
Tuesday, 30 September 2014

IAF042 Mullo Armoured Fighting Vehicles Released!

The Prydian Civil War saw the production of the Type 36 Mullo Armoured Fighting Vehicle increase six fold. Though Retained regiments had made use of them since the Battle of Fenway Prime the design of the Mullo was entirely new unlike those of the Skylark and Adder which dated from before the Ban of Prejudice. Its original fabrication pattern was laid down on New Glastonbury to fill a need for a ground vehicle that could provide fire power in excess of that offered by battlesuits such as the Havelock but not that needed by a battle tank like the Taranis series. Restricted to the ranks of the Retained the Type 36 was made to accommodate powered armour knights with larger hatches and linked controls along with internal space suited to knights. As it stood Adders were cheaper and faster to make and could pack a punch but their size meant they were really the domain of the Muster and some lucky Planetary Militia. The Type 36 was given its name by the Council of Aeddans who with a node to the mighty Taranis took another ancient Terrain deity of celtic origins and knowing it would be a work horse of a vehicle gave it a name thus.

This auto-trainer vid is centred on the Type 36W Mullo AFV marks. Those with a wheeled mode of movement rather than the other commonly seen Type 36G repulsar marks of the Mullo which float off the ground. Used on worlds andasteroids where the native magnetic fields make replusars impracticable or in urban combat where rubble and enemy action requires tires on the turf for security. In this regard its six mighty wheels provide powerful motive abilities and are capable of shrugging off small arms fire and near misses from Anvil 888 rounds. There are seven different current marks of Type 36W Mullo AFV's. The more common ones are the 36WA, 36WB and 36WC in which the only differences are the twin load outs of the turret support grade weapons. Twin Valerin 15MW Laser Cannons give the Type 36WA an energy based weapons platform good against armour and aircraft. The twin Fretan II Rail Guns give the Type 36WB a pure anti-vehicle role in the field and the Type 36WC is every effective against enemy infantry and battlesuits with twin Angis 25mm AP Cannons. The other common mark is the Type 36D which is in the 'battle bus' configuration giving up its primary weapons for additional space and hatches as an Armoured Personnel Carrier. Other marks include those designated 'super blue' which is a tank hunter and the 'long bow' mark which carries heavy Anda Missile Pods for artillery support. These are rarer but present in many regiments.

All marks of Mullo AFV's have a titanium composite hull making them rugged and durable and can be driven with a minimum of complex training. There has been a call for additional anti-personnel ball mounted micro turrets for Mullo's in action in urban warfare and these upgrades have been rolled out where possible.

Enter the next sequence to access basic driving instruction for all marks of the Type 36W. Proceed now...
Academy Auto-Trainer Series 18, New Glastonbury, 4329IC

Now released! The Mullo is the medium size of vehicle in our range in 15mm scale which is ideal for Retained Knights and virtually any other space opera force. Bigger than the Adder series of Combat Cars this is the wheeled variant of the model to which others will follow in coming months. A Mullo is an Armoured Fighting Vehicle meaning that it fills a variety of roles from gunnery support to troop transport and strong point defence; tasks it is well suited to. There are three variants currently of the IAF042 Mullo AFV. Here are their details.

IAF042A Mullo AFV Wheeled with Twin Valerin Laser Cannons
A high quality resin and white metal 15mm scale medium vehicle kit. A wheeled vehicle which is easy to assemble this variant comes with two Valerin Laser Cannons for its turret mount. Once assembled the Mullo AFV wheeled measures some 80mm in length with a width of 70mm and a height to top of turret of 30mm. It is easy to assemble with a one piece hull and pre-set bracketing points for the six wheels to be mounted. The Angis 12.5mm AP weapon on ball mount can be attached to the front of the hull or left off if chosen. The main turret is one piece with two mounting points for the pair of support grade weapons supplied. Suitable for any science fiction setting. Choose one vehicle kit or three vehicle kits and save 10% on screen. Price 10.00GBP per pack. Go HERE.

IAF042B Mullo AFV Wheeled with Twin Fretan Rail Guns
A high quality resin and white metal 15mm scale medium vehicle kit. A wheeled vehicle which is easy to assemble this variant comes with two Fretan Rail Guns for its turret mount. Once assembled the Mullo AFV wheeled measures some 80mm in length with a width of 70mm and a height to top of turret of 30mm. It is easy to assemble with a one piece hull and pre-set bracketing points for the six wheels to be mounted. The Angis 12.5mm AP weapon on ball mount can be attached to the front of the hull or left off if chosen. The main turret is one piece with two mounting points for the pair of support grade weapons supplied. Suitable for any science fiction setting. Choose one vehicle kit or three vehicle kits and save 10% on screen. Price 10.00GBP per pack. Go HERE.

