
Friday, 28 September 2018

Adder Combat Tankettes in Patrol Angis free download

As the second Khanate War continued and worlds fell to the Legions as they spread ever further from the Matter Gateway in the Camarthen stellar system the threat to the entire Prydian Precinct grew dire. The Marcher Barons were in retreat and the Prydian Army in ascendency after twenty years of civil war but this did not mean that the military might of the Throne was enough. Split between dealing with the growing alien invasion and the struggle for dominance in the core systems this resulted in neither war being tackled fully. In 4340 IC the death of the Kingmaker Nevall in battle against Princess Cyon meant the Precinct was once more at peace with only small scale conflicts left to stamp out. The loss of most of Knight General Obermann's fleet in 4331 IC on and around Camarthen Prime had meant near a decade of hit and run campaigns against the Dragon Ships as they sail in darkness out across the stellar cluster. While Humanity was able to deal with a single Dragon Ship entering a planetary orbit this was not the case as pairs and then trios and more of these mighty warships, each carrying an entire Legion, began to appear together. It would take several years to gather enough might to tackle the Matter Gateway head on so for the moment single regiments were dispatched to hold and harry as best they could. 

The clamour for Taranis and Magogs was constantly coming back to New Glastonbury and in such numbers that the demand could not be met. It takes a lot of time and resources to build the mightiest war machines so a solution was looked for to supply the Camarthen Cluster with armoured vehicles for the use of Muster and Planetary Militia in huge numbers. Part of this was the Mullo Type 36 AFV as well as the existing Adder light vehicles but a new modular assembly was founded in 4336 IC with the creation of the Adder Combat Tankettes. A stop gap measure to combat Khanate Orbs and tanks. These tracked vehicles have a weight of just over seven and a half tons and roughly eighteen feet in length that Adder is not a combat heavy weight like the Taranis. A colour coding system is in use to make Adders easy to assign to Regiments and to allow Planetary Militia who are not be as used to war as a Retained Knight a simple recognition method. The Red Adder Tankette is the standard model mounting a turret with a Moth 88 Rotary Cannon. The Yellow Adder is the fire support variant and has two crew along with a turret with an Anda 60mm Missile Pod. The Black Adder acts as an armoured punch giving the Muster the ability to knock out battlesuits and other smaller tough targets with two crew and a turret mounted Fretan Rail Gun. Less common is the Orange Adder which is infantry support mounting a specialised turret with a Moth 30 automatic 50mm Grenade Launcher. Dedicated Adders include the Green Adder which is a command and control car at the battalion level and the White Adder for medical teams and battlefield triage. The 'Battle Taxi' type Grey Adder is heavily modified and can carry two fire-teams or a squad at a real squeeze. There are also some very specialised Adders too for purposes such as Blue Adder, the Brown Adder and the Purple Adder. 
Academy Auto-Trainer Series 52, New Glastonbury, 4342 IC. 

Welcome to our article which gives you the free expansion rules for adding Adder Combat Tankettes to your games of Patrol Angis. The Early Supporter offers upon these vehicles end 1st October 2018 saving 10% to 25% off release price with special bundles.  See these offers HERE.

Players of Patrol Angis using the heavy vehicle expansion title Callsign Taranis are most welcome to CLICK HERE to download from our website a free article with game statistics and more in it for use of these new vehicles in play. There are other free articles which can be had for Patrol Angis HERE on the website by following the links hosted on our website. Enjoy! 

When you need a bit more armour on your light vehicles to take on Battlesuits!

IAF164A Red Adder Combat Tankette
This pack contains one white metal and resin 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Red Adder' combat tankette variant armed with a Moth rotary cannon in a turret mount. This is the standard Adder for varied uses. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall.   Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a turret along with a separate weapon and hatch. Very easy to assemble.  Go HERE.

IAF164B Yellow Adder Combat Tankette
This pack contains one resin 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Yellow Adder' combat tankette variant armed with twin Anda 60mm Rocket Pods in a turret mount. This is the Fire Support Adder. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall.   Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a turret. Very easy to assemble. Go HERE.

IAF164C Black Adder Combat Tankette
This pack contains one resin and white metal 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Black Adder' combat tankette variant armed with a Fretan Rail Gun in a turret mount. This is the punch the 'anti-armour' Adder. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall.  Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a turret with separate hatch and weapon. Very easy to assemble.  Go HERE.

