
Monday, 1 April 2019

Half price Pressure Doors in our 15mm terrain range this month and free postage until 16th April

Welcome to April!  This month the space opera awesome of The Ion Age is making a great offer to wargamers from our 15mm terrain range.  The versatile Pressure Door End pack is half price until the end of the month.  Go HERE for the range.  As well as this there not long to wait until you can see the new Skylark Patrol Flyer and our March to War event is on as well.  We have free postage worldwide on orders of 20GBP or more in cart plus 25% off both Steornede Battlesuits during the event.  As well as this following on from the Patrol Angis player participation game at this years Arcticon we will have Aris's AAR to read as well!  

If you wish to create a great looking gaming table for near future or space opera 15mm wargaming then you should check out our terrain range.  Here is a list of all the codes plus the three bundles which have a built in 20% saving too.

IAF044BU01 Habitation Outpost Bundle save 20%
Two IAF015 Hab Domes, two IAF044H Turret Connectors with two Missile Pods, one IAF044E Four Ways Crossroads connector, one IAF044D Three Way Connector, one IAF044A Straight Connector, one IAF044G Pressure End Door Connector and an IAF043 Power Spire. A complete and a great place to expand from as well. Suitable for use in any 15mm scale science fiction wargaming setting.

IAF044BU02 Habitation Base Bundle save 20%
Two IAF015 Hab Domes, two IAF015 Tower Modules with Base Plates, one IAF040 Block House, one IAF015 Landing Pad with Missile Pod, two IAF044H Turret Connectors with two Missile Pods, two IAF044D Three Ways Connectors, two IAF044C Corner Connectors, two IAF044A Straight Connectors, two IAF044B Double Length Straight Connectors one IAF015 Comms Spire top mount and an IAF043 Power Spire. A complete and a great place to expand from as well. Suitable for use in any 15mm scale science fiction wargaming setting.

IAF044BU03 Habitation Colony Bundle save 20%
One IAF070 Command Dome, five IAF015 Hab Domes, two IAF015 Tower Modules with Base Plates, two IAF040 Block Houses, one IAF015 Landing Pad with Missile Pod, two IAF044H Turret Connectors with two Missile Pods, one IAF044E Four Ways Crossroads connector, two IAF044F T Junction Three Connectors, one IAF044C Corner Connector, two IAF044A Straight Connectors, one IAF044B Double Length Straight Connector one IAF015 Comms Spire top mount and an IAF043 Power Spire. A complete and a great place to expand from as well. Suitable for use in any 15mm scale science fiction wargaming setting.

IAF015 Hab Dome
IAF040 Block House
IAF070 Command Dome
IAF015D Tower Module
IAF015E Landing Pod Module
IAF015J Smashed Hab Dome
IAF015K Cratered Hab Dome
IAF024 Fabricator Spire
IAF043 Power Spire
IAF034 Skylark Cradle

IAF015A Sentry Gun Turret
IAF015B Comms Spire Mount
IAF015C Hurwent Shield Generator

IAF015K Moth 88 Gun Turret 
IAF015L Angis Cannon Turret 
IAF015M Bodkin Howitzer Turret 
IAF015N Valerin Laser Turret 
IAF015O Fretan Rail Gun Turret

IAF015F Flak Cannon Turret
IAF015G Two Block Missile Pod Turret

IAF044A Straight Connectors
IAF044B Double Length Straight Connectors
IAF044C Corner Connectors
IAF044D Three Way Connectors
IAF044E Four Way Crossroad Connector
IAF044F T Junction Connectors
IAF044G Pressure Door End Connectors

IAF064A Habitation Geo Shelter
IAF064B Storage Geo Shelter
IAF064C Laboratory Geo Shelter
IAF064D Defender Geo Shelter
IAF064E Smashed Geo Shelter

IAF023 Fallen Havelock Battlesuit
IAF032 Fallen Duxis Battlesuit
IAF037 Smashed Adder Combat Car
IAF038 Smashed Adder Combat Lifter
IAF033 Crashed Skylark Patrol Flyer 

As mentioned earlier the IAF029 Skylark Patrol Flyer is no more.  The original model has been withdrawn from sale and is retired.  But do not fret IonFans!  The 'lark will return in a new expanded version of the code in a few day time!  It will be still the same code and the same vehicle in the game but a new incarnation.  Those who have one or more of the now extinct version one are part of a club now as there shall be no more. You can find rules for the Skylark in Callsign Taranis.

Thanks for Reading,