Thursday 18 January 2024

Planetary Militia Scouts released 28mm Ion Age range

An expansion to the massive 28mm Ion Age miniature range with four new poses taking us up to near two hundred and forty codes. Wow! 

The scouts of the Planetary Militia regiments are trained in long range or extended missions to test out the resolve of the enemy. Equipped like their fellows they are experts in both urban and rural operations and some specialise in deep installation and sub ground operations. Selected from the ranks it is often a way into the Muster Regiments of that planet. 
The new codes as follows: 
IB67 Planetary Militia Scout Squad 
(Value Pack containing four miniatures [IA233-IA236] with a saving) 
Every pose in the range can be had a single miniature
IA233 PM Scout Hermit Plasma Rifle and Sword 
IA234 PM Scout Moth Pistol and Binocs 
IA235 PM Scout Female two Moth Rifles without Stocks
IA236 PM Scout Female, breather mask and Tumbler SMG 

There are other Planetary Militia in the range from the Support Squad to Cold Climes as well as typical Troopers and Command. 
The Planetary Militia are responsible for the direct control of Grima Robot Troops in war zones. Combat Robots operated by issued directives from PM Controllers with no minds of their own are allowable under the Gurtan Artificial Intelligence ban. If you are interested in the Grima visit our BLOG for an article on Combat Robots in the Prydian Precinct. 

We have a number of Platoon Packs which give you a full force including two of the contained miniatures totally free. Choose from Retained Knights, Muster, Khanate Legionaries, Human Betrayers as well as Goblinoid Maligs and Grima Combat Robots. 

This is all of our news for Science Fiction for the month including the Alternate Stars Range of miniatures. It has been suggested that the recently released Armed Crew would be useful in The Ion Age and alongside Planetary Militia; we agree! 
Thanks for Reading,