Auto-Trainer series 52 previous input explained the five primary types of the Model 32 Taranis Main Battle Tank and this now continues into the secondary types and local specialised adaptive local variants. This is not an exhaustive list as local variants are many and the Leagues have made many alterations to the based on their particular needs. The Type F is gaining popularity and since 4326IC has been fabricated in great numbers for regiments on the front lines. It is a missile support type mounting a six block of Anda 115mm Missiles with automatic reload from hull storage and rotation from a modified core hull mounting. There are multiple choices in missiles with high explosive or penetrators being the most common. Also gaining in popularity is the Type G which is an energy based weapons platform for Taranis just as the Type C is but where as the Type C has the often problematic super heavy Fretan SBP9 Sequence Particle Beamer the Type G has a turret mounted Valerin 50Mw Laser Cannon which while not as lethal as the Fretan it does not have greater range and does not need the manifold and shroud replacement requirements that the SBP9 causes in the fray. Responding to the increase in ultra large armoured foes on the field of battle the Type H does away with its Turret and has an adapted hull with a centrally mounted 'Eage' 85Mw Valerin Laser Cannon one of the most lethal energy weapons carried by a ground vehicle in the Precinct. Much rarer are the Type I, Type J and Type K Taranis which are in turn a mobile Hurwent Shield Generating station, a quad mounted anti-aircraft vehicle and an armoured battlefield recovery vehicle. Special mention should be made of the rather odd Type L which features a modified hull upon which are four small turrets one in each corner are placed carrying weapons such as the Valerin 15Mw, the Moth 88 Rotary and the Anda 60mm missile pod. Its use is in low intensity warfare as a heavily armoured vehicle which engages primarily light opponents. There are many local specialised variants beyond the official 'Types' recognised by the Targa Works on New Glastonbury in fact too many to even attempt to list but there are a few Model 32's which have been fitted with a double set of repulsar engines plus an enlarged hull for an additional fusion reactor to power them. This specialised variant mounts magnetic accelerator weapons of the Fretan series which feed from the extra electricity available and is capable of generating a very localised Hurwent shield when stationary. It has no official designation but it is referred to the 'Franca' and it is extremely fast and lethal.
Academy Auto-Trainer Series 52, New Glastonbury, 4335IC
Welcome to our last release for March 2016 and its an epic EIGHT yes eight new variants of the massive and mighty Taranis main battle tank. Our primary armoured vehicle designed by industry legend Bob Naismith now has twenty eight different variants across four means of propulsion. Tracked, Hover, Wheeled and Anti-Gravity with cannon turret, command turret, energy turret, siege gun and armoured personnel carrier versions. We have now added the dazzling high powered Valerin Laser Cannon turret and the Anda multiple pod missile system turret variants. We hope you enjoy these new turrets designed by Bob Naismith and Sam Croes go
HERE to see them or read on for full details.
We are expanding the line of these tanks according to the universe fiction in this article with the Type F and Type G of the Model 32 Taranis MBT now being actual models! Taranis is now the modular super heavy tank with the most number of variants anywhere in the 15mm world of wargaming and its proved so popular. The tank varies in size by propulsion system with wheeled and hover being narrower than tracked and anti-gravity being longer than the others but in general a Taranis tank is about 90mm long and 55mm wide and about 30mm tall. It is a beast!
IAF100F Taranis Tracked MBT Laser Turret
This is a tracked Taranis with a very powerful laser turret. It is composed of six resin and white metal pieces which are the upper hull, the lower hull, right and left tracks sections, laser cannon turret as well as the sponson gun in white metal. It is easy to assemble and is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is very durable. Assembled this vehicle is just over 90mm long and 60mm wide making it a super heavy main battle tank in any 15mm scale force. Purchase one or use the drop down menu to select 'Buy Three and Save 10%' on screen. Price 20.00GBP
IAF101F Taranis Wheeled MBT Laser Turret
This is an eight wheeled Taranis with a very powerful laser turret. It is composed of six resin and white metal pieces which are the upper hull, the lower hull, right and left wheeled sections, laser cannon turret as well as the sponson gun in white metal. It is easy to assemble and is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is durable. Assembled this vehicle is about 90mm long and 50mm wide making it a super heavy main battle tank in any 15mm scale force. We offer the choice of purchasing one kit or on the drop down menu the purchase of three with a saving of 10% on screen. Price 18.00GBP.
IAF102F Taranis Lifter MBT Laser Turret
This is a hover Taranis main battle tank with a powerful laser turret. It is composed of four resin and white metal pieces which are the upper hull, the hover skirt unit, laser cannon turret as well as the sponson gun in white metal. It is easy to assemble and is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is durable. Assembled this vehicle is about 90mm long and 55mm wide making it a super heavy main battle tank in any 15mm scale force. We offer the choice of purchasing one kit or on the drop down menu the purchase of three with a saving of 10% on screen. Price 18.00GBP.