IAF164D Orange Adder Combat Tankette
This pack contains one resin and white metal 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Orange Adder' combat tankette variant armed with a 50mm Grenade Launcher in a turret mount. This is the infantry support Adder. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall.   Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a turret with separate hatch and weapon. Very easy to assemble.  Go HERE.

IAF164E Green Adder Control Tankette
This pack contains one resin and white metal 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Green Adder' is the communications and control variant for the battlefield with comms gear and extra armour. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall. Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a top mount with separate dish. Very easy to assemble. Go HERE.

Thanks for Reading, 


Tuesday, 25 September 2018

The Interview a story and game stats by Aris Kolehmainen


It is my great pleasure to have a chuckle and to present to all you IonFans out there who play Patrol Angis and enjoy a tale set in The Ion Age a free article by our good friend Aris Kolehmainen.  An interview with a hero of the Desteria Knights who is not quite what he seems.  A fine read and it is followed by game statistics for using the character of Lord Pompous in your games.

Click HERE to download this free three page article from our website.  The Interview contains a first person story as well as game rules to field this character.

The Desteria Knights are the super heavy infantry of the Prydian Army and of the Marcher Barons and the mercenary Condots.  Used to crack the hardest targets they carry the fire power of several Retained Knights and can withstand punishment which would destroy any lesser soldier.  We have a great value platoon pack of Desteria Knights which contains an additional free miniature unique to that code.  We also have two trooper packs and a command pack of these mighty soldiers which can all be seen on our website HERE.

Until the end of the month we have pre-order offers on the yet to be released Adder Combat Tankettes.  Orders are shipping out 1st October which contain one or more of these five different light vehicles.  Save from ten percent to twenty five percent.  See the offers HERE and read all about this on our BLOG.  The Adder Tankettes are also on our 15mm Prydian Vehicles page along with all of the wheeled Adders and lifter (hover) Adders with regular release in October 2018.

Our last update for the month will be the end of this week and it is a free article for Patrol Angis.  Using Adder Combat Tankettes in your games is an update to Callsign Taranis giving you game statistics for these tracked vehicles along with their points costs.  We already have a free download for you to use Grey Adder 'Battle Taxi' APC's in your game.  Download it from our website by clicking HERE

Thanks for reading and well done Aris!


Thursday, 20 September 2018

Top Down Scale Shots for the five different 15mm Adder Tankettes

Back in March we released the three new variants of the mighty Mullo Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFV) the medium vehicle for Pryidan Army and Marcher Baron forces.    You can see this on our BLOG.  During that release we were asked for some scale pictures taken from above, top down as it were, alongside other vehicles and miniatures in our 15mm range.  This would allow wargamers to see how the vehicles looked on the table next to each other.  We were happy to oblige through social media.  With this in mind we now have top down scale shots, four of them, for the five new variants of the IAF164 Tracked Adder Combat Tankettes (Red, Yellow, Black, Orange and Green).  You can see these light vehicles on the website HERE and they will be shipping 1st October 2018 with early supporter offers for pre-order until then on this page HERE.

Please enjoy these pictures and if you have any questions just ask by comment or email to and we will be happy to assist you.  Details of each picture are below.

Our workhorse tracked vehicle the IAF042B Mullo is shown next to the mighty IAF100E Taranis Tracked Armoured Personnel Carrier which though it does not hold the troops a Tohlic does can transport them in great protection.  IAF080 Superblue Adder is the rock star of the light vehicles a repulsar (anti-gravity) speedy vehicle toting a Valerin Laser Cannon.  Lastly the IAF029 Skylark Patrol Flyer which is a close support airframe. 

The walking Prydians are in this picture.  An officer of the Cold Climes Planetary Militia next to a rugged Steornede Battlesuit with twin Moth cannons.  Our light mecha the Afara Strider matches up to an Adder in terms of fire power but with greater armour.  IAF164F Grey Adder Tracked APC is the battle bus for the Muster and some Planetary Militia.  Our terrain range contains many 15mm scale models from IAF064B Storage Geo Shelter for frontier worlds and our famous IAF015 Hab Dome which is a super heavy building for any battlefield. IAF038 Smashed Adder Combat Lifter completes the image.

We have a Power Spire and a Fabricator Spire both scatter level battlefield scenics.  The urban IAF054 Hazelwurm Patrol Car allows a pair of troopers to respond rapidly and to tow a portable weapon platform too.  IAF061A Colebreta Patrol Carrier is the roomy and dedicated Planetary Militia conveyor of troops.  Lastly the mammoth IAF146 Tohlic Armoured Crawler which carriers an entire platoon into battle on extended missions..our biggest tracked vehicle.

