Wednesday 27 January 2016

Mastergunz paints the Duxis 'Winnower' Battlesuit

"Hello fellow tabletop wargamers,

My name is Todd Farnholtz but many of you may know me better as 'Mastergunz' or simply 'Gunz'. I started painting professionally for CamoSpecsOnline in 2009 and have since expanded to doing work for Reaper and a whole host of other miniature companies. In the last few months I have fallen in love with all things Sci-Fi 15mm...especially that of the more mechanical variety. A good friend of mine turned me onto pieces from The Ion Age, namely the power suits! I recently got my hands on a Duxis Spear Variant and loved the mini so much I had to do a little review. 

Put simply the 'feel' of this piece brings back memories of yesteryear and long nights spent rolling dice. The mini was an exceptionally clean cast with very little in the way of mold lines. A little trimming was needed to make sure the parts fit snugly but no more than any other white metal miniature. The kit comes in five pieces total (1 head, 2 lower arms, torso/upper arms, and legs. There is just enough pose-ability to make each mini unique when fielding more than one. The real joy of this piece was the sculpt. There is just enough detail to make it fun to paint without being 'busy' or overwhelming which seems to be a common and much appreciated theme among the Ion Age pieces. I especially liked the 'jump pack' sculpted into the back that, honestly, I had no idea was there, lol! It gives it a very 'leap into combat and stab the first big beasty you see' feel. I have since picked up a few Havelock battlesuits with optional weapon arms and some a squad of the female power armoured troopers in the form of IAF016 Retained Post Delta. 

Now back to the painting table to get to work on the next one, :)"


I hope you enjoyed Todd's pictures and his short article.  He loves our miniatures so much he wanted to do a piece for us and here it is. Wonderful work on the Duxis and I look forward to seeing what he does with his Havelock and female Retained Knights.  Got to love purple!

There are eight variants of Duxis Battlesuit which you can see HERE for the close combat ones and HERE for the ranged combat ones.  A great miniature about 30mm tall with options and at just 5.00GBP for a battlesuit it is a real find.  

Well done Todd!

Thanks for Reading,


Thursday 21 January 2016

Prang Raider packs and platoon now released!

The Prang are here!  Now released four pack codes and a platoon pack too.  Our last releases for January 2015.  This new alien race joins The Ion Age and gives you a foe to collection and to play off against the Prydian Army, Marcher Barons and the Shia Khan Empire too.  This release news is all about the miniatures and we have a separate article online that introduces the Prang Raiders which you can see HERE where Prang Raiders are squaring up to the Prydian Army in the Faercyle star system. We welcome Eli Arndt to The Ion Age designer of the Prang.  Read on to learn all about the new codes or go straight to the new Prang page on our website HERE.  

IAF109P Prang Raider Force
This platoon pack is an excellent way to get one of every Prang Raider pose and to get a force on the table straight away.  Two fire-teams plus command and personalities make an excellent core to your force.  You also save 5% off the single pack purchases!  This pack contains the following codes IAF109 Prang Raiders (5), IAF110 Prang Raider Support (5), IAF111 Captain Bozar and Sherag (2) and IAF112 Prang Raider Command (2) totalling fourteen miniatures.  Look to these other codes for detailed contents.  These detailed miniatures are the height of a Human (around 17mm though they do go up to 20mm for the bigger Prang) but are much bulkier.   Go HERE.  This code can be bought as a pack or three packs saving an additional 10% off single pack price meaning 15% off in total on the three. Chose your option from the drop down menu on the page. Price per pack is 14.25GBP

IAF109 Prang Raiders
The core fire team for your alien Prang Raiders.  These miniatures are typical troopers with a variety of weapons. This code contains five different white metal 15mm scale poses all wearing ceramic armour.  From left to right these are a Prang sergeant or trooper holding a Sonic Stunner gun, Prang trooper with Blaster Carbine, Prang trooper with Blaster Rifle, Prang trooper with Arc Thrower and lastly a Prang trooper with Blaster Rifle. These detailed miniatures are the height of a Human (around 17mm though they do go up to 20mm for the bigger Prang) but are much bulkier. Go HERE.  This code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or three packs saving 10% off list. Chose your option from the drop down menu on the page. Price per pack is 5.00GBP.

