
Thursday, 24 September 2015

IAF100 Taranis Tracked Main Battle Tanks built!

There is a detailed article concerning all of the pieces of each of the five variants of the forthcoming IAF100 Taranis Tracked Main Battle Tank, including many images and scale shots and you can view it HERE. This short post has but one goal and that is to show you the five variants assembled from their parts! Excellent and these are the first production mold castings which will feature in October 2015 in our Early Supporter Offers on this great tank designed by Bob Naismith. 

IAF100A Taranis Main Battle Tank
IAF100A Rear View
IAF100B Taranis Command Tank
IAF100B Rear View
IAF100C Taranis Tank Energy Weapon
IAF100C Rear View
IAF100D Taranis Siege Tank
IAF100D Rear View
IAF100E Taranis APC
IAF100E Rear View
Taranis is about 90mm long and about 60mm wide typically and most variants have only a half dozen pieces that are very simple to assemble. Heck, I assembled the ones in the pictures and I am well known for being all thumbs when it comes to modelling and converting miniatures. For full details of the variants go to our more detailed article HERE

Thanks for Reading. 



  1. I think I'll add the laser & APC variants to my 'to buy' list...

    1. Excellent! October for the early supporter offers is not far off.


  2. now _this_ strikes my fancy - clean, crisp, modern. Have you said what they'll retail for and I just missed it?

    1. Price is not yet announced but there will be an Early Supporter Offer and details of this are soon. Our larger releases get an 'ESO' where you get a discount and free things too. Stay tuned.


  3. This looks like a monster! I think I want a few...

  4. Any plans for grav or GEV versions in the future? Wondering whether to go for early supporter or save my precious pennies for a later version...

    1. Thanks for your comment Paul. Taranis will end up with four motive systems and we are at work upon the second now. I cannot give you dates but yes there will be a GEV, Anti-Gravity, Repulsar series of versions in the future but not for a two or three months. You will have to choose I am afraid.

