
Monday, 11 March 2024

Patrol Angis back in print and offer on Ion Age 15mm and 28mm

IonFans!  The time has arrived.  It took a bit longer than expected but the new print run of the core Patrol Angis book is now in and back in stock.  The first of three books (with Callsign Taranis giving you vehicle rules and more plus The Khanate Return giving alien foes and Planetary Militia) it has all you need to play skirmish with two or solo play.  Full details on the website.

We have a code for you to use celebrating this book’s return.  Enter this in the box at checkout... 


...and your cart total will reduce by 20% on screen before proceeding to shipping.  Use the code for any Ion Age 15mm or 28mm or books and so on. Ends 25th March.  Enjoy!

The Ion Age 15mm Range

Patrol Angis is a skirmish level of wargame which means it typically has between a dozen and about forty miniatures a side in play during a game. It works well with more but those amounts are ideal. Most games have one Platoon sized force per player and have one or two or maybe even three players. A Platoon or Lance which contains typically twenty two (22) miniatures. In Patrol Angis you play either as the Prydian Army in its quest to reclaim worlds lost to the Marcher Barons during the Civil War or you can play in the employ of Canlaster or Yordist or any of the other dozen smaller array of Marcher Barons. This includes playing as a “Conda”' or paid professional mercenary for any side.

This is low intensity warfare title where troops mainly on foot, root each other out over small objectives. It’s not massive, not often glamorous, but it’s pure adventure, it’s the stuff of heroes and it’s skirmishing at its best! Easy to get into and to build upon. It’s the starting point for your wargaming in The Ion Age!

It is a book or a digital download or a game pack with miniatures, dice and bases.

While Patrol Angis is meant for use with the 15mm range it can be used with the 28mm Ion Age Miniatures too. Simply change centimetres to inches and you are ready to go with Retained Knights, Muster and more. We have made great efforts to have both scales match up and it means the rules will work with both.

Thanks for Reading!