IAF110 Prang Raider Support
The support  or heavy weapon fire team for your alien Prang Raiders.  These miniatures are troopers with a variety of weapons. This code contains five different white metal 15mm scale poses all wearing ceramic armour.  From left to right these are a two piece Prang Trooper with Blaster Rifle, a two piece Prang trooper with Blaster Rifle, a Prang trooper with heavy Autocannon, a Prang trooper with an Arc Cannon and lastly a Prang Trooper with Blaster Focus Cannon. These detailed miniatures are the height of a Human (around 17mm though they do go up to 20mm for the bigger Prang) but are much bulkier. Go HERE.  This code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or three packs saving 10% off list. Chose your option from the drop down menu on the page. Price per pack is 5.00GBP.

IAF111 Captain Bozar and Sherag 
A personality officer and advisor for your alien Prang Raiders.   This code contains two different white metal 15mm scale poses.  From left to right these are Captain Bozar who commands the Raiders wearing ceramic armour and an enhanced command helm.  He holds a Burst Rifle and has a pet Harpili wrapped around his shoulders.  A Sherag Advisor whose function it is to guide the actions of the Raiders in all matters besides actual hierarchy.  He wears ceremonial garb over light armour  which contains additional suites for comms and data collection and carries a concealed Vibro Blade and Blaster Carbine. These detailed miniatures are the height of a Human (around 17mm though they do go up to 20mm for the bigger Prang) but are much bulkier. Go HERE.  This code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or three packs saving 10% off list. Chose your option from the drop down menu on the page. Price per pack is 3.00GBP.

IAF112 Prang Raider Command
Command and Tech for your alien Prang Raiders.   This code contains two different white metal 15mm scale poses.  From left to right these are a two piece Prang officer with Vibro Blade and Blaster Pistol.  A Prang Tech with a slung Blaster Rifle who has an Arc Cutter in hand.  Both wear ceramic armour. These detailed miniatures are the height of a Human (around 17mm though they do go up to 20mm for the bigger Prang) but are much bulkier. Go HERE.  This code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or three packs saving 10% off list. Chose your option from the drop down menu on the page. Price per pack is 2.00GBP.

Information Burst!
This is our last set of releases until February 2015.  If you are catching up with since the new year began you have missed the current monthly free miniature HERE, the release of all the variants of the mighty super heavy Taranis Repulsar Tanks and Repulsar Drones HERE and the new pack by Dave Foley in the Ion Age Universe range Prydian Far Traders!  Go HERE for that.

This month our free miniature is IMP29 Planetary Militia Cold Climes Sergeant.  For the whole of January 2016 this 15mm scale miniature is automatically put into every order at the rate of one per order regardless of order value.  It can also be bought in any amount on the monthly IMP page of the website for this month only too before being withdrawn on the first of next month.   Dressed in cold climes heated Alwite armour and a heavy outer coat and hat the Sergeant is armed with a Moth Type 6 Rifle and is pointing the advance. A great character for your forces. The miniature is one piece in white metal and stands approx 16mm tall. Of course you earn reward points on all orders too through your account learn more about that HERE.  We realise that some of you may wish to purchase the currently free miniature to get multiples of it without placing a lot of orders so you can do just that. Visit this page on the website for the miniature at a fair price for a special miniature.  There is a growing page on the Ion Age website where the current and all former IMP series free miniatures are shown so that you can see what came before.  Enjoy and go HERE.

Thanks for Reading.


Wednesday 20 January 2016

Rod's Mini Dream Worlds - Vending Bot

Over at Rod's Mini Dream Worlds Blog there is a note of humour in the air.  As you can see when a Vending Bot from the Happy Burger chain cannot understand a Florian Pumpkin Spore when its thirsty and on holiday trouble can come about with ease!  You can visit the original post HERE.

Its great to see our monthly free miniatures used in the spirit of fun we meant them to be.  While IMP27 Florian Pumpkin Spore is not on our website and will be part of the Year Three Collection this summer you can find IMP23 Happy Burger Vending Bot as part of the online Year Two Collection as one in a set or a single.  Click on the links to visit the website and read more about the miniatures.

Great Job Rod!

Here are our versions of these two miniatures painted by our lead designer Sam Croes:

Thanks for Reading,


Thursday 14 January 2016

15mm Ion Age Universe Characters range expands with Traders pack!