IAF042C Mullo AFV Wheeled with Twin Angis AP Cannons
A high quality resin and white metal 15mm scale medium vehicle kit. A wheeled vehicle which is easy to assemble this variant comes with two Angis AP Cannons for its turret mount. Once assembled the Mullo AFV wheeled measures some 80mm in length with a width of 70mm and a height to top of turret of 30mm. It is easy to assemble with a one piece hull and pre-set bracketing points for the six wheels to be mounted. The Angis 12.5mm AP weapon on ball mount can be attached to the front of the hull or left off if chosen. The main turret is one piece with two mounting points for the pair of support grade weapons supplied. Suitable for any science fiction setting. Choose one vehicle kit or three vehicle kits and save 10% on screen. Price 10.00GBP per pack. Go HERE.

We would like to extend our thanks to everyone who took part in the Early Supporter Offer during September 2014 we think that the Mullo is a fantastic and original model and we hope that you do too. Its our first medium vehicle and there are more coming as well as larger vehicles and a whole lot more too. Thank you for your support of all of us here at The Ion Age in allowing us to pursue our dream of a space opera future that is wholly its own. Remember you get the monthly miniature free in every order and once you have signed up for an account with the website you will get Reward Points on all purchases which can be used later for freebies and discounts! Extra value indeed!

Thanks for Reading.


Thursday, 25 September 2014

IAF062 Nox Command Demos released!

The Shia Khan uses technology that is more advanced that our own, that is sure.  Though many of its troops are apparently slaves and are relatively poorly armoured and armed with Malig and Betrayers being more in common with our Planetary Militia and Muster regiments and their Legionaries a match for our Muster and Retained ranks there are troops evidently which are not expendable slaves.  We speak here of the elite formations of a Legion and more specifically the Nox.  The technology involved in the Jupiter series of plasmastic weapons is in our estimate a century or so beyond our own best efforts (see Academy Auto-Trainer Series 16) but the design contained within the Nox Segmentum pattern powered armour is much beyond that.  Other Khanate Troops use the weapons that Nox carry though they operate in teams of two rather than a Nox which can wield the weapon alone.  However within the sphere of the Legion itself and not speaking of Psychoborgs and other specialised threats it is the  Segmentum pattern armour which has baffled us.  Only a handful of Nox have been captured and none of them alive due to what we think is a flesh dissolving gas which is triggered if their armour is opened without the right seal codes.  This gas also corrodes the internal fittings of the armour to the point that only rudimentary inspections can be made.  In fact we have lost three expert fabricators to booby trapped Segmentum suits with imploder bombs.  Information that is known consists of the following.  Firstly the alloys used in the Segmentum's construction cannot be determined but do contain titanium as a stabiliser with a resulting hardness some third better than Alwite and on par with Noblesse series used by Desteria Knights despite being thinner.  Secondly the internal power system of Segmentum is much more efficient as the self fuelling batteries use technology similar to ours but are nearly half the size and also provide the charge for carried weapons such as plasma and laser system whereas our own Alwite powered armour cannot do this.  Thirdly the armour seems to fill with a thick black liquid when sealed which cushions impacts and trauma more effectively that the padding and gel layers in Alwite.  Lastly and most troubling are the seemingly standardised Cynue ports in the neck and chest sections of Segmentum powered armour.  While such technology is rightly banned in the Prydian Precinct after the tragedy of the Gurtan Activation the Khanate seem to give artificial intelligence assistance to Nox in combat.  Research continues and we do hope a break through will be reached.
Academy Auto-Trainer Series 17, New Glastonbury, 4332IC

IAF062 Nox Command Demos
Those who lead the elite infantry of a Shia Khan Legion are put into the command of the Nox formations.  Our third brand new pack is meant to lead the others into battle. This pack contains give white metal miniatures depicting Nox in command and special poses a senior Officer with twin weapons (Porus Rifle and Cupid Pistol), a banner bearer, a lesser officer with Flora Grenade Gun, a comms specialist kneeling with Hydra Laser Shotgun and a casualty pose (even Nox can die in combat).  Nox miniatures are about 18mm tall and broad across the shoulders. This code can be bought as a pack of five miniatures or as single poses or three packs saving 10%.  Price 5.00GBP per pack.  Go HERE.