The enemies of humanity are the Shia Khan Empire.  Their Goblin troops the Maligs on foot and on an Orba sphere bike plus a Skrak Terror Bird.  Robotic walking nightmares the Psychoborg is best fought using a battlesuit.  IAF046 Infernus Ball Tank the mad rolling vehicle of the Maligs.  The Khanate use tall and narrow vehicles build around large wheels which are able to be brought through the Matter Gateway from their part of the galaxy.  IAF135 Pugnus Light Tank matches up well with the Adder and Mullo human vehicles.  IAF139 Canno AFV mounts a Laser Bombard for long range support and the IAF136 Manus APC which brings Legionaries into battle.

The Adder Combat Tankettes are great little vehicles the lightest which we make with tracked propulsion.  There are bigger ones as you have now seen!

In our next article we will present bolt on rules for Patrol Angis to make use of these new Adder vehicles in your games.

Thanks for Reading,


Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Arcticon 2018 Tournament Event for Patrol Angis as a download

There is nothing quite like the landing of a portable castle, Julian thought as the rumbling beneath his feet increased. Some meters below him, gigantic counter-thrusters were fighting against the gravity of Arcticonus Prime, slowing their descent from their orbital drop. This wasn’t his first time deploying from orbit, but this was the farthest he had ever been from his home system. Around him, strapped tightly into their drop harness’ were the men and women of the 32nd Prydian Muster Battalion, colloquially known as the “Bloody 32nd”. The unit patch was displayed on every shoulder he could see, and upon the door of their mobile barracks; a grim reaper with a bloody scythe, below that was the platoon’s motto “They’ll pay their due, to Thirty-two”. 

Julian leaned back as far as he could and closed his eyes. Sarge had gotten them though worse than this. A lot worse. This time though, the wouldn’t be alone. Noble Retained and Dysteria shared this portable castle with them along with a battalion of the revered Duxis Battlesuits. The thought if those mighty battle machines put him somewhat at ease as the rumbling began to lessen. The lights in the room suddenly went yellow; the castle had landed. The harnesses burst upwards, releasing the Muster from their restraints. Sarge called for weapons check, before hitting a button on the wall, giving Command the “ready” signal. Julian took a deep breath, “Here we go.” - Taken from the campaign for the Arcticonus System (as played at Arction 2018) 

It is my great delight to present to you some images and the free download from the Arcticon 2018 event in the United States where a Patrol Angis event was put on and greatly enjoyed. We sponsored this event and gave prizes to the winners. To tell you more here is Aris Kolehmainen with his account of the day and the PDF of the campaign for the tournament hosted on our website. We will return next week with our releases for this month. GBS 

Back in March of this year, I featured a Patrol: Angis demo and tournament at a local charity convention here in Indiana called ArctiCon. Along with getting a lot of positive interest from passers by, we had an awesome showing from our little growing Patrol Angis community. The tournament was simple: Three games with objective points, highest points at the end of the three games would be declared winner. Further, this particular tournament was designed with new players in mind, balanced in such a way that someone could viably compete with models from the starter kit alone. In agreement with the guys at The Ion Age you can now download the three page document by clicking HERE. You will need miniatures and of course your game books but that is all explained in the PDF. Have fun playing this year’s tournament rules! 

Game play from the day as players fought for control of Arcticonus Prime. Duxis Battlesuits stride the field! 

The winners of the day! Prizes were given out to the guys who are Dave Alsager (on the right) and Roger Rexroad (on the left). 

Thanks for Reading!

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Pre Order offers and bundles now on for 15mm Adder Tankettes

Now on at The Ion Age and ending 1st October 2018 we have pre-order offers and bundles for our five different brand new 15mm scale Adder Combat Tankette light vehicles. This Early Supporter can be found HERE on the website and the offers are as follows. Each single Adder Tankette is 10% off release price. Bundles of Five Adders (mixed or all the same) are 15% off. A Mega Bundle of Fifteen (Three of Each Type) is 25% off release price. As normal you earn Reward Points on all orders and of course you can redeem your accumulated points to get further discount on these offers. We reward our IonFans. Awesome! Go to the website or read on for more. All orders placed which contain a Tracked Adder will ship worldwide on 1st October 2018. 

