
Sunday, 8 September 2013

Space Babes in Sensible Armour!

Hello IonFans!

A quick repost here from the personal blog of lead Ion Age designer Sam Croes.  Sam is a big fan of women in science fiction art and in wargaming and as a result of this he has created a piece of art to celebrate the female Retained Knight in the service of the Prydian Army.  Much like Sam I believe that warfare in the future will greatly feature women as skill beats physical strength especially against a foe such as the Khanate Empire.

Retained Knights, much like the Muster, are both male and female with some regiments being one of one or less of the other.  There is little difference in the protection and abilities of the Alwite powered armour worn by both genders.  The female version is actually technically superior as it has to be on the whole slimmer and more form fitting but this makes these knights capable of greater dexterity especially in urban warfare.

She might be a babe as Sam says but she is all business and from the look on her face and the blood staining her armour...I would not mess with her!



  1. Indeed, it got me thinking... Powered Armour doesn't really "add" to existing strength, it has a strength of it's own. Like a machine that is "driven" by the wearer. So that means that power armour ultimately equalizes everyone, regardless of physical build or gender... Why, I could be a fabulous Retained Knight even with my scrawny physique! :P

    1. Hello Sam,

      The wearer controls the suit or the suit controls the wearer. Yes, everyone in powered armour is stronger than without but I do think that a very large man in a larger suit would be stronger than a small lady in a smaller suit, more muscle bundles in the armour and so on. However the smaller wearer would be more nimble.

      I think we had best keep you away from the front lines my friend!


    2. Well, such a very big and strong man (the kind that can carry an 80kg table on his back up the stairs ;) ) really should be wearing Desteria armour instead. :) But yeah, makes sense as you say it.

    3. Stop it, you will make me blush! :-)

      Raises another interesting question though. Do you have to be a big person to wear Noblesse Armour and be Desteria? 15mm players will find out this week I think.


  2. Any way you look at it I hope to see Ion Age figures like the female soldiers in those pictures. I think they would make a great addition to a tabletop army.

    1. Hello Dave,

      Watch this blog for more on the ladies of the Ion Age in the next couple of weeks. You will be made happy.