“Allow me to create a society around the Prydian Precinct. One that exists with the threat of the Prydian Civil War within and the Shia Khan Empire without. The people, the law, the machines and the creatures that populate the planets, the star ports, outposts and even the seedy bars where Retained Knights would fear to tread.” 

This month we add another brand new pack to the growing range on The Ion Age sculpted by Dave Foley called the 15mm Ion Age Universe Characters. We will be adding a new pack just about every month and it is my own and Mr Foley's intention to create a 15mm scale figure range that will allow you to get the 'people' of your wargaming on your table regardless of your setting. Previously we have Precinct Adventurers, Precinct Police and Precinct Dignitaries and now we present five more original miniatures: IAF107 Precinct Far Traders! Go HERE or read on. 

IAF107 Precinct Far Traders 
The fourth pack of 15mm characters in the Ion Age Universe range. Far Traders operate within the outer parts of the Prydian Precinct but also beyond it interacting with Marcher Barons, rebels and even aliens all in the name of trade and profit. Skilled and well armed they can be scouts, or carriers of passengers and deal in rare minerals or information. These Far Traders are excellent civilians and rogues for your collection. Sculpted by Dave Foley this pack contains five different 15mm scale white metal miniatures in the following poses. Sitting bearded male with raised finger trading goods, standing male with top knot showing off goods, young female with shouldered goods, female trader offering boxed item and lastly bearded male trader offering bottled goods. Objects are for you to decide! These miniatures are great for any science fiction or suitable genre of wargaming in 15mm scale when you want something other than warfare or soldiers on your table. As always this code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save 10% options from the drop down menu on the page. Go HERE. Price 2.50GBP per pack. 

Here are the details of the previous packs or go HERE

IAF106 Precinct Dignitaries 
The third pack of 15mm characters in the Ion Age Universe range. Moving around the worlds of the Prydian Precinct are those who wish to conduct government work, to support those who need their views represented and to meet with each other to discuss high matters. These Dignitaries are excellent civilian important persons for your collection. Sculpted by Dave Foley this pack contains five different 15mm scale white metal miniatures in the following poses. Female in robes carrying object, Female in robes gesturing, Man in tunic with staff and orb, Female in robes hands clasped and finally Male in tunic holding object. Objects are for you to decide! These miniatures are great for any science fiction or suitable genre of wargaming in 15mm scale when you want something other than warfare or soldiers on your table. As always this code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save 10% options from the drop down menu on the page. 

IAF105 Precinct Police 
The second pack of 15mm characters in the Ion Age Universe range. Precinct Police are the local law enforcement on the worlds and colonies of the civilised Prydian Precinct who try to maintain order without the use of deadly force if possible. A first line of law and order. Sculpted by Dave Foley this pack contains five different 15mm scale white metal miniatures in the following poses. All are wearing light armour plates, a helmet and a wet weather cape. Male officer holding a control box for directing city services or droids, carrying portable signs and signal equipment, male officer with public address horn, officer with stun baton raised to strike and lastly running with stun baton. These miniatures are great for any science fiction or suitable genre of wargaming in 15mm scale when you want something other than warfare or soldiers on your table. As always this code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save 10% options from the drop down menu on the page. 

IAF104 Precinct Adventurers 
The first pack of 15mm characters in the Ion Age Universe range at The Ion Age. Precinct Adventurers are the kind of fellows you need in a scrap or to carry out some dangerous work in a place where the law is a little loose. Sculpted by Dave Foley this pack contains five different 15mm scale white metal miniatures in the following poses. Male adventurer kneeling with a data slab and connected viewer, a hansom male adventurer advancing aiming a Minstrel Taser pistol, male adventurer in long coat signalling a halt holding a Tumbler SMG, male adventurer wearing parts of Aketon armour and at guard pose with a Moth Rifle. Lastly a male adventurer in out moded Alwite armour bandaged head and Minstrel Taser. These miniatures are great for any science fiction or suitable genre of wargaming in 15mm scale when you want something other than warfare or soldiers on your table. As always this code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save 10% options from the drop down menu on the page. 

Information Burst! 
We have releases this month and while we kicked off the year with the new free miniature and then the release of all the variants of the mighty super heavy Taranis Repulsar Tanks and Repulsar Drones we have yet more! Today it is the turn of Dave Foley to add another pack to the range of non military characters we offer and I don't know about you but that young female Far Trader (pose three) is brilliant! Next week we will make all the rest of our releases for January and that will be the packs and platoon set for the Prang Raiders. You can read about that HERE in detail. 

