Tuesday 24 December 2013

Christmas Offers 24th to 27th December 2013

Merry Christmas everyone! We have a special four day offer running from 24th to 27th December 2013. Two new releases IAF017 and IAF022 at 10% off (or 20% if you take three packs) and six of our most popular codes also at 10% off (or 20% if you take three packs). All of the offer products are on our Early Supporter Page.

Click on the products you like the look of and remember you will get Reward Points on all purchases AND automatically you will get IMP04 Santa Desteria (worth 2.00GBP) in your package. Get into The Ion Age this festive season!

Here are the two new releases out today at 10% (and 20% off three packs) off list price for the four days of the event!

IAF017 Ellen and Ripley
Two unique character miniatures to lead your Retained Knights. Female personalities for your IAF016 Retained Post Delta perhaps? Perfect for battling aliens! 

IAF022 Muster 1st Patrol
Ten different poses of miniatures in light armour and scout helmets. Our first expansion to the Muster ranks of the 15mm Ion Age since our launch with IAF003. 

Here is a list of the other codes which are at 10% (and 20% off for three packs) off list price for the four days of the event. You can see all these just now during the offer period on the Early Supporter Page.

IAF003 Muster 1st Squad (10 Infantry)
IAF008 Retained Post Charlie (10 Retained Knights)
IAF013 Murdo and Galaine (2 Desteria Knight characters)
IAF018 Legion 3rd Tesseran (8 Khanate Legionaries)
IAF007 Canthus Monocycle Set (3 Khanate Miniatures)
IAF023 Fallen Havelock Battlesuit (1 Resin Terrain piece)

Information Burst!
Its Christmas Time there's no need to be afraid (well unless you are caught up in the ongoing Prydian Civil War or the fight against the Khanate) and we have two new releases for you. In response to wargamers requests after IAF016 Retained Post Delta was released Sam Croes has made two female personalities and mighty fine thy are too. Suitable as characters or simply commanders for normal Retained posts or lances. We have now also kicked off the start of our Muster expansion with the first pack of Patrol poses. There is a lot in store for the Patrol in 2014 as they feature heavily in the Patrol Angis rules system. So, once you have munched and otherwise done all the festive things take some time to yourself and visit us. You will get Reward Points on all purchases (and those already with points can redeem them during this offer too) and with a week left to get IMP04 Santa Desteria free automatically in your package now is the time.

Merry Christmas Everyone!



May 2019 and The Ion Age has been taken back into Alternative Armies.  It continues with new releases into the future!  Go to Alternative Armies for Ion Age pages of the 15mm Range the 15mm Terrain Range the 28mm Range the Publications range and the Free Downloads collection too for the latest.  All links to the ion age site are now defunct sorry!  If you wish to see something or ask a question email me on sales@alternative-armies.com.  GBS


  1. With every new release I have to repeat the mantra "I don't do space opera gaming any more, I'm over it" and with every new release I believe it less and less. Might have to use some christmas bonus to pick up a havelock and/or some Muster, and/or some Shia Khan - not because I like sci-fi space opera minis, you understand, but for science ;)

    1. Thanks for the kind words and I am glad you are enjoying the new releases. You are about the fifth person to accuse us of gaming related 'torture' with our lovely miniatures. For science you might just have to conduct some experiments. Indeed there is just over a day left in the Xmas Offer period.

