
Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Tohlic ESOs now shipping and Baron update snippet two

A happy All Hallows Eve to everyone from our little team here in Scotland and we wish you the best of spooky fun for the day and indeed the rest of the week.  Two items in this short post.  Firstly a thank you to everyone who took up an Early Supporter Offer on the IAF146 Tohlic Armoured Crawler during October.  These pre-orders are shipping worldwide from today and we expect to get the last of them out by the start of next week at the moment.  Enjoy the free Cold Climes Veterans in every package with our regards.  The Tohlic and the Veterans will be on general release once every package is well on its way.  The second item is a short extract, a snippet and an update on the progress of the latest Patrol Angis book 'Baron'.

The Baron book continues at a slower pace than I would have liked this month.  This was due to other commitments both professional and family and something else..  It is not often discussed when an author hits a fictional brick wall in their prose, especially by that author himself, but that is what happened to me during October with this book.  Some forty thousand words of the story of the later stages of the Prydian Civil War (continuing on from what was laid out in Callsign Taranis and hinted at in The Khanate Return) did not eventually match up with the story I wanted to tell.  I tweaked and I sobbed but it became apparent that it was to no avail and to that end I deleted it.  Yes, actually deleted it totally.  It will never see the light of day.  A new direction was in order so I have begun again and this will be the bulk of what will make up the narrative part of Baron.  This is only the second time I have ever binned such a large amount of prose.  The first time was during the writing of 5026 Death in the Snow for Flintloque and its Witchlands tale.

I do have a snippet for you taken from the Baron manuscript for this month's update and it is given in its entirety and can be used right now in Patrol Angis for players.  I present to you the official rules for altering larger vehicle statistics and load outs in Callsign Taranis taken from the additional mechanics part of Baron.  Enjoy!

Altering Larger Vehicle Profiles in Callsign Taranis

These additional mechanics for use in Callsign Taranis deals with altering the profiles and points costs for vehicles.  This does not apply to infantry or infantry scale vehicles as these are created in the force building rules of Patrol Angis in a fluid way.  For larger vehicles if you wish to you can look to the existing profiles of the vehicles and make changes to them.  This may be done for Light, Medium, Heavy, Flying or Mecha types of vehicles.  There are some basic tenets which must be followed.  You may not change the vehicles means of propulsion so if it is wheeled it stays wheeled.  You may not change its movement rate or its DMR allocation.  The hull retains its original mounting points in the hull and turret and so on and these are not changed.  You may remove passenger capacity but not crew.  Typically you will want to change the weapons load out and as long as you stick with the mounting points you can do keeping in mind sizing of weapons as long as you do not exchange a weapon which is more than double the Weapon Strength of the existing one in the Weapons Table.

Take the existing profile of the vehicle and remove from it the weapons you wish to change subtracting the points cost of the weapons as found in the Weapons Table.  If you wish to remove passenger capacity you may also do this at the rate of 1% of vehicles points cost (before any weapon removal) per passenger slot (so 10 passengers take off 10%).  After this reduce the new points cost total by 5%.  Now add in the weapons you wish to create the new variant with.  You need not fill all weapon slots but you may not fill a non existent one.  Add the points costs of the new weapons.  Then multiply the total for the variant by 5% added and that is the new final points cost for your new vehicle.

Example: Mullo 36WA medium vehicle (440 points) to be remade into a 'Longbow' missile pod support vehicle.  Keeping the propulsion, DMR, and movement rate remain the same and to remove ten passenger capacity (minus 10% points cost) and the twin Valerin Cannons in the turret (74 and 74 = 148) means 440 -10% (-44) weapon remove -148 = 248.  We are adding an Anda 115mm Missile Pod (117 points) which takes us up to 365 points (we kept the Angis gun front mounted) and with this change made we take that 365 and add 5% making a final new points cost for the Mullo 36WA Longbow variant of 383.

Feel free to ask us a question if you wish to make more exotic vehicle variants such as those on some very specialised Taranis tanks.  We are always happy to create official statistics for vehicles in the range and their variants for use in Patrol Angis.

