
Thursday, 26 July 2018

Free Worldwide Shipping and a new free scenario for Patrol Angis

The Ion Age is delighted to team up with Alternative Armies and to make an offer of free worldwide shipping for our IonFans! If you want to get into our space opera setting or wish to try us out or expand your collection you can with no postage on orders of 15GBP or greater in the cart. Full details below.

We also have the promised free Patrol Angis scenario called 'By Sword Short and Long' a vicious close combat battle against a Malig Horde. Read on for details of these and our new release and month long offer too. Or go HERE to browse. 

Free Worldwide Shipping 
We offer two different types of worldwide shipping. Standard and Tracked. We are offering free worldwide shipping on standard (royal mail or air mail) rate on orders of 15GBP in cart of greater with no limit upon number of orders. If your order will received tracked shipping due to its value we will cover the cost of this and inform you. This offer applies to all miniatures and books and accessories on our website and all of our other offers (weekly deals, bundles, divisional army packs) which feature a discount are included too. Digital Downloads are not physical items so they do not qualify for postage but in mixed orders with physical products they will count towards the total. If you would like to take items from Alternative Armies and The Ion Age then you can do so by sending us an email with your name, address, paypal email and a list of codes and quantities to us on and we will come back to you with an invoice to pay. It may take us time to reply to you but as long as your proposed order arrives with us before the end of the period we will honour it. Go to our website and add what you want to the cart. This offer ends at 9am GMT (UK Time) Wednesday 1st August 2018. Go HERE for the website and look around.

By Sword Short and Long – Click HERE to download the scenario.
This free full length Patrol Angis scenario sees talks with a Xin Trader go wrong for a lance of Retained Knights as they are attacked by a horde of Maligs. It is tight quarters combat but will the powered swords of the Knights and their Duxis Battlesuits be enough to compensate for the great goblinoid numbers? A close combat intense scenario which takes placed in the Camarthen stellar cluster after the activation of the Matter Gateway. Will they cut their way clear? Find out now. To play you will need a copy of Patrol Angis and The Khanate Return you can get these in print or as digital download HERE

Here are the pictures taken from our play testing of this new scenario for you to enjoy. Click on them on the blog post here to make them larger. 

There are other free files for you to download from us for Patrol Angis. Go to this PAGE on our website for the list of what we have for the game system.

IAF163 Retained Post Echo 
Our new release this month is the fifth post of Retained Knights ready to see off enemies as diverse as the Marcher Barons and the Khanate Empire. These knights are skilled in the arts of close combat and make use of powered melee weapons. Mix them in with your other knights for assault lances. Code IAF163 contains ten different poses all wearing Alwite powered armour and carrying a variety of weapons including Octa Powered Sword, Roaz Powered Axe, Pelleas Powered Mace as well as Tumbler ranged weapons. As always this code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save 10% option on the page. Go HERE. Price 5.00GBP per pack. 

Our month long offer this time is...25% off all the variants of the fantastic Duxis Battlesuit in 15mm scale both close combat types HERE and ranged types HERE. Seven variants of a fantastic 30mm tall model. Ends 31st July 2018. 

Thanks for Reading,


Thursday, 12 July 2018

IAF163 Retained Post Echo our release for July 2018

“Brilliant with the energy flowing through its blade the first swing of Esquire Quiver's Octa Sword took the left leg of the flightless bird clean away from its body with a spray of super heated blood....”

The Ion Age makes its new release for July 2018 with ten brand new 15mm miniatures in IAF0163 Retained Post Echo.  Requested by players of Patrol Angis these knights have blades!  This pack is on our website now and as with all codes you can choose from a pack or singles from the pack or three packs and save ten percent.  Go HERE for the new pack or read on for full details.

“Brilliant with the energy flowing through its blade the first swing of Esquire Quiver's Octa Sword took the left leg of the flightless bird clean away from its body with a spray of super heated blood.  Screeching the seven foot tall avian creature collapsed throwing its Malig rider clean over its razor sharp beaked head.  Quiver reversed the sword and in a glittering orange arc used it to sever the head of the bird before cutting into the back of the sprawling Malig ending the enemy's attempts to free a Cupid laser pistol from its combat harness.  All around him Quiver could see other Retained Knights of the 308th Regiment likewise engaged with the Shia Khan at sword point distance.  They were greatly outnumbered by their goblinoid foes and in the spaces between the habitation domes of the settlement it meant that every Prydian was fighting for their lives without pause.  Powered swords flashed in glittering arcs while Roaz axes rose and fell in a murderous rhythm and Pelleas maces smashed into flesh and bone.  The aliens had either known that the meeting was taking place or, perhaps more likely, it was simply a coincidence that the lance had been in the wrong place when a horde of Maligs decided to set up their camp here.   

