
Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Prang Army in Patrol Angis free PDF download

A free expansion by PDF for Patrol Angis and today is the day. The Ion Age is happy to present The Prang Army in Patrol Angis as a multiple page PDF which contains fiction, statistics, tables, rank structure and optional test rules along with some photos using the miniatures. You will need the Patrol Angis book but aside from that all you need is in the PDF. 

You can download the free PDF from our Dropbox account by clicking on this link HERE. Enjoy! 

You can find all of the alien Prang designed by Eli Arndt on their page of our website HERE

Back in January we added the first new 15mm scale at The Ion Age from this alien race...the Prang Raiders! Created and sculpted by Eli Arndt (the fine fellow behind Loud Ninja Games and many SHM miniatures at our sister website The Prang Raiders have several codes plus a platoon pack too enough to build an entire force. And if you missed it at the time there is also a free Patrol Angis PDF for them too which you can download by clicking on this link HERE

I hope you enjoy these PDF's and if you have questions or feedback please do make contact with us. There are two other items to mention at this point in September as well. We have no more releases for the month and we have released the new Prang Army as well as two new Art Posters as well (the cover art of Patrol Angis and Callsign Taranis) over the last two weeks but we have a special offer. 25% off the new now resin Havelock Battlesuit until the end of the month as well as a great article about the Barony of Malmsbury

Lastly every order this month gets the free IMP37 Prang Ambassador included automatically in the package which is great if you are getting into the Prang. You can learn more about each of these things by clicking on the links. 

Thanks for Reading. 



  1. Thank you for the free PDF Gavin. It mentions Prang Raiders in a couple of places but I assume that the new PDF relates only to the Prang Army and that the original Prang Raiders PDF is still valid?

    1. Our pleasure Andrew. Yes, the Prang are Raiders and Army. Both PDF's are valid the Army one builds atop the Raiders one but you can use either. GBS

  2. That's great. Thank you. Hopefully you will be releasing Prang command and specialist figures as well some time?

    1. No problem. Yes, the other half of the core platoon is in the works now. Eli is sculpting them at this time and they will be released in the future. GBS