This month our free miniature is IMP29 Planetary Militia Cold Climes Sergeant. For the whole of January 2016 this 15mm scale miniature is automatically put into every order at the rate of one per order regardless of order value. It can also be bought in any amount on the monthly IMP page of the website for this month only too before being withdrawn on the first of next month. Dressed in cold climes heated Alwite armour and a heavy outer coat and hat the Sergeant is armed with a Moth Type 6 Rifle and is pointing the advance. A great character for your forces. The miniature is one piece in white metal and stands approx 16mm tall. Of course you earn reward points on all orders too through your account learn more about that HERE. We realise that some of you may wish to purchase the currently free miniature to get multiples of it without placing a lot of orders so you can do just that. Visit this page on the website for the miniature at a fair price for a special miniature. There is a growing page on the Ion Age website where the current and all former IMP series free miniatures are shown so that you can see what came before. Enjoy and go HERE

Thanks for Reading. 


Wednesday 13 January 2016

The Prang Raiders

“All right settle down.  Settle down, in the back there sit down and listen.  We have about sixteen hours before the incoming starships reach Faercyle II and orbit and I want all of you to hear this.  The civilian networks are closed down and our own comms are running silent to keep our numbers as vague as possible for their alien bastards.  So in person it is.  As you know 202nd Regiment will be acting in co-ordination with the local PM regiments and we have members of their forces at all briefings.  Lets go over what we know.  Or at least what the High Command sees fit to tell us.

This information is from the Reord aboard the 'Kildare'.  Yes, a Reord, settle down.  The 'lady of light' tells us these aliens call themselves 'Prang' and that they are humanoid but rather different from us.  Air breathers and much stronger than we are.  Closest thing to what we know would be an amphibian with the build of a great ape but with no hair and these weird fronds or growths around the mouth and chin.  Vidcasts from the last raid these things carried out shows us they are slower on their feet than a Human but tougher.  A whole burst of 9mm penetrated the ceramics on one of them and it just staggered and then carried on shooting.

The Reord has also examined weapons and armour that belong to the Prang and while it will take bigger minds than we have back on New Glastonbury to dismantle it all we do know the following.  Prang wear a harness over a body suit upon which they mount ceramic plates sometimes in layers.  These plates are rigid and very light for their size.  No idea how they make them but test show that they can stand up to as much punishment as MkIV Aketon Armour meaning we will need to get close for some of the coming fight.  In terms of weapons they favour energy weapons, blasters, for the majority of troopers while those in support carry large calibre auto-cannons as well as heavy blasters.  Blasters contain a plasmatic charge that burns upon contact.  They also make use of sonic weaponry and focused electrical discharges too.  They use swords as well.  Not powered rather vibrating blades.  Yes, not something seen in the Precinct in centuries but they are still lethal.

Prang Raiders seem to operate in fire-teams of five with teams designated to support roles and specialist roles too.  They have ranks and like us those who lead often can be seen with insignia or other devices they make them out as commanders.  The lady of light could not say for certain who led them but several words came up in lexicon translations including Progea which we take to be a planet, perhaps their home system and Sherag which must mean an advisor or some such but we have not seen this creature as yet.  We think these raiders are from a stellar cluster beyond the edge of the Prydian Precinct.

So that's it ladies and gentlemen.  All we have to go on.  Its evident that these Prang wish to land and take off what they can carry. Fleet is going to let them land and spring a trap; see if we can capture a few.  Our effort will be focused on Ismere this city and the starport which being the only developed and fully habitable zone on  Faercyle II is where most of the people and goods are.  The bulk of this place is standard Seorc Compono Guild domes and modules and the whole zone is heated from subsoil by the main reactors in this complex.  The fighting will be done here as its too bloody cold anywhere else without full suits.  Its chilly out there all the same so watch yourselves and we have artillery support and Skylark flights to call upon if needed. Now get back to your platoons. Dismissed!”

