
Tuesday, 1 July 2014

IMP11 Female Adventurer free miniature for July 2014!

“What else goes on outside of the Prydian Civil War and the warring armies?  Well while its not the focus of The Ion Age to look beyond the military we do have a place for speculation and that is in the monthly free miniature.  Someone who takes no nonsense and can manage to make a living out of a fast draw and seeing the angle that makes the difference.  A Female Adventurer in the grand tradition of space opera.  So here she is and boy is she fine.  A unique looking miniature in 15mm scale that can be put in almost any scenario.  She has no need for one.  I am sure all of you will give her an identity that suits her just fine.  July is going to be a month of mixed things from Combat Lifters to Khanate to Terrain as well.”

The IMP11 Female Adventurer is July 2014's free miniature placed into all orders automatically at the rate of one per order (though you can purchase more and still get one free) until the end of the month.  Perhaps she is a hired gun or a seeker of fortune or even fame in any frame of imagination she is an Adventurer. Designed by Sam Croes she is wearing ridged impact armour and has long hair.  At her side is a large calibre machine pistol and a belt with many small boxes rings her waist.  This miniature is a fine addition to any 15mm science fiction collection for any game system.

After the last day in this month this miniature will be removed from free and the next IMP monthly miniature will take its place.  Of course you earn reward points on all orders too through your account.  We realise that some of you may wish to purchase the currently free miniature to get multiples of it without placing a lot of orders so you can do just that.  Visit this page on the website for the miniature at a fair price for a special miniature.  There is a growing page on the Ion Age website where the current and all former IMP series free miniatures are shown so that you can see what came before.  Enjoy and go HERE

The IMP Series of Monthly Free Miniatures – The Coming One Year Anniversary

Following our announcement back at the start of June there will be a change in the IMP Series from 1st August 2014 in the following manner.  Our first anniversary is in August and that month will see IMP12 (no sneak peeks!) as the monthly free miniature but it will also see the implementation of the following action.   Firstly the Ion Age will continue to do a new and unique monthly free miniature in all orders at the rate of one per order retired at the end of each month from being free.  Secondly we will offer that miniature as we do now for sale at the same time if customers wish multiples in a single order.  Thirdly we will set up a new page on our website called 'IMP Monthly Series' and on that page we will place all of the IMP miniatures at a fair price for regular purchase.  As each month passes the latest miniature will be added as it retires from being free.  It means we will have to invest more in molds but it means continuation.  It means a free miniature, it means great miniatures, it means no loss.  It could not be fairer.  Next month!

Thanks for Reading.


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