You can read Update One for Baron on the blog by clicking through.

Onwards into November!


Thursday, 26 October 2017

Using the Tohlic Crawler in Patrol Angis free download

Do you want to use your IAF146 Tohlic Armoured Crawler in games of Patrol Angis?  Great!  Now you can with this free download article which is hosted on our website.  Get your copy now and have a read.  Go HERE or read on for more.

Using the Tohlic Crawler in Patrol Angis
A five page article containing both parts of the Faercycle II invasion story as well as an introduction to the Tohlic and its statistics and rules in play and where that bolts onto the Planetary Militia force builder mechanics in IAB03 The Khanate Return.  There is also a listing of all the codes we have for Planetary Militia and a short weapons table as well with the Urgan combat shotgun.  The article also has many photographs of the Tohlic and other codes plus scale shots showing you the new vehicle next to other vehicles and structures of The Ion Age.  Download it HERE.

The Early Supporter Offers are live until the early hours of the 30th October for IAF146 Tohlic Armoured Crawler where you can get savings plus free vehicles as well as free Cold Climes Veterans and free shipping on two of the bundles.  Go HERE for the offers.

Our month long offer of twenty percent off during October on one code is on a stalwart favourite the weapons platform battlesuit IAF072 Steornede Battlesuit both variants designed by Sam Croes. It is a great looking infantry sized vehicle for a single pilot and supports your Planetary Militia forces. Go HERE for it or click HERE for an article showing you more and featuring a short tale of two brothers which carries on from the fall of Camarthen Prime. 

Enjoy the download article and thanks for reading,


Friday, 20 October 2017

On Offer the Steornede Battlesuit

All this month at The Ion Age our twenty percent off deal is on a Battlesuit in 15mm scale.  It ain't glamour like the Duxis, it ain't the hitter like the Havelock or the burly in the Jade Ape but it is the stable weapons platform that gives the Planetary Militia ass kicking ability!  IAF072 Steornede Battlesuit is a three piece resin and white metal infantry sized vehicle designed by Sam Croes with a choice of two load outs.  Click through to see it HERE or read on for a tale of adventure and some pictures from Faercycle II.

Losing your brother is always hard even for those who choose to stop calling them brother.  Even for those who cease to speak to their kin there is always a part of them in that brother which dies when they do.  Major Jiodine Kimball of the 37th Planetary Defence Regiment of Faercycle II had learned of his younger sibling's demise on Camarthen Prime years earlier but now in this moment it was painful in the extreme once more.  Frederick had died at the controls of his battlesuit in the streets of doomed Pelcan City as the Shia Khan Empire over ran the last cordons of defence.  He had died protecting civilians as they had fled for the last transports off the planet.  Jiodine had gotten closure, unlike many others, since his brother had managed to send a comms package; boosting it with what power had remained to his Steornede, his 'Beth'.  The package had been received by the main array on the Warlock, the Segurant class battlecruiser that was fighting for its own life above nearby Fantara space port.  Eventually it had reached Jiodine through the channels which spun out throughout the stellar cluster in the months at followed.  A short text only message and one still pict-capture.  Frederick's smiling face, a forced smile no doubt, but there none the less.  Behind him the control surfaces of Beth were a blaze of red and amber warnings and partially melted alloy from laser strikes.  The text included was short and must have been dictated in the instant of the photo.

“Jiodine.  Jiodine.  Tor, I hope this reaches you.  I can only hope.  The city has fallen and I'm not gonna make it.  PC119STR, Beth, its done.  Had it.  Legs are fused and one arm is gone.  I think I have burns to my legs too.  Bit foggy.  Nearly out of rounds and the foe is everywhere.  Everywhere.  I wanted to tell you.  Beth, the real Beth not this can.  She left me.  A year back, I never told you.  Sorry.  I sent the ring back to you.  Mother's ring.  It left here two months ago, should be safe.  If she makes it out, if you see her...tell her...tell her I did all I could.  Jiodine...I love you brother.”