Sergeant William Harris, Present at a briefing for the 202nd Muster Regiment, 
Ismere Starport, Faercyle II.  4326IC

On the 21st of January there will be a new alien race added to the miniature range in 15mm scale at The Ion Age...the Prang!  Created and sculpted by Eli Arndt (the fine fellow behind Loud Ninja Games and many SHM miniatures at our sister website this alien race has now graduated to exist in its own developing right.  We will be beginning with a re-issue of all the existing Prang plus quite a few new poses.  These are the Prang Raiders an allied and same species but separate entity to the Prang Army which will be seen later in 2016.  The Prang Raiders will have several codes plus a platoon pack too enough to build an entire force.

You can visit their page on our website HERE.

Above is an image of all of the Prang Raiders and as with all other codes on The Ion Age website they are given as a pack, three packs with a 10% saving and choice of single poses all from a drop down menu on the product page.  Plus you get Reward Points on your account and the monthly IMP special miniature free and included automatically.  The release article will give full information and lots more images too.

The Prang are promising to be a valuable part of the growing lore of the Prydian Precinct and their Raiders are just the leading edge of the adventure.

There is a fiction snippet on our blog in a post about the January free miniature IMP29 Planetary Militia Cold Climes Sergeant that also concerns the Prang and it can be seen HERE.  Enjoy!

Thanks for Reading,


Friday 8 January 2016

Taranis Repulsar Main Battle Tanks and Drones now released!

With the completion of one of the most titanic in scale armourers works ever seen in the Prydian Precinct the complex plans for the lethal weapon of war that would become the Taranis Main Battle Tank were set into motion.  The Targa Works would go on to produce such vehicles as the Adder Combat Car and Lifter series and the medium weight Mullo Armoured Fighting Vehicle but these were side and later projects compared to Taranis.  Named after an ancient old earth deity a god of war from the isles of mist and rain the Taranis was created to be the mailed fist that would allow the regiments of the Barons and the Throne to continue to expand into space and systems lost during the thousand year old Aldan Crucible detonation.  In 4294IC documents retrieved by Starvaulters during an investigation of the ruins of Newbury IV were decoded and artificed.  It had taken a decade since their retrieval to decode the records which dated from the time of the great Resource Wars of twenty first century earth.  The designs they contained were for a war machine that was the ultimate evolution of a century of tank warfare.  Dutifully recorded they were sent out with the Ark Ships into the void.  A monster of death this tank was doom incarnate and once updated with the technology Prydia now possessed they were further modified to be able to function in environments far more varied than one planet could have offered.  Taranis would be a weapon capable of winning any war against men or the feared Khanate.
Academy Auto-Trainer Series 52, New Glastonbury, 4335IC

With a hesitation over the festive period and a replacement of molds we at The Ion Age are delighted now to announce the release of the five variants of the super heavy Taranis Repulsar Tanks and also the Taranis Repulsar Drones too! Designed by industry legend Bob Naismith these tanks are large resin and white metal kits in 15mm scale suitable not only for space opera settings but also near future or many other wargaming genres.  Go HERE. There are five different variants (A,B,C,D and E) of IAF103 Taranis Repulsar Main Battle Tank so please read on for each of them:

IAF103A Taranis Repulsar MBT Cannon Turret
This is the core type of anti-gravity Taranis the main battle tank with projectile turret.  It is composed of seven resin and white metal pieces which are the upper hull, the lower hull, right and left propulsion fins sections, projectile cannon turret as well as the main gun and the sponson gun in white metal.  You can see them here with a scale of 1cm squares under laying the pieces.  It is easy to assemble and we supply the kit with the finely detailed anti-gravity left and right fins on supporting resin blocks which can be removed with a hobby blade. This vehicle is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is durable.  Assembled this vehicle is just over 110mm long and 55mm wide. We offer the choice of purchasing one kit or on the drop down menu the purchase of three with a saving of 10% on screen.  Price 20.00GBP. Go HERE.

IAF103B Taranis Repulsar MBT Command Turret
This is the platoon command type of anti-gravity Taranis with projectile turret with additional rotary weapon and comms suite.  It is composed of seven resin and white metal pieces which are the upper hull, the lower hull, right and left propulsion fins sections, projectile cannon turret as well as the main gun and the sponson gun in white metal.  You can see them here with a scale of 1cm squares under laying the pieces.  It is easy to assemble and we supply the kit with the finely detailed anti-gravity left and right fins on supporting resin blocks which can be removed with a hobby blade. This vehicle is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is durable.  Assembled this vehicle is just over 110mm long and 55mm wide. We offer the choice of purchasing one kit or on the drop down menu the purchase of three with a saving of 10% on screen.  Price 20.00GBP. Go HERE.

