Battlesuit conversion

I was delighted to see the end result of a great conversion process that 15mm science fiction wargaming fan Percival Sparkletrout showed off two weeks ago and he kindly gave permission for us to share the results on our blog too. What does happen with you take the arms and tri-barrel gun of the Jade Ape Battlesuit and mount them on the body of a Steornede Battlesuit? Now we know. It is awesome! 

Painted up in a fetching deep orange and black scheme with hazard stripes and a white pilots front hatch the conversion looks menacing with its long arms and hands rather than the typical twin cannons or twin missile pods. The idea was a battlesuit as an armoured and armed power loader (part fighter part factory worker) so that the civilian population had some muscle when the Shia Khan or any other Xenos invade their cities. I was told that a little modelling was required for the conversion but it was not a lot. Some carving to widen the sockets for the arms into the resin body of the Steornede and the drilling of a small hole into the top of the battlesuit to mount the three barrelled gun. It has occurred to myself and others that you could do this conversion the other way around and take the body of the Jade Ape Battlesuit and mount the twin Anda Missile Pods or twin Moth Cannons onto it from the Steornede kit. I have not seen this but I have tried it loosely with the parts and it looks good and works well. 

IAF118 Jade Ape Battlesuit 
The Sanbao or Trade Fleet Soldiers of the Xin Hegemony operate Battlesuits in fire-teams of three or singly. This pack contains one multiple part 15mm white metal and resin battlesuit miniature. The Guaiwu II or 'Jade Ape' has twin duties of battle and cargo handling with massive upper body strength. It has a shoulder mounted three barrelled heavy Gonglu support blaster. A big brother for your Sanbao trade fleet soldiers. The miniature is supplied in four pieces and is easy to assemble. The arms may be mounted in varied poses, low, medium or high. Assembled the miniature is 35mm tall to top of body. See it HERE

IAF072 Steornede Battlesuit 
The defence forces of the Prydian Precinct have their own battlesuit to put them on an equal footing with those who would invade or insurrection their homes. The Steornede is that battlesuit in two variants. This code comprises a highly detailed 15mm scale miniature which is approx 30mm tall supplied as a one piece resin body and two separate white metal arms mounting Anda 60mm missile pods (IAF072A) or Moth 88 Cannons (IAF072B). Suitable for use in many different settings it is excellent back up for your infantry. See it HERE

If you enjoyed this conversion article and would like to try out your own conversions of these battlesuits then you can! If you place an order which includes either of these battlesuits in any quantity and you wish to get different arms just send an email to titled with your order number and tell us which arms you would like with the battlesuit you ordered. The Arms of the Jade Ape, the Twin Cannons or the Twin Missile Pods. We will then supply the chosen arms with the ordered battlesuit at no extra cost. We would enjoy seeing the painted results too! 

We will make our last release of the month later this week. The whole platoon of Muster Patrol including the new all female squad and extra free unique miniature in the platoon pack. Watch out for this! 

Thanks for Reading, 


Thursday 18 October 2018

Commander Murdos Taranis Tank and Rewards Programme Update

When we began The Ion Age we had a dream of a unique miniature universe and while we have been building towards that for five years we have gathered many regular customers. These customers, as all customers do upon their first order, signed up to the Rewards Programme when they opened a personal account with us. Every order with us earns Reward Points and those points can be used to get discounts or free items in or on future orders with us. The Rewards Programme has remained great value and will continue to be so but the method of redeeming points has altered a little. Here are the details. 

The first thing to say is that the value of each point you have or will earn is UNCHANGED so there is no alteration in what you have earned. We will not short change you, not now, not ever. The second thing is that all of the existing rewards have now been updated as of October 2018. There are five levels of rewards and they range from the use of 300 Points up to 9000 Points being redeemed. 

Three levels of customer discount applicable to all orders and used before leaving the cart. Two levels of free product that will be added to your order and shipped at our expense to you worldwide. See these HERE on our website. 

10% Discount on an Order – 300 Points 
Use of this code on your order will take 300 points from your account total and on screen reduce your product total for the order, of any size, by 10%. This is done prior to the addition of the flat shipping charge and if you qualify for free shipping this will still be applied. 