Jiodine reached up, taking his hand off the controls for the Steornede which he was piloting, touching the photo which was affixed to the inside armour of the battlesuit. IP203STR 'Bean Bag' his battlesuit was in motion its thumping steps taking it towards the enemy now.  He had the words memorised.  Beth.  The real Beth had never been found and he had he had looked.  She was dead.  Of that Major Kimball was sure.  Most likely she had been dead when Frederick had sent the message but he would never know.  His brother was dead and his world was a charred husk now and site of the largest battles seen in decades.  Here on Faercycle II the enemy was limited by their downed Dragon Ships.  No endless legions from a Matter Gateway.  His attention was brought back to the present by the sharp cracks of Bodkin rounds zipping past Bean Bag and icons appeared on his display showing Khanate troops starting a headlong run towards the 37th and its strung out line.

Bean Bag.  Funny name for a gun rig like a Steornede.  He had earned it though.  This was his second battlesuit.  The first had been destroyed around him and he had walked away with barely a scratch by some miracle.  Torn and blackened it had toppled and bounced down a scree slope the internal space had filled with gravel and when he had been released from the suit the stone had spilled out everywhere.  Bean Bag.  He kind of liked it really.  Make those under him laugh when they heard it.  They would need a laugh by the time they took this alien starship; wrestled it from the Khanate.  Burned them out.

The first small arms fire began to hit his Steornede and he flicked his weapons to armed and active.  Targets were picked out by the onboard computer, calibrated and he pressed the studs that launched a hail of Anda 60mm missiles from his two arm pods.  Maligs were blasted apart in bloody ruin and a Warlord roared as it pitched forward its upper legs smashed.  Jiodine was in the fight now and troopers were hunched down behind Bean Bag's legs at it thumped forwards.  He fired again and the ammo counters spiralled down.  He was sweating now, the heat in the cramped pilots space building with each fiery release of missiles.  Around his neck on a golden chain over his breastbone was a ring which shuddered with every step his augmented legs took.
Major Jiodine Kimball, Invader Delta site, Faercycle II, 4338IC 

A desperate last stand around a Steornede Battlesuit sees a group of IAFP11 Cold Climes Planetary Militia readying themselves for the end in front of a IAF015I Cratered Hab Dome.  A pair of Steornede Battlesuits armed with long barrel Moth 88's and Anda Missile Pods  move around the side of a Tohlic Crawler while two Militia confer upon a course of action.  Defend the banner!  The Steornede's stand sentinel guard among the corpses of Militia and Khanate alike (Legionaries from IAF123 Legionary Command Tesseran).  Two worlds collide in front of an IAF015 Hab Dome as a Steornede Battlesuit and Cold Climes with Moth Rifle meet the advance of an IAF018 Legionary Officer and an IAF039 Khanate Warlord.

If you like the look of this month's special then have a gander at Patrol Angis for skirmish warfare and The Khanate Return where you can learn all about the Planetary Defence Forces and their use of the Steornede Battlesuit.

Enjoy the special offer and remember that when you order from us you set up an account with the website.  Not for emails but rather that you may get the Reward Points which each order earns that you can trade in later for discounts and free things.  You get 100 Points as a free welcome bonus!  Extra value from The Ion Age.  Go to the front page of the website and click on the orange box.

In other news the three Early Supporter Offers on the hulking IAF146 Tohlic Armoured Crawler are live until 30th October so that is ideal to pair up with your Cold Climes Militia and or your Steornede Battlesuits too.  Go HERE for the offers.

Thanks for Reading.


Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Early Supporter Offers on Tohlic Crawlers live until 30th October!

Thank you for your kind words and positive response to last weeks article on the approach of IAF146 Tohlic Armoured Crawler and the offers upon it.  The time has now arrived and the three Early Supporter Offers are now live!  Go HERE or read on for more information on the offers and some nice pictures too including the parts photo showing the kit.  You get free Veterans with all three offers and on two of them free shipping and extra vehicles free. Great savings, no waiting, all shipping 30th October worldwide.  You will get Reward Points on your orders and you can use points you have accumulated upon these offers now if you want.  I thank you all for your custom.

