
Monday, 17 February 2014

Muster Khamel Tracked Bike Set - Concepting

Months ago when the playtest draft of the Patrol Angis rules were being drawn up I wanted a special looking war bike for the Muster to use (normally the Retained and especially the Starvaulters get all the cool kit) and we settled on 'The Khamel'.  Why this name?  Well once we had the design down I thought that anyone riding the thing would certainly get 'the hump' from it!  Seriously its a adaptation of a middle english word (as Havelock is) that suits a war bike very well.  Track on to the next paragraph!

The IAF028 Muster Khamel Tracked Warbike pack will be released on 27th February 2014 along with all the normal images and options for buy a pack, buy three packs with a discount and buy the single miniatures from the pack too.  I am thinking with this pack of making the Khamel Bike only a 'buy three save 10%' option too as its a unique model on its own too.  If you are keen on this then let me know.  The image in this post gives you the scale next to the 15mm Muster driver.

Most of the time the awesome comes from the minds of myself and Sam Croes for The Ion Age but this time we cannot take any credit for it.  Below you will see an image taken in the late 1930's of a vehicle that became an evolutionary dead end for technology in our world.  Designed by French inventer J.Lehaitre and shown in print.  We wanted to make this beast a space opera reality in 15mm scale so we did!  Our one has a Muster feel and an optional weapon mount but its essentially the same vehicle.

February 1938: Caterpillar Track Motorcycle

“Named the “tractor-cycle” by the inventor, J. Lehaitre, the vehicle is said to be superior to an ordinary motorcycle in its ability to climb steep and rough grades, although its speed on level ground is limited to about 25 m.p.h. Fitted with a machine gun, the cycle could be used by dispatch riders or entire military units to travel over shell-torn terrain.” - Modern Mechanix

So soon, for the first time in 15mm scale, you will be able to get your own tracked bike for our and any other setting.

Thanks for Reading!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Robin. Sam Croes sculpted it over a weekend as he was so keen on it!


  2. Thats a pretty cool bike I like it.

  3. Nicely done.

    I love machines like this in sci fi. They may defy conventional vehicle logic, but who knows what the future might bring :)

    1. Thanks Eli. Sci-fi is the place for it but remember it was actually built and it did actually work. Ride would be ruddy rough though eh! GBS

  4. The design does look pretty radical thus it has a very Sci-fi feel about it, i like the paneling as it gives it an armoured military look as well. The miniature looks great and i'm sure it will be a big hit with all the Ion age fans, i can imagine four or five of these Khamel's tearing down the flank of a games table blazing away with those front mounted canons trying to reach the enemy objective...

    1. Hello Zac. That is the same image in my own mind when I first saw the Khamel. Its a tough machine ridden by guys who get the job done. GBS

  5. Sweet ride, now we just need a Jim Raynor mini to drive it.

    1. Thanks! I had to look that fellow up. I have never had anything to do with Starcraft. We always do a riderless version so that gamers can get it and put any rider they want upon it. Two more requests for a 'but three save 10%' on the riderless Khamel already.


  6. Wow, great bike, wonder why they never caught on? Great miniature Gavin, going on my want list!

    1. Thanks for your comment Mark. Why they never caught guess would be that the ride is terrible, the speed is low, the expense is high, the handling is non existent. So in reality its not any good but in rules! Keep that list handy as there is way more to come. GBS

    2. I would guess the reasons you stated are correct. I should've added a smiley to indicate my being ironic ;) One thing I have noted about The Ion wallet can't keep up with my want list. Tis a good thang!

    3. No need for irony. I wondered the same. Its a beast of a machine compared to a wheeled bike. GBS

  7. I'll add to the wows, and I completely sympathize with the wallet not keeping up with the want list. I'm now impatiently waiting for the 20th so the shipping countdown can begin!

    1. Soon, Soon! That is why our concepts are only a month or six weeks ahead and our ESO's last two weeks. I don't want you to explode with anticipation.