Bullets spanged off of Quivers Alwite Armour doing little harm but scoring lines in the delicate film layers that made up the camoflage Chameleon Circuit which caused his form to blend into its surroundings.  At this range the Malig gripping its Maia 9.6mm mpi could not have failed to see him.  He brought the Octa sword up and rounds exploded as they impacted against its blade....” 
-  An extract from By Sword Short and Long.

IAF163 Retained Post Echo
The fifth post of Retained Knights ready to see off enemies as diverse as the Marcher Barons and the Khanate Empire.  These knights are skilled in the arts of close combat and make use of powered melee weapons. Mix them in with your other knights for assault lances. Code IAF163 contains ten different poses all wearing Alwite powered armour and carrying a variety of weapons including Octa Powered Sword, Roaz Powered Axe, Pelleas Powered Mace as well as Tumbler ranged weapons.   As always this code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save 10% option on the page.  Go HERE.  Price 5.00GBP per pack.

Later this month we will have a free Patrol Angis scenario featuring the new miniatures called 'By Sword Short and Long'.  A close in vicious fight which sees goblinoid Maligs trying to encircle a lance of Retained Knights with battlesuit support who are conducting talks with a Xin Trader; they will have to cut their way clear.  This full scenario takes place in the Camarthen stellar cluster after the activation of the Matter Gateway and during playtesting it was really intense!  Look out for the article.

Including this new pack of ten poses we now have in 15mm scale nearly seventy poses of Retained Knights from such codes as:

IAF001 Retained Post Alpha
IAF002 Retained Post Beta
IAF008 Retained Post Charlie
IAF016 Retained Post Delta
IAF163 Retained Post Echo

IAF004 Retained Lance Command Alpha
IAF014 Retained Lance Command Beta
IAF076 Retained Lance Command Charlie

IAF057 Knight Errants of Prydia
IAF156 Marcher Barons of Prydia
IAF157 Nobles of Prydia

IAF005 Balthazar and Jerome
IAF017 Ellen and Ripley
IAF063 Arachne and Giliam
IAF158 Diodine Sparrow of the Quarrel Company

IAFP02 Retained Lance (with extra free unique miniature)

These can serve as Prydian Army or in a different colour scheme such as those on our poster they can be knights of the Leagues or Marcher Barons or even Condot mercenaries too.  This means you can create almost three lances of knights never repeating a miniature!  

There is also an extra free Retained Knight Errant in the Patrol Angis Game Pack starter box too which you only get with that box.  A great way to get playing and check out that page for free downloads and other materials for the game.

Our month long offer this time is...25% off all the variants of the fantastic Duxis Battlesuit in 15mm scale both close combat types HERE and ranged types HERE.  Seven variants of a fantastic 30mm tall model.  Ends 31st July 2018.

Thanks for Reading,


Sunday, 1 July 2018

The Ion Age this July 2018 and the Duxis Battlesuit

I want to thank everyone for the fun of the Midsummer Madness event last month.  We are sending out orders daily and it is my delight to say that we now have nearly twenty customers who have accumulated the 9000 Reward Points needed for the free massive terrain set.  Well done to those IonFans and now on to July and what this month has in store for The Ion Age.  Our month long offer this time is...25% off all the variants of the fantastic Duxis Battlesuit in 15mm scale both close combat types HERE and ranged types HERE.  Read on for more.