Get one Tohlic Armoured Crawler and save 5% off its release price and get a pack of IAF145 Cold Climes Veterans (5 miniatures) worth 2.50GBP for free included.  Total value 25.00GBP.  Bundle Price 21.36GBP.  This early supporter offer will ship on 30th October 2017 worldwide.  If you order other items along with one or more ESO's then all your items will ship in one package on release worldwide.  You can order as many ESO's as you wish and you will get reward points on all purchases too.  You can use Reward Points you have for a discount on this offer.  Go HERE.  A  good saving!

Buy Four Tohlic Armoured Crawlers and get Fifth Tohlic free and get a pack of IAF145 Cold Climes Veterans (5 miniatures) worth 2.50GBP for free included; plus free worldwide shipping.  Total value 115.00GBP.  Bundle Price 90.00GBP.  This early supporter offer will ship on 30th October 2017 worldwide.  If you order other items along with one or more ESO's then all your items will ship in one package on release worldwide.  You can order as many ESO's as you wish and you will get reward points on all purchases too.  You can use Reward Points you have for a discount on this offer.  Go HERE.  A full force and great saving!

Mega Bundle!  Ten Tohlic Armoured Crawlers with THREE OF THEM BEING FREE and get a pack of IAF145 Cold Climes Veterans (5 miniatures) worth 2.50GBP for free included; plus free worldwide shipping.  Total value 225.00GBP.  Bundle Price 157.50GBP. This early supporter offer will ship on 30th October 2017 worldwide.  If you order other items along with one or more ESO's then all your items will ship in one package on release worldwide.  You can order as many ESO's as you wish and you will get reward points on all purchases too.  You can use Reward Points you have for a discount on this offer.  Go HERE.  Get in deep and rule with this best value bundle!

Here is more information on the codes in these three offers:

IAF146 Tohlic Armoured Crawler is a large 15mm scale long distance armoured personnel carrier. Used for deep recon it can carry an entire platoon of troops or three battlesuits or combinations thereof operating for weeks away from base. Favoured by Planetary Defence forces but also used by Muster and Retained on suitably frozen worlds the Tohlic is composed of nine parts cast in high quality grey tone resin and white metal. These are the forward hull, the rear hull, the left track unit, the right track unit, exhaust mount 1, exhaust mount 2, Turret 1 (Anda Missile Pod) and Turret 2 (Moth Rotary Cannon). Supplied with two different turrets to use and since they use the standard turret ring they will also fit onto other Ion Age vehicles and structures. 

This kit is easy to assemble and durable for use on table. When assembled the Tohlic is approx 105mm long and 40mm tall.   Designed by Michal Janecek.

IAF145 Cold Climes Veterans. This is the veteran troopers or sergeant poses for your Planetary Militia Cold Climes 15mm defence forces. Co-ordinate the efforts to keep civil law in place on your planet. This pack contains five different 15mm scale white metal miniatures wearing long coats including a Veteran with Hermit 44mm Plasma Rifle, a Veteran with Moth Rifle leaning forwards, Veteran bare headed with Moth Rifle, Veteran advancing with Moth Rifle and a casualty trooper laying face down.  Designed by Sam Croes.

The Tohlic is a mighty war machine which trades heavy fire power in return for greater armour and internal space.  It's tracks can traverse most difficult terrain and its life support systems can keep twenty five troopers and its crew in food and water for three weeks and sealed air for twenty hours.  It is a home away from home for Artic missions.  Here are some images from our play testing for the upcoming free article of rules for use in Patrol Angis which will also feature the second half of the story story begun in September.  It is a mighty beast!

The offers are live until the morning GMT of 30th October 2017 when the regular release of IAF145 and IAF146 are made and all pre-orders are shipped worldwide.

Thanks for Reading,


Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Tohlic Armoured Crawler offers next week!