As the second Khanate War continued and worlds fell to the Legions as they spread ever further from the Matter Gateway in the Camarthen stellar system the threat to the entire Prydian Precinct grew dire. The Marcher Barons were in retreat and the Prydian Army in ascendency after twenty years of civil war but this did not mean that the military might of the Throne was enough. Split between dealing with the growing alien invasion and the struggle for dominance in the core systems this resulted in neither war being tackled fully. In 4340 IC the death of the Kingmaker Nevall in battle against Princess Cyon meant the Precinct was once more at peace with only small scale conflicts left to stamp out. The loss of most of Knight General Obermann's fleet in 4331 IC on and around Camarthen Prime had meant near a decade of hit and run campaigns against the Dragon Ships as they sail in darkness out across the stellar cluster. While Humanity was able to deal with a single Dragon Ship entering a planetary orbit this was not the case as pairs and then trios and more of these mighty warships, each carrying an entire Legion, began to appear together. It would take several years to gather enough might to tackle the Matter Gateway head on so for the moment single regiments were dispatched to hold and harry as best they could. 

The clamour for Taranis and Magogs was constantly coming back to New Glastonbury and in such numbers that the demand could not be met. It takes a lot of time and resources to build the mightiest war machines so a solution was looked for to supply the Camarthen Cluster with armoured vehicles for the use of Muster and Planetary Militia in huge numbers. Part of this was the Mullo Type 36 AFV as well as the existing Adder light vehicles but a new modular assembly was founded in 4336 IC with the creation of the Adder Combat Tankettes. A stop gap measure to combat Khanate Orbs and tanks. These tracked vehicles have a weight of just over seven and a half tons and roughly eighteen feet in length that Adder is not a combat heavy weight like the Taranis. A colour coding system is in use to make Adders easy to assign to Regiments and to allow Planetary Militia who are not be as used to war as a Retained Knight a simple recognition method. The Red Adder Tankette is the standard model mounting a turret with a Moth 88 Rotary Cannon. The Yellow Adder is the fire support variant and has two crew along with a turret with an Anda 60mm Missile Pod. The Black Adder acts as an armoured punch giving the Muster the ability to knock out battlesuits and other smaller tough targets with two crew and a turret mounted Fretan Rail Gun. Less common is the Orange Adder which is infantry support mounting a specialised turret with a Moth 30 automatic 50mm Grenade Launcher. Dedicated Adders include the Green Adder which is a command and control car at the battalion level and the White Adder for medical teams and battlefield triage. The 'Battle Taxi' type Grey Adder is heavily modified and can carry two fire-teams or a squad at a real squeeze. There are also some very specialised Adders too for purposes such as Blue Adder, the Brown Adder and the Purple Adder. 
Academy Auto-Trainer Series 52, New Glastonbury, 4342 IC. 

The Adder Combat Tankette is the third propulsion type of Adder which we have created. You can see all of the Wheeled and Lifter (Hover) Adders on the website HERE. During this event we will have a free download article with game statistics for their more heavily armoured Adders in your games of Patrol Angis so look for this towards the end of September (the story above is taken from this article). The Adder is a work horse and fits in well with any 15mm near future or further ahead science fiction army. We will also have top down scale comparison photos with other vehicles in our 15mm range later in the month. We thank you for your custom and here are the details of the new vehicles and offers. Go HERE

IAF164A Red Adder Combat Tankette 
This pack contains one white metal and resin 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Red Adder' combat tankette variant armed with a Moth rotary cannon in a turret mount. This is the standard Adder for varied uses. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall. Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a turret along with a separate weapon and hatch. Very easy to assemble. Go HERE

IAF164B Yellow Adder Combat Tankette 
This pack contains one resin 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Yellow Adder' combat tankette variant armed with twin Anda 60mm Rocket Pods in a turret mount. This is the Fire Support Adder. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall. Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a turret. Very easy to assemble. Go HERE

IAF164C Black Adder Combat Tankette 
This pack contains one resin and white metal 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Black Adder' combat tankette variant armed with a Fretan Rail Gun in a turret mount. This is the punch the 'anti-armour' Adder. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall. Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a turret with separate hatch and weapon. Very easy to assemble. Go HERE

IAF164D Orange Adder Combat Tankette 
This pack contains one resin and white metal 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Orange Adder' combat tankette variant armed with a 50mm Grenade Launcher in a turret mount. This is the infantry support Adder. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall. Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a turret with separate hatch and weapon. Very easy to assemble. Go HERE

IAF164E Green Adder Control Tankette 
This pack contains one resin and white metal 15mm scale vehicle. A tracked light vehicle in the 'Green Adder' is the communications and control variant for the battlefield with comms gear and extra armour. Once assembled it is 50mm long, 35mm wide and about 25mm tall. Contains an Adder Hull, a left tracked sponson, a right tracked sponson and a top mount with separate dish. Very easy to assemble. Go HERE

Each of the single and three of the new Adders is 10% off release price. We have two different levels of Early Supporter Bundles too. These will cease to be on 1st October so get in on them now to gain 15% or 25% off release price for a whole armoured force. 