Princess Cyon knows a lot of things.  I mean a lot.  It was lot before the Reord bonding and though it's even more now I can tell you that she came up with the Duxis MkI on her own.  Technics, Fabrication and Structure too.  All of it her idea.  To make her point she wore the prototype upon entering the Adden chambers and it made her point just beautifully to the Council.  We knew the Khanate had returned and we had the reports of the first contacts from Camarthen Prime but the Princess, she had her father's knowledge of the times of the first Khanate War.  We confirmed it later but in those chambers and on that day Princess Cyon said one word as she strode towards us footfalls heavy.  Encased in armour and over twelve feet tall she said 'Warlord' and then activated the holo emitters attached to the prototype's shell.  I think there was not a knight or baron in the place who did not shrink a little in their seats.  Out of thin air a monster appeared.  Like a Man in shape but larger; far larger.  She drew an energised blade longer than a Starvaulter is tall and conducted a mock melee with the projection...and she won.  Hours of discourse followed and all the while Daphne Cyon stood in her prototype Duxis Battlesuit and held sway.  The Warlords were more than a Retained Knight could cope with; so make a Retained Knight more than they already were.  We did.  Now in Camarthen space we meet those hulking monsters with metal of our own.  Its a close fight but now its a fight we can and we will win!
Knight General Obermann.  Fleet Command.  4331 IC

IAF030 Duxis Battlesuit
The Duxis Battlesuit known to some as the 'Royal Gift'. IAF030 can be given a number of roles from a knight to melee specialist to ranged purposes in play and stands 30mm tall. Cast in white metal in 15mm scale it requires assembly and has a good degree of pose choices through its variants.  Composed of an upper body, lower body, head and then a choice of weapons and arms (gauntlets) from eight variants the Duxis is a versatile machine. Chose body angle, choose head angle and direction, choose arms and weapons.  It can be posed many different ways. Here are the types of Duxis Battlesuit which match up to the images:

IAF030A Duxis MkIIIA ' Bladesman' with Cetra Shield Hand and Octan Prime Energy Blade. 
IAF030B Duxis MkIIIB 'Winnower' with Cetra Shield Hand and Trabs Energy Spear.
IAF030C Duxis MkIIIC 'Brawler' with Left Gauntlet, Right Gauntlet and Heraldic Shield.
IAF030D Duxis MkIIID 'Anti-Infantry' with one Gauntlet, Moth 88 Rotary Cannon and Heraldic Shield.
IAF030E Duxis MkIIIE 'Pride Taker' with one Gauntlet, Valerin 15Mw Laser Cannon and Heraldic Shield.
IAF030F Duxis MkIIIF 'Indirect Fire Support' with one Gauntlet, Bodkin 55mm AP Howitzer and Heraldic Shield.
IAF030G Duxis MkIIIG 'Anti-Vehicle' with one Gauntlet, Fretan II Rail Gun and Heraldic Shield.
IAF030H Duxis MkIIIH 'Warlord' with one Gauntlet, Angis 25mm AP Cannon and Heraldic Shield.

See the Duxis variants HERE and HERE and use the drop down menu to select the variant you wish.

Mastergunz paints the Duxis 'Winnower' Battlesuit!  A great blog article with 'Mastergunz' as he give a professional and different paint job to a battlesuit.  Check it out HERE.

Using the Duxis in Patrol Angis
You can find the rules for 'Infantry Sized Vehicles' which covers Bikes, Battlesuits and Portable Weapons in the core game book IAB01 Patrol Angis and this includes the Duxis which is a key part of Retained Knights battle strategy.  Go HERE for our 15mm Publications in print and as digital downloads.

I wish to thank everyone who supported us last month with the three new Grey Adder 'Battle Taxi' vehicles we released.  Wheeled, Lifter and our first Tracked Adder too (there will be more).  See them HERE.

Remember you get Reward Points on every order you place with us added to your account on the website (you must have an account on the website setting it up first time you use it..which includes a welcome gift of 100 Points!) and these can be used to gain discounts and free items on any future order at any time.  Millions of points earned and spent with us so far!

In July 2018 we will have one new release and a free Patrol Angis scenario as well as an article on the Duxis in Patrol Angis.  Both of these will focus on close combat and upon the powered armour professionals of the Prydian Precinct and follow up upon Patrol Angis players requests for more melee centric miniatures.  Look for these in the middle and end of the month.  As always if you have any requests for new miniatures or vehicles when by all means contact us on we would love to hear from you.

If you missed it then you missed a treat from  Aris Kolehmainen at the end of last month with a free six page article for Playing the Craniad in Patrol Angis.  If you want some floating brains on the table then this is for you.  See it on our website HERE.

Thank you as always for your support with our little space opera brand.