The deep rich red of the internal bay of the Tohlic began to pulse yellow and orange as disembarkation klaxtons and their tied in warning lights cut in marking seconds until the front ramp descended and the battle proper would begin.  Muffled by the thick layer of titanium alloy the cracking caress of Juno laser beams and the dull impact of Flora grenades sounded far off though the Khanate were very near indeed.  After two weeks in the snow and ice the column had found Invader Delta on a plain between towering mountains its wings broken and body torn by its fall from the stars.  Over the heads of the troops the roar of the Moth rotary cannon which was top mounted on the Tohlic spoke of a tough approach to the Dragon Ship.  Their helmets updated with external views of the armoured carrier as it churned through the icy wastes of the plain.  Ahead were over two hundred Legionaries and all of them were firing at the twelve carriers as they approached.  Half a dozen of the enemy directly ahead were turned to pink mist by the burst of heavy rounds from the rotary cannon and then they were in position.  The Tohlic swung around to present a partially side on profile to the enemy and the fourteen foot tall ramp clanked loudly as it unlocked and descended.  Troopers streamed out of the bay their rifles held ready and quickly took up firing positions behind the hulking vehicle which had been their home since leaving Ismere.  Its flanks rose high over their heads and the rotary cannon continued to fire.  It was only a short run to the broken body of the alien starship...once the Legionaries were taken care of that was...

The big event this month for The Ion Age is happening next week on the 17th October.  Three Early Supporter Offers (yes they are back!) on a brand new large vehicle in 15mm scale. Designed by a new member of the small Ion Age family Michal Janecek the Tohlic Armoured Crawler is going to be on 'ESO' from the 17th to 30th October 2017 with a choice of three tiers of deals each offering greater value than the one under it and of course you get your Reward Points AND you can use your accumulated Reward Points upon these deals if you wish.  Check back on the 17th to see and pre-order your choice of the early supporter offers.

We will be showing you many images of the Tohlic, plus a parts layout along with a free digital download for Patrol Angis which will give you all you need to field this vehicle across the month. There will also be the second part of the short story from last month about the response to the Khanate invasion of Faercycle II in 4338 IC an extract from which is leading this article.  Lots to look forward to and ain't she just lovely!

IAF146 Tohlic Armoured Crawler
This code contains all the parts required to assemble one large 15mm scale long distance armoured personnel carrier.  Used for deep recon it can carry an entire platoon of troops or three battlesuits or combinations thereof operating for weeks away from base.  Favoured by Planetary Defence forces but also used by Muster and Retained on suitably frozen worlds the Tohlic is composed of nine parts cast in high quality grey tone resin and white metal.  These are the forward hull, the rear hull, the left track unit, the right track unit, exhaust mount 1, exhaust mount 2, Turret 1 (Anda Missile Pod) and Turret 2 (Moth Rotary Cannon). Supplied with two different turrets to use and since they use the standard turret ring they will also fit onto other Ion Age vehicles and structures.  This kit is easy to assemble and durable for use on table.  When assembled the Tohlic is approx 105mm long and 40mm tall.  Price 22.50GBP per pack.

The Tohlic Armoured Crawler will be joined by a second smaller release which compliments the IAFP11 PM Cold Climes Platoon. Sculpted by Sam Croes it is a fire team of five Cold Climes Veterans giving you more poses and squad level command options for your planetary militia.  These will be given away free with the early supporter offers and will be regular released after the event.  Awesome!

IAF145 Cold Climes Veterans
This is the veteran troopers or sergeant poses for your Planetary Militia Cold Climes 15mm defence forces.  Co-ordinate the efforts to keep civil law in place on your planet.  This pack contains five different 15mm scale white metal miniatures wearing long coats including a Veteran with Hermit 44mm Plasma Rifle, a Veteran with Moth Rifle leaning forwards, Veteran bare headed with Moth Rifle, Veteran advancing with Moth Rifle and a casualty trooper laying face down.  As always this code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save 10% option on the page.  Price 2.50GBP per pack.

Not long to wait and welcome to Michal! 

Early Supporter Offers  (the offers are live now if you want to get in early...shussh!)