There are the other Nox codes from the Shia Khan Empire in 15mm scale.  IAF052 Nox Demos with Jupiter Plasma Rifles and IAF051 Nox Demos with Janus Blastguns.  We are having a special offer until the end of September.  The prices of these packs (packs and single miniatures within them) is reduced 10% from normal.  I's already on screen so just add them to your cart for the saving. HERE for the Khanate Army page.

IAF052 Nox Demos (Jupiter Plasma Rifles)
This pack contains five white metal miniatures depicting Nox armed with Jupiter 46mm Plasma Rifles in various poses including a minor officer in command helmet.  Nox miniatures are about 18mm tall and broad across the shoulders. This code can be bought as a pack of five miniatures or as single poses or three packs saving 10%.  

IAF051 Nox Demos (Janus Blastguns)
This pack contains five white metal miniatures depicting Nox armed with Janus 47mm Grenade Blast Guns in various poses including a minor officer in command helmet.  Nox miniatures are about 18mm tall and broad across the shoulders. This code can be bought as a pack of five miniatures or as single poses or three packs saving 10%.  

Mullo AFV Early Support Offers end on 30th September!
The IAF042 Mullo AFV is now online in our latest Early Supporter Offers (ESO's) and its a great chance to get yourself a medium science fiction space opera vehicle unlike almost any other.  You can read more information and see parts images in our Sneak Peek Mullo posting by clicking through.  The Mullo is the medium size of vehicle in our range in 15mm scale which is ideal for Retained Knights and virtually any other space opera force.  Bigger than the Adder series of Combat Cars this is the wheeled variant of the model to which others will follow in coming months.  A Mullo is an Armoured Fighting Vehicle meaning that it fills a variety of roles from gunnery support to troop transport and strong point defence; tasks it is well suited to.  Once assembled the Mullo AFV wheeled measures some 80mm in length with a width of 70mm and a height to top of turret of 30mm. You have only a few days left.

IAF042A Mullo AFV Wheeled with Twin Valerin Laser Cannons
IAF042B Mullo AFV Wheeled with Twin Fretan Rail Guns
IAF042C Mullo AFV Wheeled with Twin Angis AP Cannons

Each offer gives you the chance to get high quality 15mm scale resin and white metal vehicle kits at a 10% saving if you purchase one (9.00GBP rather than 10.00GBP) or a 15% saving if you purchase three (25.50GBP rather than 30.00GBP) or a 25% saving if you purchase five (37.50GBP rather than 50.00GBP). Excellent!  Make your choice from the drop down menu on the product page.  Every order placed gets IMP013 Alouten Veteran (worth 0.60GBP) included free automatically!

Information Burst
We are a week off the end of September and for us this month has just vanished in smoke we have been so busy on design work that will appear for our Christmas Season.  That being said its a big week this week for the following reasons.  You have only a few days to get in on the Mullo AFV offers, to save on Nox codes and to get IMP013 Alouten Veteran free in your order.  This is our last release and offer promotion of the month.  This aside we did put up a first look blog post about the coming soon squad pack of Female Muster in 15mm scale.  Its well worth a look and a read.   We are also opening up a dialogue with our agents and biggest personal customers on the frequency of our releases and if we should move to fortnightly releases rather than weekly.  If you have some input on this please do contact me by email or comment.  Lastly remember that by placing an order with us you will sign up for an account with the website and that means you get Reward Points in all purchases (plus the monthly free miniature).  These points can be used any time to get free products and discounts on orders. 

Thanks for Reading.


Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Female Muster in 15mm scale first look

Coming in early October 2014 and as a follow up to our simply awesome Female Retained Knights are some more ladies for The Ion Age sculpted by Sam Croes.  This time a second Muster Squad of ten poses.  You can read the posts about the women on the Retained from last year HERE and HERE. Since they were released we have had a steady influx of messages asking for more females and we did do this with Ellen and Ripley but now its the turn of the more approachable Muster to get the same treatment.

The second Muster Squad was a given since our starting day since our 1st Muster Squad was the sum total of this arm of the Prydian Army in our 15mm range.  We did add Muster Patrol and their command too but when it came time to design the next normal squad we voted and chose a female only pack of ten poses.  The Muster are the bulk of well trained troops who travel to war on different planets and space platforms and so on.  They greatly outnumber the Retained Knights but they do not have powered armour instead they wear Aketon high impact armour with an enclosed helmet and carry mainly the Moth series of weapons such as the iconic Moth Type 6 9mm Auto Rifle.  There are female troops in every Muster Regiment.  Anywhere from ten percent to an average of thirty percent right up to the famous 'Lady Luck' 88th Muster Regiment that is almost entirely female in its ranks. But more on the 88th later.

