
Sunday, 31 August 2014

Last Day of our Birthday Month all offers end Monday 1st September

Our Birthday month celebration ends on Monday 1st September.  This little blog post has two pieces of information to put across.  Firstly a great big thank you for making this the most enjoyable month of The Ion Age's short life thus far and secondly to remind you that all the offers we have made for this month end on the 1st September about noon GMT.

As far as our offers go if you place an order between now and when the month ends (the new free miniature appears and the offers are removed on our site) you will get the following.  IMP12 Starvaulter Instructor free in all orders and 10% of your order value in our choice of extra FREE Ion Age codes included automatically.  We also have an offer on The Havelock Battlesuit of 10% off as well.  You can also see the brand new Geo Shelters and the Corbal Deployable Hardpoint too as well as the Year One Collection and the Vehicle Conversion Pack. There is also Mad Mecha Guy's excellent Skylark article which we will feature in September as we simply did not get to it this month.

So until Monday when a new monthly free miniature appears I take my leave.

Thanks for all your support in this wonderful month and as always thanks for reading.