
Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Lift yourself at The Ion Age this May 2018

May Day! Danger!  Well not if you are an IonFan and want to know what the fifth month of this year will bring in terms of space opera wargaming as it is all good.  We begin the month with the first of three new releases and it doubles as the month long special offer which ends 1st June 2018.  See the brand new Anti Gravity Base pack HERE saving 25%.  As well as this we will be having a Four Day May Day event this weekend which will see the second new release arriving and it will be included FREE in any order placed during the event; read on for more.  Towards the end of the month we will have a new 15mm vehicle which replaces one already in the range updating it as we did with the Mullo AFV.  Go to our WEBSITE or delve into the detail here.

On offer all this month ending 1st June is the brand new IAF160 Anti Gravity Bases pack which we use in play and in our images of floating or repulsar type vehicles.  There are four bases in each pack and the pack is 25% off all this month.  Float right on over HERE.

IAF160 Anti Gravity Bases
This pack contains four identical high quality grey tone resin bases.  Each base is 30mm across and is circular with a thickness of 3mm and features a central mount which is 5mm tall and is wide enough to support any of our vehicles which float.  Designed for use with the Taranis, Mullo, Super Blue Adder and other 'repulsar' type vehicles it allows them to 'hover above' the battlefield in a lovely fashion.  You could also place it under your anti-gravity lifter units for Portable Weapon Platforms or other miniatures which suit it.  You can use these bases with any range and scale of models and they will fit our Troop Element Trays with 30mm slots.  5.00GBP per Pack. Go HERE.

Above you can see a composite picture featuring a IAF042C Mullo Armoured Fighting Vehicle repulsar type 15mm vehicle mounted upon the new base.  Looks great!

Three New Releases and an Event in May 2018

The new pack of bases is our first new release of three this month and it is on the website now.  Here are the details in brief of what else will be happening this month so you can ready yourself and if you wish to take advantage of the May Day Weekend event too.  Remember you get Reward Points on every order you place with us added to your account on the website (you must have an account on the website setting it up first time you use a welcome gift of 100 Points!) and these can be used to gain discounts and free items on any future order at any time.  Millions of points earned and spent with us so far!

On Friday 4th May through to the end of Monday 8th May we will have our 'May Day' event in which we will be adding a pack of Planetary Militia Cold Climes gunners in every order which is placed with us.  A gift of a brand new pack which will also be released on 4th May.  IAF147 Cold Climes Amber Gun Crew our second release contains two different 15mm scale miniatures wearing heated uniforms and long coats an officer and gunner and is worth 1.00GBP.  A fun event and if you play Planetary Militia it is something you will want for your Amber Portable Weapon Platforms.

A free article titled 'Creating a Cold Climes Force in Patrol Angis' which will guide you through the selection and then roster assembly for playing the game will be published on 16th May for you to read.

The third new release will appear around the 24th May and it is a cracker.  As you can tell we are on a bit of a floating theme this month and it all leads here.  We will have a brand new 2.0 version of the IAF080 SuperBlue Adder!  A heavily armoured repulsar Adder variant of light vehicle which is a dedicated hunter killer armed with a Valerin Laser Cannon.  Sam Croes is finalising it now and it is looking excellent.

Thank you as always for your support with our little space opera brand.  We work hard and we make quality miniatures to continue to expand this sci-fi universe that you all so enjoy.


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