IAF103C Taranis Repulsar MBT Energy Turret
This is a Taranis main battle tank with an energy weapon turret featuring a small cabin for a crewman.  It is composed of five resin pieces which are the upper hull, the lower hull, right and left propulsion fins sections and the energy weapon turret.  You can see them here with a scale of 1cm squares under laying the pieces.  It is easy to assemble and we supply the kit with the finely detailed anti-gravity left and right fins on supporting resin blocks which can be removed with a hobby blade. This vehicle is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is durable.  Assembled this vehicle is just over 110mm long and 55mm wide. We offer the choice of purchasing one kit or on the drop down menu the purchase of three with a saving of 10% on screen.  Price 20.00GBP. Go HERE.

IAF103D Taranis Repulsar MBT Siege Turret
This is a Taranis main battle tank with a double weapon turret for close in destruction. It is composed of six resin and white metal pieces which are the upper hull, the lower hull, right and left propulsion fins sections, white metal sponson gun and the double cannon weapon turret.  You can see them here with a scale of 1cm squares under laying the pieces.  It is easy to assemble and we supply the kit with the finely detailed anti-gravity left and right fins on supporting resin blocks which can be removed with a hobby blade. This vehicle is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is durable.  Assembled this vehicle is just over 110mm long and 55mm wide. We offer the choice of purchasing one kit or on the drop down menu the purchase of three with a saving of 10% on screen.  Price 20.00GBP. Go HERE.

IAF103E Taranis Repulsar APC
This is a Taranis tank with a re-purposed function as a super heavy Armoured Personnel Carrier capable of carrying a squad or more into battle. It is composed of five resin pieces which are the upper APC hull, the lower hull, right and left propulsion fins sections and the white metal sponson gun.  You can see them here with a scale of 1cm squares under laying the pieces.  It is easy to assemble and we supply the kit with the finely detailed anti-gravity left and right fins on supporting resin blocks which can be removed with a hobby blade. This vehicle is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is durable.  Assembled this vehicle is just over 110mm long and 55mm wide. We offer the choice of purchasing one kit or on the drop down menu the purchase of three with a saving of 10% on screen.  Price 20.00GBP. Go HERE.

Here are pictures of all the IAF103 parts as single items with under laying scale in 1cm squares for you to look at.  

There are several articles on our blog that tell you and show you much more about IAF103 and IAF082 that we could possibly fit here or on our website.  Click on the links that interest you and see every tank painted, in action, scale shots, unassembled kits and dimensions, concept art, fiction.

To see all the posts click on this link which takes you to the Taranis 'tab' on the blog HERE.

IAF082 Taranis Repulsar Drones now released!

Taranis Tanks make use of a screen of Drones acting as a defensive, offensive, repair group controlled by the tank itself.  These are shown on table as IAF081 Taranis Running Drones which can be seen and also the now released IAF082 Taranis Repulsar Drones which can be seen HERE. Both are on our website as a pack and as singles.

If you would like to read more about the Taranis Drones in the fictional setting of The Ion Age please visit this INFORMATION BURST article. 

We have other releases this month and these are the whole Prang Raiders force plus a platoon pack and the latest pack of characters from Dave Foley too. If you missed out on the ESO offers on the Taranis now is your chance and you get your Reward Points on your account with us and of course the monthly free miniature in your package currently IMP29 Planetary Militia Cold Climes Sergeant.

Thanks for Reading.


Friday 1 January 2016

IMP29 Cold Climes PM Sergeant free miniature for January 2016!

“Faercyle II is nowhere.  I mean it.  I had to look it up.  Right out there on the edge of the known Precinct in the least wanted star system of the Camarthen cluster.  The Faercyle system ain't like Camarthen itself or the beautiful Myrdan and Ambrosia systems with their beaches and lush farmlands.  No, that planet is a near permanent frozen rock just inside the habitable zone of its little sun.  Nothing there, nothing living.  But one thing we want.  Lots of titanium.  A damn lot and easy to mine as well through the ice just got to scrape it off.  Height of summer you can walk about with just protective clothing, spring and autumn heated Aketon armour is fine but the winter, your choice is indoor or icicle.  The heated town and farmlands of Ismere are nice most of the time due to the under soil pipes.  Anyway I was put out there back in '21 when the first ore converters were set up.  To train a Planetary Militia you know.  Not a big contingent but enough for the expected half million population.  Took us a year and I was glad to the leave.  Cold Climes ain't no fun for a trooper.  I took the shuttle to orbit and never looked back.  Still can't put ice in my drinks.