15% Discount on an Order – 900 Points 
Use of this code on your order will take 900 points from your account total and on screen reduce your product total for the order, of any size, by 15%. This is done prior to the addition of the flat shipping charge and if you qualify for free shipping this will still be applied. 

20% Discount on an Order – 1800 Points 
Use of this code on your order will take 1800 points from your account total and on screen reduce your product total for the order, of any size, by 20%. This is done prior to the addition of the flat shipping charge and if you qualify for free shipping this will still be applied. 

Commander Murdo's Unique Taranis MBT – 2000 Points 
Use of this code on your order will take 2000 points from your account total on screen and add the unique Taranis Tracked Main Battle Tank worth 20.00GBP to your package. This is RWP02 Commander Murdo's Taranis Tank which is on our website in the Rewards Programme page. It is a resin kit, a modified tank with a standard lower hull, left tracked propulsion units, right tracked propulsion unit plus and a unique upper hull and command turret (originally from IAF100B) and a white metal sponson gun. While this kit can be purchase as normal it can also be had free for points! Go HERE. Please Note: When you have 2000 Points and wish to claim your Murdo Taranis kit you MUST add the tank TO YOUR CART BEFORE you REDEEM your points with your reward code from SLoyalty. If you run into problems please email us on and we will ensure your happiness. 

We have a new two page official and free article to download from our website hosting for players of Patrol Angis. We present the game statistics and special rules for making use of Commander Murdo's Taranis Tank in your games. CLICK HERE to download it or go HERE to our Free Downloads page to see it and all our other free to download scenarios and articles. 

Habitation Colony Bundle – 9000 Points 
Use of this code on your order will take 9000 points from your account total on screen and add the IAF044BU03 Habitation Colony Bundle of 15mm resin terrain worth 125.00GBP to your package. This is an entire Habitation Colony with more than twenty pieces and it will provide enough structures for a standard table. You can see its exact contents HERE. While this bundle can be purchased as normal it can be had free for points! Its a big box but we will ship it for free anywhere in the world when you use your points to get it free. Please Note: When you have 9000 Points and wish to claim your Habitation Bundle you MUST add the bundle TO YOUR CART BEFORE you REDEEM your points with your reward code from SLoyalty. If you run into problems please email us on and we will ensure your happiness. 

All of these rewards are online now and you can see them when you log into your account with The Ion Age. We hope you enjoy them and we welcome feedback from customers or as we call them 'IonFans'. This is all very exciting and you should sign up for our regular email campaign (see top right of the Ion Age blog for the sign up form) to get all the news and latest from us. 

This month we show the love to the mighty Tohlic Armoured Crawler the biggest 15mm vehicle kit we produce which is a firm favourite. Fifteen percent off the vehicle kit saving you 3.75GBP plus you get your Reward Points and you can use your points for discounts which will be ON TOP of this offer. Offer ends 1st November 2018. Go HERE

We shall return later in the month with our last big release for October Muster Patrol! 

Thanks for Reading, 


Thursday 11 October 2018

Five different 15mm scale Adder Tankettes now released

Welcome to our first releases for the month of October 2018!  We will have a further release at months end but now it is the turn of the smallest tracked vehicles in the Prydian Precinct the Adder Combat Tankettes.  Go HERE or read on for more and links to free resources too.

As the second Khanate War continued and worlds fell to the Legions as they spread ever further from the Matter Gateway in the Camarthen stellar system the threat to the entire Prydian Precinct grew dire. The Marcher Barons were in retreat and the Prydian Army in ascendency after twenty years of civil war but this did not mean that the military might of the Throne was enough.  Split between dealing with the growing alien invasion and the struggle for dominance in the core systems this resulted in neither war being tackled fully.  In 4340 IC the death of the Kingmaker Nevall in battle against Princess Cyon meant the Precinct was once more at peace with only small scale conflicts left to stamp out.  The loss of most of Knight General Obermann's fleet in 4331 IC on and around Camarthen Prime had meant near a decade of hit and run campaigns against the Dragon Ships as they sail in darkness out across the stellar cluster. While Humanity was able to deal with a single Dragon Ship entering a planetary orbit this was not the case as pairs and then trios and more of these mighty warships, each carrying an entire Legion, began to appear together.  It would take several years to gather enough might to tackle the Matter Gateway head on so for the moment single regiments were dispatched to hold and harry as best they could.