IAF164B1 Adder Combat Tankette Bundles of Five 
This special bundle offer will expire on 1st October 2018 when orders ship worldwide. Save 15% off normal prices. Select a bundle which you desire from the white drop down box on this page and you will get five kits of IAF164 Adder Combat Tankettes. Refer to each single vehicle for additional information on these 15mm scale resin and white metal kits. Here are the bundle choices. Go HERE

1. The Mixed Bundle (One of Each Type) 
2. The Red Bundle (Five Red Adders) 
3. The Yellow Bundle (Five Yellow Adders) 
4. The Black Bundle (Five Black Adders) 
5. The Orange Bundle (Five Orange Adders) 
6. The Green Bundle (Five Green Adders) 

IAF164B2 Adder Combat Tankette Mega Bundle of Fifteen 
This special bundle offer will expire on 1st October 2018 when orders ship worldwide. Save 25% off normal prices. You will get fifteen kits of IAF164 Adder Combat Tankettes three of the Red, Yellow, Black, Orange and Green. Refer to each single vehicles for additional information on these 15mm scale resin and white metal kits. Here are the bundle choices. Go HERE

1. The Mixed Bundle (Three of Each Type) 

Here are some scenic photos of the five Tracked Adders and there are many more images of each of them on their pages of the website. 

We offer extra value for our customers in the form of Reward Points and Free Downloads. 

We have many FREE DOWNLOADS on our website as well as our great 15mm scale tabletop game called Patrol Angis which you can see HERE as a game pack and print books plus digital downloads of the books too. 

Remember you get Reward Points on every order you place with us added to your account on the website (you must have an account on the website setting it up first time you use it..which includes a welcome gift of 100 Points!) and these can be used to gain discounts and free items on any future order at any time. Millions of points earned and spent with us so far! 

Thanks for reading and enjoy the offers! 


Thursday, 6 September 2018

Stone Cold Lead paints up 28mm Noble of Prydia

“Across the Prydian Precinct a civil war rages for control of the throne. Marchers Barons who control entire world or even stellar systems raise mighty armies of Retained Knights and Muster before send them to contest the realms of their enemies. In the hierarchy of each knightly regiment the positions of supreme importance are given to Nobles. It is the Nobles who lead from the front in the finest of powered armours and fly the glittering banners of their baronies. Splendid they are and terrible in their wrath upon the field.” 

It is my pleasure to present, following on the heels of the release of our new value platoon packs, the superb brush skills of Simon Bradley of Stone Cold Lead figure painting his interpretation of a Prydian Noble in 28mm scale. He features his work on his own Facebook page HERE which you can check out. Painted to a very high level of finish the miniature shown is IA103 Noble with Carnwennan Pistol (taken from pack IB27 Nobles of Prydia pose 2) in a simple colour scheme which really brings out the detail and soul of this leader of knights. The figure stands well over 30mm tall as it is a Noble and is a fine centre piece for a 28mm force. Here are some shots of Simon's work including a scale shot with a classic Citadel figure. 

You may not realise this but our huge 28mm range of Prydian and Shia Khan miniatures has been almost totally replicated in the popular 15mm scale too and this includes the Prydian Noble who is the subject of this article. It is the middle pose in the pack. 

IAF157 Nobles of Prydia 
This pack contains three different 15mm nobles of the Precinct ideal to command your lances all wearing elaborate Alwite powered armour and carrying a mix of energy melee weapons and Carnwennan Pistol. A Noble leaning forward with decorate helm and Carnwennan Pistol. A Noble preparing Carnwennan Pistol. A Noble running with Carnwennan Pistol and plumed helm. Ideal for characters in the Prydian Army or any other force which uses Retained Knights such as the League of Yordan or League of Canlaster. Just choose your uniform. You have the option of purchasing a pack or three packs saving 10% or single poses from the pack for your collection. Price 3.00GBP per pack. Go HERE

We shall return later in the month with an update from Aris all about his games of Patrol Angis at the Articon event! 

Thanks for Reading,