IAF103F Taranis Repulsar MBT Laser Turret
This is an anti-gravity Taranis with a powerful laser turret. It is composed of six resin and white metal pieces which are the upper hull, the lower hull, right and left propulsion fins sections, laser turret as well as the sponson gun in white metal. It is easy to assemble and we supply the kit with the finely detailed anti-gravity left and right fins on supporting resin blocks which can be removed with a hobby blade. This vehicle is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is durable. Assembled this vehicle is just over 110mm long and 55mm wide; its a big tank. We offer the choice of purchasing one kit or on the drop down menu the purchase of three with a saving of 10% on screen. Price 20.00GBP.
HERE for all of the Prydian Vehicles in 15mm scale.
IAF100G Taranis Tracked MBT Missile Turret
This is a tracked Taranis with a missile turret containing six blocks of four medium missiles each. It is composed of fsix resin pieces which are the upper hull, the lower hull, right and left tracks sections, the missile blocks and the turret mount. It is easy to assemble and is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is very durable. Assembled this vehicle is just over 90mm long and 60mm wide making it a super heavy main battle tank in any 15mm scale force. Purchase one or use the drop down menu to select 'Buy Three and Save 10%' on screen. Price 20.00GBP
IAF101G Taranis Wheeled MBT Missile Turret
This is an eight wheeled Taranis with a missile turret containing six blocks of four medium missiles each. It is composed of six resin parts which are the upper hull, the lower hull, right and left wheeled sections, the missile blocks and the turret mount. It is easy to assemble and is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is durable. Assembled this vehicle is about 90mm long and 50mm wide making it a super heavy main battle tank in any 15mm scale force. We offer the choice of purchasing one kit or on the drop down menu the purchase of three with a saving of 10% on screen. Price 18.00GBP.
IAF102G Taranis Lifter MBT Missile Turret
This is a hover Taranis main battle tank with a missile turret containing six blocks of four medium missiles each. It is composed of four resin parts which are the upper hull, the hover skirt unit, the missile blocks and the turret mount. It is easy to assemble and is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is durable. Assembled this vehicle is about 90mm long and 55mm wide making it a super heavy main battle tank in any 15mm scale force. We offer the choice of purchasing one kit or on the drop down menu the purchase of three with a saving of 10% on screen. Price 18.00GBP.
IAF103G Taranis Repulsar MBT Missile Turret
This is an anti-gravity Taranis with a missile turret containing six blocks of four medium missiles each. It is composed of six resin parts which are the upper hull, the lower hull, right and left propulsion fins sections, the missile blocks and the turret mount. It is easy to assemble and we supply the kit with the finely detailed anti-gravity left and right fins on supporting resin blocks which can be removed with a hobby blade. This vehicle is designed to be used for wargaming and thus it is durable. Assembled this vehicle is just over 110mm long and 55mm wide; its a big tank. We offer the choice of purchasing one kit or on the drop down menu the purchase of three with a saving of 10% on screen. Price 20.00GBP.
HERE for all of the Prydian Vehicles in 15mm scale.
There are now twenty eight, yes nearly thirty, different variants of the mighty Taranis Main Battle Tank and there is a wealth of information and images about these big 15mm scale vehicles on our blog as articles. To see all the posts click on this link which takes you to the Taranis 'tab' on the blog
IAF081 Taranis Running Drones -
IAF082 Taranis Repulsar Drones -
Information Burst
The last release for this month sees us follow up on last year for the Taranis tank and last week we added a firth civilian theme packs to the Ion Age Universe page of the range meaning twenty five different humans and robots for any setting. We have also seen the replacement of the molds for the
Super Blue Adder which is a light vehicle with heavy armour that is popular with Taranis owning wargamers as a scout vehicle.

This month our free miniature is
IMP31 Padraig O'Malig. For the whole of March 2016 this 15mm scale Space Goblin is automatically put into every order at the rate of one per order regardless of order value. It can also be bought in any amount on the monthly IMP page of the website for this month only too before being withdrawn on the first of next month. Dressed in mock Irish garb and clutching a pistol and a pint of stout he is great fun and a good character for your army. The miniature is one piece in white metal and stands approx 14mm tall. You earn reward points on all orders too through your account (we NEVER send any email or such to your account its sole function is to keep your Reward Points, sign up to our email list if you want our newsletters). We realise that some of you may wish to purchase the currently free miniature to get multiples of it without placing a lot of orders so you can do just that. Read the full monthly free article for March 2016 on our blog
Thanks for Reading,