The clamour for Taranis and Magogs was constantly coming back to New Glastonbury and in such numbers that the demand could not be met.  It takes a lot of time and resources to build the mightiest war machines so a solution was looked for to supply the Camarthen Cluster with armoured vehicles for the use of Muster and Planetary Militia in huge numbers.  Part of this was the Mullo Type 36 AFV as well as the existing Adder light vehicles but a new modular assembly was founded in 4336 IC with the creation of the Adder Combat Tankettes. A stop gap measure to combat Khanate Orbs and tanks. These tracked vehicles have a weight of just over seven and a half tons and roughly eighteen feet in length that Adder is not a combat heavy weight like the Taranis.  A colour coding system is in use to make Adders easy to assign to Regiments and to allow Planetary Militia who are not be as used to war as a Retained Knight a simple recognition method.  The Red Adder Tankette is the standard model mounting a turret with a Moth 88 Rotary Cannon.  The Yellow Adder is  the fire support variant and has two crew along with a turret with an Anda 60mm Missile Pod.  The Black Adder acts as an armoured punch giving the Muster the ability to knock out battlesuits and other smaller tough targets with two crew and a turret mounted Fretan Rail Gun.  Less common is the Orange Adder which is infantry support mounting a specialised turret with a Moth 30 automatic 50mm Grenade Launcher.  Dedicated Adders include the Green Adder which is a command and control car at the battalion level and the White Adder for medical teams and battlefield triage.  The 'Battle Taxi' type Grey Adder is heavily modified and can carry two fire-teams or a squad at a real squeeze.  There are also some very specialised Adders too for purposes such as Blue Adder, the Brown Adder and the Purple Adder.
Academy Auto-Trainer Series 52, New Glastonbury, 4342 IC.

The Adder Combat Tankette is the third propulsion type of Adder which we have created.  You can see all of the Wheeled and Lifter (Hover) Adders on the website HERE.  The Adder is a work horse and fits in well with any 15mm near future or further ahead science fiction army.  We also have top down scale comparison photos with other vehicles in our 15mm range which you can see HERE.  Here are the new five and thanks to everyone for their support with the pre-orders.  

IAF164A Red Adder Combat Tankette
This pack contains one white metal and resin 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Red Adder' combat tankette variant armed with a Moth rotary cannon in a turret mount. This is the standard Adder for varied uses. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall.   Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a turret along with a separate weapon and hatch. Very easy to assemble.  Purchase one or select three and save 10%. 3.50GBP  Go HERE.

IAF164B Yellow Adder Combat Tankette
This pack contains one resin 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Yellow Adder' combat tankette variant armed with twin Anda 60mm Rocket Pods in a turret mount. This is the Fire Support Adder. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall.   Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a turret. Very easy to assemble. Purchase one or select three and save 10%. 3.50GBP Go HERE.

IAF164C Black Adder Combat Tankette
This pack contains one resin and white metal 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Black Adder' combat tankette variant armed with a Fretan Rail Gun in a turret mount. This is the punch the 'anti-armour' Adder. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall.   Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a turret with separate hatch and weapon. Very easy to assemble.  Purchase one or select three and save 10%. 3.50GBP Go HERE.

IAF164D Orange Adder Combat Tankette
This pack contains one resin and white metal 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Orange Adder' combat tankette variant armed with a 50mm Grenade Launcher in a turret mount. This is the infantry support Adder. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall.   Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a turret with separate hatch and weapon. Very easy to assemble.  Purchase one or select three and save 10%. 3.50GBP Go HERE.

IAF164E Green Adder Control Tankette
This pack contains one resin and white metal 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Green Adder' is the communications and control variant for the battlefield with comms gear and extra armour. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall. Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a top mount with separate dish. Very easy to assemble.  Purchase one or select three and save 10%. 3.50GBP Go HERE.

