
Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Ion Age Poster Prints are Coming!

Ylona of Prydia
See the lovely lady above.  Well she caused some amount of stir among fans of the Ion Age.  So much stir in fact that we all got together here a couple of weeks ago and decided that we were going to get into the Art world.  Now I do not mean galleries and the Tate Modern instead I mean to carry on the grand old tradition of science fiction Poster Prints!

Ylona of Prydia will be our first subject.  Digitally drawn and coloured by Sam Croes she will be released as an A3 high grade Poster Print.  Below you can see the actual work held by my good lady wife.  Printed in deep rich inks on proper 200gsm poster paper with a white margin they are made locally in Scotland and are ideal for pinning to your wall or even framing.  I intend to frame my own.

The A3 Ylona Poster Print!
If this experiment works out, and I hope it does as it seems to me the artwork once held so dear in the 1980's and 1990's in wargaming books is slipping by the way now, we will consider a regular series of poster prints.  Bringing the Ion Age closer to us all with awesome big pictures for our walls.  Each poster print will be priced at a very reasonable 5.00GBP and packaged in purpose made poster tubes for mailing. We would like IonFans to benefit from the posters in relation to playing our games and as such we will not put a premium art price on them.

IAF017 Retained Post Delta - 10 Female Knights
This Thursday also sees the release of a set of 15mm white metal ladies of the Retained which have been discussed on this blog already.  With more than a thousand wargamers looking at the original post and the follow up post on the blog we had a lot of kind words and support to keep us happy while getting these miniatures ready.  Its going to be a big week for women in The Ion Age.  More on this on Thursday.

So Poster Prints and Female 15mm Retained this week.  Both big releases.  I think I will put them both together here on the blog and the website but I will send them to forums and news websites as two separate items.  Not for more impact, not for a 'look we sneezed and it's news' approach but more to see if the art rather than the metal gets more attention.

All comments and thoughts are welcome!



  1. Brilliant! Female Retained Knights march onto the battlefield. I can't wait to get some of these.

    1. Thanks!

      You need only wait until Thursday. The white metal run is being cast as of now.


  2. I just received my miniatures and the dome today!

    It is a beautiful piece of scenery, and the minis are well detailed, a pleasure to paint i'm sure!

    I am going to wait a little before offering me these nice ladies... and some other domes!! Many thanks from France!!

    1. Thanks for letting us know. Once they are painted please do show us your work we like to see painted Hab Domes and Miniatures.

      Greetings from Scotland.


  3. I haven't received them, yet. But I hope that they will arrive this week, too much years awaiting something like that.
    Thanks Gavin for fulfil my dream!

    1. Hello Slorm,

      Well I am the Dreamer of Dreams. Thanks for the kind words.

      I am sure your package will be with you soon. I have had two dozen nice emails from Hab Dome ESO customers so far. Thanks to all of them as well.


  4. That artwork is excellent, even Han likes it!
    Sam's bloomin' talented isn't he!

    1. Hi Rob! Hope your getting on well.

      I am pleased Han likes it, pass on my best to her. Sam is indeed very talented and he sends his regards too. Perhaps we will see you at Salute 2014.

