
Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Conflict Cornucopia blog reviews Patrol Angis

Patrol Angis has been released now for a number of weeks and hundreds of copies of the fantastic power packed A5 book have winged their way around the world.  One person who had received their copy and has a lot to say about it is Chris Walkley who runs the Conflict Cornucopia blog.  He has posted up an in depth review covering the book itself as well as the background, the core mechanics, force organisation and his own considered thoughts.  Its a really good read and deftly explains why he likes The Ion Age so much. You can read his post on his blog HERE.

If you are keen on Patrol Angis you can purchase it as a book or a game pack with miniatures.  Go HERE. Either way it comes with the unique Knight Errant 15mm miniature that you can only get with it and of course the current monthly free miniature too.  Excellent!

Thanks for Reading.



  1. Sounds great! Now show us the .pdf... Those A5 books get hard on the old eyes.

    1. We are discussing it this week. We are nearly at the two hundred asks that prompt customer led action for us. Annoucement on the blog once the time comes.


    2. Really happy to hear you are considering it!

      Ion Age is setting a great standard for community involvement.

    3. I'm surprised you've only discussed it, I though it was it was a sure thing, it was mentioned in the play test information that there would be a pdf. I actually would prefer a pdf version, I lose rulebooks!

  2. Great to see the rules getting some love, I'm going to finally order the rules this coming month :)

    1. Thanks Mark. Yes. I love honest inpartial reviews and this one is both. We look forward to your custom.

