Saturday 1 March 2014

Female Patrol Officer - IMP07 free miniature for March 2014

"So we know there are ladies in the Retained and that the Muster Patrol is on the they have female officers?  Yeah, sure they do.  Lets make that the free miniature for March then.  March will be a big month for the Muster what with the Skylark coming out too."

On Christmas Eve 2013 we released IAF022 Muster 1st Patrol and we followed up on it this week with IAF028 Khamel Tracked Bike set for the Muster too.  In fact we have a command set for Muster Patrol soon too so it made perfect sense to give this month to the Muster.  After all with a Skylark or three in your collection you will want this lady too and you would get her free to boot.  With a Moth Type 6 Rifle slung across her waist she is shouting orders and has her hand held up signalling a halt to the patrol.

The Female Muster Patrol Officer is the white metal 15mm miniature in the above image and until 1st April 2013 she is FREE in each and every order placed with us at the rate of one per order placed. After that date she will be retired and replaced by the next free miniature and of course you earn reward points on all orders too.  We realise that some of you may wish to purchase the current free miniature to get multiples of it without placing a lot of orders so you can do just that.  Visit this page on the website for the miniature at a fair price.  Yours for the next thirty days....

There is a growing page on the Ion Age website where the current and all former IMP series free miniatures are shown so that you can see what came before.  Enjoy and go HERE.



  1. Nice. With that pose, she would make a great roadblock/checkpoint guard.

    1. She is proving rather popular as a selling miniature as well as for free. Perhaps this is why. I see what you mean, my own thoughts were along the lines of 'halt!' or 'wait I see the enemy' or 'bring the heavy weapons forward'.