Thanks for Reading,


Thursday, 5 October 2017

Platoon Pack uniques for single purchase and Reward Points upgraded

Two announcements today at The Ion Age both of which are of benefit to IonFans and wargamers alike.  Since we began our space opera wargaming we have had a Rewards Programme which gives you points each time you make a purchase from us which you can trade in for discounts and free models.  The programme has been upgraded with a new interface and interactivity for you once you log in plus we are giving 100 Points to every new customer as a welcome gift.  As you know we have platoon packs where several codes are combined up into a full force for use in Patrol Angis and these are supplied with an additional unique miniature in that platoon for free. This is a popular thing for us and with feedback from our customers we have now added the ability to purchase ONLY this unique miniature from every IAFP platoon pack.  

Read on for more on this or go HERE and click on the orange button at the middle bottom and also check out all the of platoon packs.

Rewards Programme at The Ion Age
When you place an order with us you have to sign up for an account with the website.  This is not for marketing purposes, we will not contact you or send you email through the account.  It is simply so that you can get your Reward Points through our partner S-Loyalty.  From your very first order you are accumulating points which can be traded in in return for discounts on future orders or free products; five different reward choices.  The interface of the programme has been upgraded with more options for you and a bigger display; just log in to see it.  We are also giving 100 Points as a welcome start for all new customers from this time.  Go along to the website and click on the orange button at bottom centre of the home page to get started or to log in.  Here is a list of the Rewards along with their points costs and you earn 10 Points for every 1.00GBP spent with us.

10% Off Your Order – 300 Points
15% Off Your Order – 900 Points
20% Off Your Order – 1800 Points
Commander Murdo's Taranis Tank – 2000 Points
(A special variant main battle tank worth over 20.00GBP learn more about it HERE)
Habitation Colony Bundle – 9000 Points
(IAF044BU03 Habitation Colony containing more than twenty two resin structures worth 125.00GBP.  See it HERE)

Commander Murdo's Taranis Tank
Habitation Colony Bundle

We believe that our rewards programme is a valued bonus for wargamers and with hundreds of rewards claimed it is giving those who support us as we release more and more Ion Age miniatures and books extra fun for free!

Platoon Packs now with added option
We have over one hundred and fifty 15mm scale codes at The Ion Age and it expands every month.  When a faction gets large enough we create a 'platoon pack' which gives two squads plus a command team for a complete force for Patrol Angis right out of the box.  Each of these platoon packs comes with a unique to it only miniature which is added for free to the pack.  This is extra value we give you for choosing Ion Age for your wargaming.  Customer feedback over the past few months has increasingly suggested that we allow this unique to it miniature to be available on its own for purchase.  So we now offer that!  If you click on any IAFP platoon pack you will see the normal option of one pack, three packs with a 10% saving and now 'unique miniature only'.  Awesome!  Here is a list of our platoon packs as of October 2017.

IAFP02 Retained Lance (25 +1 Knights)
IAFP03 Desteria Lance (15+1 Super Heavy Knights)
IAFP04 Muster Platoon (25+1 Soldiers)
IAFP07 Planetary Militia Platoon (25+1 Soldiers)
IAFP11 Cold Climes Platoon (25+1 Soldiers)

IAFP01 Malig Ordos (32+1 Goblins) 
IAFP05 Legionary Ordos (32+1 Elves)
IAFP08 Nox Ordos (15+1 Super Heavy Elves)
IAFP09 Pioneer Ordos (32+1 Armoured Elves)

Thank you for reading this article and we do hope you will consider trying out Patrol Angis our rules system for our 15mm scale miniatures.  We will be back with this months releases soon!


Sunday, 1 October 2017

Data Pulse October 2017 at The Ion Age

The Autumn is here!  October will see an Early Supporter Offer with a brand new and frankly awesome addition to The Ion Age from a new designer as well as some news and a new month long offer on a core code from the range at twenty percent off.  Awesome!  Visit us HERE or read on for more and thank you for your support of our space opera setting.  Oh and if you like the image below it is part of one of our posters.