Here are some scenic photos of the five Tracked Adders and there are many more images of each of them on their pages of the website.

We offer extra value for our customers all the time and here are details of free things and rewards plus our current month long massive saving on one code:

Players of Patrol Angis using the heavy vehicle expansion title Callsign Taranis are most welcome to CLICK HERE to download from our website a free article with game statistics and more in it for use of these new vehicles in play. There are other free articles which can be had for Patrol Angis HERE on the website by following the links hosted on our website. Enjoy!  When you need a bit more armour on your light vehicles to take on Battlesuits!

Remember you get Reward Points on every order you place with us added to your account on the website (you must have an account on the website setting it up first time you use it..which includes a welcome gift of 100 Points!) and these can be used to gain discounts and free items on any future order at any time.  Millions of points earned and spent with us so far!

This month we show the love to the mighty Tohlic Armoured Crawler the biggest 15mm vehicle kit we produce which is a firm favourite.  Fifteen percent off the vehicle kit saving you 3.75GBP plus you get your Reward Points and you can use your points for discounts which will be ON TOP of this offer.  Offer ends 1st November 2018.  Go HERE.

Thanks for reading.


Monday 1 October 2018

A Crawling October 2018 at The Ion Age

Never let it be said that I do not listen to the IonFans and as we enter a new month we have some news for you!  We have a new month long offer and we have new codes coming as well.  We also have a free article for Patrol Angis plus a free scenario to download for Patrol Angis which focuses on armoured action and an update too. Go to our website HERE and if you are a new customer you will get 100 Reward Points with your first order.  Read on for more information.

This month we show the love to the mighty Tohlic Armoured Crawler the biggest 15mm vehicle kit we produce which is a firm favourite.  Fifteen percent off the vehicle kit saving you 3.75GBP plus you get your Reward Points and you can use your points for discounts which will be ON TOP of this offer.  Offer ends 1st November 2018.

IAF146 Tohlic Armoured Crawler
This code contains all the parts required to assemble one large 15mm scale long distance armoured personnel carrier.  Used for deep recon it can carry an entire platoon of troops or three battlesuits or combinations thereof operating for weeks away from base.  Favoured by Planetary Defence forces but also used by Muster and Retained on suitably frozen worlds the Tohlic is composed of nine parts cast in high quality grey tone resin and white metal.  

These are the forward hull, the rear hull, the left track unit, the right track unit, exhaust mount 1, exhaust mount 2, Turret 1 (Anda Missile Pods) and Turret 2 (Moth Rotary Cannon). Supplied with two different turrets to use and since they use the standard turret ring they will also fit onto other Ion Age vehicles and structures.  

This kit is easy to assemble and durable for use on table.  When assembled the Tohlic is approx 105mm long and 40mm tall. Go HERE.

We will have two sets of releases in October.  Firstly the five new Adder Combat Tankettes will be on general release in a weeks time.  All of the pre-orders for them and their bundles are going out worldwide from today.  After this and late on in the month we will have new infantry for the Prydian Army and the Marcher Barons.  We will be expanding the existing Muster Patrol packs with a female infantry pack and a whole platoon set with an additional free unique figure.  Muster Patrol get some love! Watch for these new releases across coming weeks.

We have many FREE DOWNLOADS on our website as well as our great 15mm scale tabletop game called Patrol Angis which you can see HERE as a game pack and print books plus digital downloads of the books too.

Remember you get Reward Points on every order you place with us added to your account on the website (you must have an account on the website setting it up first time you use it..which includes a welcome gift of 100 Points!) and these can be used to gain discounts and free items on any future order at any time.  Millions of points earned and spent with us so far!

Join our Mailchimp email listing for all the news sent to your chosen inbox.  Don't miss out on new releases, free stuff and offers.  On our blog to the top right corner you will see the sign up form.  Just fill it in and you are in!

We have a huge selection of 15mm scale space opera science fiction miniatures and each of our packs contains only one of each pose of figure plus you can select any miniature from any pack as a single or buy three packs and save 10% on screen.  Just click on the white box on each product page for all the options. 

Thanks for your time!