Monday 1 February 2016

IMP30 Xin Monkey Bot free miniature for February 2016!

“The arrival of the Xin Trade Fleet commanded by Grand Admiral Hong Tu Quin in a star system often brings great excitement to the peoples who live on the planets there.  The hundreds of vessels that make up the fleet will divide up and visit every world with smaller shuttles and landers descending to the ground before laying out their goods to entice and to trade. While the troops of the fleet the 'Sanbao' are only used when a threat is encountered there are other more discrete means of self defence.  Foremost among these are the Onyx robots such as the Onyx Monkey.  Programmed and built to move around cargo, to retrieve orders and to climb into places Humans would have a problem reaching there are hundreds of non-sentient bots aboard every Xin vessel.  When trouble is encountered a robot such as the Onyx Monkey can be switched to a different mode and controlled by Xin merchants, officials or commanders to fight an enemy.  The monkey bot has a long tail it uses for carrying but it can act as a whip as well.  A hidden but valuable asset when the time comes.”  
Academy Auto-Trainer Series 77, New Glastonbury, 4335IC 

February is the month of the Xin here at The Ion Age with not only a new free miniature the third Xin monthly that we have had but also an entire new force added to the website.  This will happen on the 11th of February and will see the release of the 'Sanbao' or Trade Fleet Soldiers of the Grand Xin Trade Fleet.  While we will give you full details plus pictures soon there will be a number of new packs plus a platoon set with unique free miniature and a battlesuit too.  If you do not want to miss this I suggest that you join our Mailchimp email list (link on the top right) too if you have not already since our email lets you know what is going on and features a unique offer that is really worth it. This month it is an offer that comes with a shotgun surprise.

IMP30 Onyx Monkey Bot.  For the whole of February 2016 this animal robot in 15mm scale is automatically put into every order at the rate of one per order regardless of order value.  It can also be bought in any amount on the monthly IMP page of the website for this month only too before being withdrawn on the first of next month.  A non-sentient machine it has a long tail and while meant for warehouse duties it can function as a combat guard too for your characters.  A great addition for your forces. The miniature is one piece in white metal and stands approx 10mm tall and nearly 25mm long. You also earn Reward Points on all orders too with us through your account.  You can check your balance on your account any time.  We realise that some of you may wish to purchase the currently free miniature to get multiples of it without placing a lot of orders so you can do just that. Visit this page on the website for the miniature at a fair price for a special miniature.  There is a page on the Ion Age website where the current and all former IMP series free miniatures are shown so that you can see what came before.  Enjoy and go HERE

This month we are totally about space opera style Chinese miniatures in the form of the new Xin Trade Fleet range.  We will make all of our releases for the month on the 11th February and alongside this there will be an 'Info Burst' article too about the Xin.  Above you can see an example of the superb quality of the new miniatures in the form of a Sanbao trade fleet soldier armed with a heavy blaster (16mm tall).  Below is a scale shot showing this month's free miniature next to the unique free miniature in the coming Sanbao platoon pack, then one of the Xin Warrior Monks in super heavy armour and lastly the 'Jade Ape' battlesuit of the Xin.

A new army on a new page with a load of releases all sculpted by our lead designer Sam Croes....11th February 2016.  Visit their page on our website HERE.

Each month on the 1st we look back a year and then another year to see what was going on at The Ion Age at those times in terms of the monthly free miniature and major news and releases.  In February 2015 we had IMP18 Female Xin Youxia along with the releases of our Planetary Militia platoon and vehicles go HERE to see the articles from that month. In February 2014 we had IMP06 Xin Envoy (meaning there are now three Xin monthly miniatures) and we released not only the Khamel Tracked Bike but also the Duxis Battlesuit too.  Go HERE to see the articles from that month.  The Ion Age grows and expands every month!

Thanks for reading.


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