There was a smooth hum and vibration that began as Kimball pressed the start up sequence into the battlesuit's raised front plate. Transmission systems started up and the power core cycled at a low rate. One by one the displays on the inside of the front plate began to wink into life showing reds that flowed to amber and then into green ready status. Kimball settled himself into the padded pilots frame of the Steornede and placed his feet onto the grippers that quickly molded themselves to his bare flesh making themselves an extension of his legs. He reached out and flicked the primary switch that brought the front plate down. As it locked into place the titanium alloy clamps around the plate clunked home sealing it airtight and the displays were now at eye level. Each of Kimball's arms sat at his side with a control stick and buttons for the weapon systems in the arms of the battlesuit. He had been the pilot of PC119STR for two years but to him the machine was simply called 'Beth'. The real Beth had left him a year ago for a guy that worked for Maudlin in a high rise block in down town Pelcan City. More money but less fun. Still his Beth was purring now and would do as he told her. Around him the five other battlesuits in his platoon were showing ready status. He ran a check on the twin Moth 88 cannons which were his Steornede's primary weapons and they showed armed with twelve thousands case less rounds loaded. Kimball was ready. 

It would not be a long walk from the barracks to the combat zone. Not now. His Beth had been in action twice already against the aliens and the second time he had been lucky to get out alive. On the outskirts of the city they had been encircled as the barricades had fallen. He had been rescued with a magnetic lock from a dropped line that had lifted his Steornede up and out of harms way. Damn lucky that grav platform had seen him as it floated over, his ammunition was expended and Beth just could not run like those fancy Havelocks. This time the enemy was only a few streets away and Kimball doubted he would ever breath fresh air again so the smell of Beth would be last in his nostrils. He would die inside the battlesuit. He would die to give the people time to escape the city. Kimball wondered if the real Beth was still alive. Was she dead or had she got out already? Part of him really hoped she had. 

Using the platoon comm he signalled the order to move out. Up the ramp and into the street. His legs moved and the Steornede amplified it and stomped forward into a fight against an alien enemy that seemingly could not be stopped. 
Captain Frederick Kimball, Pelcan City, Camarthen Prime, 4334IC - From The Khanate Return

The Twenty Percenter!
This month you can get 20% off another code in the range to expand your collection and this time it is the mainstay of the Planetary Militia defence force battlesuits! Go HERE for it.

IAF072A Steornede Battlesuit with Twin Missile Pods 
The defence forces of the Prydian Precinct have their own battlesuit to put them on an equal footing with those who would invade or insurrection their homes. The Steornede is that battlesuit and this is the first variant made for short range anti-vehicle and artillery use. This code comprises a highly detailed 15mm scale miniature which is approx 30mm tall supplied as a one piece resin body and two separate white metal arms mounting Anda 60mm missile pods. 

IAF072B Steornede Battlesuit with Twin Moth 88 Cannons 
The defence forces of the Prydian Precinct have their own battlesuit to put them on an equal footing with those who would invade or insurrection their homes. The Steornede is that battlesuit and this is the second variant made for short to medium range anti-infantry use. This code comprises a highly detailed 15mm scale miniature which is approx 30mm tall supplied as a one piece resin body and two separate white metal arms mounting twin barrel Moth 88 Cannons. 

Reward Points with your Account!
Enjoy the special offer and remember that when you order from us you set up an account with the website.  Log in each time you order for your points total.  See the little box at the bottom of the website home page. Why?  Not for emails, we have Mailchimp for that, but rather that you may get the Reward Points which each order earns that you can trade in later for discounts and free things such as Commander Murdo's Taranis Tank.  Extra value from The Ion Age. Excellent!

Data Pulse!
With the Cold Climes Militia platoon and packs now released we are into the next phase of releases and during October we will be backing them up with an Early Supporter Offer mid month.  This offer will be on a new large vehicle and an extra pack of miniatures for the Cold Climes and will give you the chance for single saving and a motor pool level of saving.  More details and such on this nearer the time and the molds are being made up soon!  As well as this we will have an alteration to platoon packs which will suit the IonFans who are now onto their five hundredth plus miniature and want to personalise a little more.  This and a story with new pictures about this month's offer code and a free Patrol Angis PDF with new official rules which is linked to the upcoming Early Supporter Offer.  We will have Update and Snippet Two on Baron as well which will give you a bit more on the book as creation continues.  A busy month indeed.

Thanks for Reading,