
Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Mastergunz paints the Duxis 'Winnower' Battlesuit

"Hello fellow tabletop wargamers,

My name is Todd Farnholtz but many of you may know me better as 'Mastergunz' or simply 'Gunz'. I started painting professionally for CamoSpecsOnline in 2009 and have since expanded to doing work for Reaper and a whole host of other miniature companies. In the last few months I have fallen in love with all things Sci-Fi 15mm...especially that of the more mechanical variety. A good friend of mine turned me onto pieces from The Ion Age, namely the power suits! I recently got my hands on a Duxis Spear Variant and loved the mini so much I had to do a little review. 

Put simply the 'feel' of this piece brings back memories of yesteryear and long nights spent rolling dice. The mini was an exceptionally clean cast with very little in the way of mold lines. A little trimming was needed to make sure the parts fit snugly but no more than any other white metal miniature. The kit comes in five pieces total (1 head, 2 lower arms, torso/upper arms, and legs. There is just enough pose-ability to make each mini unique when fielding more than one. The real joy of this piece was the sculpt. There is just enough detail to make it fun to paint without being 'busy' or overwhelming which seems to be a common and much appreciated theme among the Ion Age pieces. I especially liked the 'jump pack' sculpted into the back that, honestly, I had no idea was there, lol! It gives it a very 'leap into combat and stab the first big beasty you see' feel. I have since picked up a few Havelock battlesuits with optional weapon arms and some a squad of the female power armoured troopers in the form of IAF016 Retained Post Delta. 

Now back to the painting table to get to work on the next one, :)"


I hope you enjoyed Todd's pictures and his short article.  He loves our miniatures so much he wanted to do a piece for us and here it is. Wonderful work on the Duxis and I look forward to seeing what he does with his Havelock and female Retained Knights.  Got to love purple!

There are eight variants of Duxis Battlesuit which you can see HERE for the close combat ones and HERE for the ranged combat ones.  A great miniature about 30mm tall with options and at just 5.00GBP for a battlesuit it is a real find.  

Well done Todd!

Thanks for Reading,



  1. That is a very cool color scheme.

  2. Interesting painting technique. I first thought this used "zenithal shading" with spray primer but I see it's more like careful highlights applied with an airbrush, then overpainted. Super vibrant results!