So three weeks ago I get a vid call from regional command telling me and the other instructors that we are shipping out along with elements of the 202nd and the 608th  ,both good regiments, for Faercyle II. To back up the 'PM' against a new foe.  I asked was it the Cannies or the Yordists or some grasping rim baron trying to muscle in on the mining.  No answers though.  Not until the 'Kildare' jumped in system and I saw we had three other warships with us as well as regimental transports.  A big task force with a lot of space borne fire power.  Made me sweat.  Swapping shots on the ground fine but not up there.  Nothing though next to what we were told was actually going on.  First contact, real aliens.  I had heard of the xeno digs on Camarthen Prime but there was nothing there; only dust.  This was different.  Seemed that Faercyle had been raided from space.  People carried off, buildings destroyed, refined titanium stolen.  Alien raiders had attacked the planet.  

I swore I would never come back here.  But all it took was five years and an alien presence and it was back to the frozen funfair.  Two days ago the Kildare spotted incoming ships.  Several of them.  Smaller than our crates but coming in a a sustained three standard gravities.  Like needles straight at the planet.  Wanting another shot at the ore or perhaps more. Command has named them 'Prang', no idea why.  No idea what they look like and the locals ain't saying much.  I am back with the Planetary Militia in my cold climes gear. In Ismere the only star port on this rock, dug in deep.  We are ready this time.  We will let them land and then see what happens.  See what these Prang, these Raiders are all about.  If nothing else it will keep the chill off.  Man I hate the cold.   
Sergeant William Harris, 202nd Muster Regiment, Ismere Starport, Faercyle II.  4326IC

Welcome to the New Year, welcome to 2016 and welcome to what will be the biggest year so far for The Ion Age.  We begin with a new alien race this month.  The Prang designed by Eli Arndt and coming to us from their SHM roots on our big sister site  January sees new codes for the existing Prang and also the addition of new poses too!  A whole Prang Raider force!  On top of this we have our excellent Rewards Points System and a new pack in the 15mm Ion Age Characters range by Dave Foley.  I suggest that you join our Mailchimp email list (link on the top right) too if you have not already since our email lets you know what is going on and features a unique offer that is really worth it.  This month it is an offer you need to go on Patrol to see!

IMP29 Cold Climes Sergeant.  For the whole of January 2016 this Planetary Militia 15mm scale soldier is automatically put into every order at the rate of one per order regardless of order value.  It can also be bought in any amount on the monthly IMP page of the website for this month only too before being withdrawn on the first of next month.  Dressed in cold climes heated Alwite armour and a heavy outer coat and hat the Sergeant is armed with a Moth Type 6 Rifle and is pointing the advance.  A great character for your forces. The miniature is one piece in white metal and stands approx 16mm tall.

Of course you earn reward points on all orders too through your account.  We realise that some of you may wish to purchase the currently free miniature to get multiples of it without placing a lot of orders so you can do just that.  Visit this page on the website for the miniature at a fair price for a special miniature.  There is a growing page on the Ion Age website where the current and all former IMP series free miniatures are shown so that you can see what came before.  Enjoy and go HERE

This month we are all about the Prang.  We will make all of our releases for the month next week but before that we will give you an 'InfoBurst' article about the Prang Raiders and what Eli Arndt has planned for 2016.  We welcome him as the next designer into The Ion Age fold.  The Prang have their own culture, their own weapons and armour, their own goals.  They will be an entire new army! So look forward to that and enjoy the image above.  Next for them will be the releases and information!  Later in January.

We look back at what was going out free this time last year and now also in our first year too.  In January 2015 it was IMP17 Far Trader and in January 2014 it was IMP05 Winter Musterman.  You can get them in the Year Collections of formally free on our website HERE but if you click on the links over the codes you can see the blog post from that month and year and see what else we were up to at that time.  Time flies and sometimes we forget and I always enjoy the new month update and to look back at last year and much done and so much still to do!

Thanks for reading.