The image in this short article shows you three of the ten different female miniatures that will be in IAF059 2nd Muster Squad.  All the poses were sculpted by Sam Croes our lead designer and most of them are bare headed which sets them apart from their counterparts.  Subtle changes to the Aketon clam shell chest armour along with the legs and hair and faces set these 15mm miniatures apart.  In the pack there is a lesser officer or sergeant with a Tumbler Mpi along with several poses with Moth Type 6 Rifles and a trooper armed with a Minstrel PP2 Taser (a rarer support weapon) and the first ever trooper with a Ron 32mm Hi-Ex Launcher.  There is also a trooper with a  Hermit 44mm Plasma Rifle.  As you can see in the image there is a pose with the breather mask, typically inside the Aketon Helmet, still worn on her face.  Lovely touch.   Its a really varied pack.

If you have requests for additions to the Prydian Army or the Legions of the Shia Khan Empire then do let me know.  While we have a grand plan for The Ion Age we do slot in the most requested packs from time to time and this is such a pack.  We hope you like our new ladies and you will be seeing them all in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for Reading.


Thursday, 18 September 2014

IAF042 Mullo AFV Early Supporter Offers now online!

The Prydian Civil War saw the production of the Type 36 Mullo Armoured Fighting Vehicle increase six fold. Though Retained regiments had made use of them since the Battle of Fenway Prime the design of the Mullo was entirely new unlike those of the Skylark and Adder which dated from before the Ban of Prejudice. Its original fabrication pattern was laid down on New Glastonbury to fill a need for a ground vehicle that could provide fire power in excess of that offered by battlesuits such as the Havelock but not that needed by a battle tank like the Taranis series. Restricted to the ranks of the Retained the Type 36 was made to accommodate powered armour knights with larger hatches and linked controls along with internal space suited to knights. As it stood Adders were cheaper and faster to make and could pack a punch but their size meant they were really the domain of the Muster and some lucky Planetary Militia. The Type 36 was given its name by the Council of Aeddans who with a node to the mighty Taranis took another ancient Terrain deity of celtic origins and knowing it would be a work horse of a vehicle gave it a name thus.

This auto-trainer vid is centred on the Type 36W Mullo AFV marks. Those with a wheeled mode of movement rather than the other commonly seen Type 36G repulsar marks of the Mullo which float off the ground. Used on worlds andasteroids where the native magnetic fields make replusars impracticable or in urban combat where rubble and enemy action requires tires on the turf for security. In this regard its six mighty wheels provide powerful motive abilities and are capable of shrugging off small arms fire and near misses from Anvil 888 rounds. There are seven different current marks of Type 36W Mullo AFV's. The more common ones are the 36WA, 36WB and 36WC in which the only differences are the twin load outs of the turret support grade weapons. Twin Valerin 15MW Laser Cannons give the Type 36WA an energy based weapons platform good against armour and aircraft. The twin Fretan II Rail Guns give the Type 36WB a pure anti-vehicle role in the field and the Type 36WC is every effective against enemy infantry and battlesuits with twin Angis 25mm AP Cannons. The other common mark is the Type 36D which is in the 'battle bus' configuration giving up its primary weapons for additional space and hatches as an Armoured Personnel Carrier. Other marks include those designated 'super blue' which is a tank hunter and the 'long bow' mark which carries heavy Anda Missile Pods for artillery support. These are rarer but present in many regiments.

All marks of Mullo AFV's have a titanium composite hull making them rugged and durable and can be driven with a minimum of complex training. There has been a call for additional anti-personnel ball mounted micro turrets for Mullo's in action in urban warfare and these upgrades have been rolled out where possible.

Enter the next sequence to access basic driving instruction for all marks of the Type 36W. Proceed now...

Academy Auto-Trainer Series 18, New Glastonbury, 4329IC

The IAF042 Mullo AFV is now online in our latest Early Supporter Offers (ESO's) and its a great chance to get yourself a medium science fiction space opera vehicle unlike almost any other. You can read more information and see parts images in our Sneak Peek Mullo posting by clicking through. If you have not heard of the Mullo then please do read that earlier article and then come back here. Read it now? Ok, good. These offers run from today until 30th September 2014. All orders containing a Mullo AFV will be mailed out on that date worldwide. 

Go HERE to our Early Supporter Offers page.  Three Variants of a Medium Wheeled Vehicle.
Here are the details of what the offers are composed of:

IAF042A Mullo AFV Wheeled with Twin Valerin Laser Cannons
This offer gives you the chance to get this high quality 15mm scale resin and white metal vehicle kit at a 10% saving if you purchase one (9.00GBP rather than 10.00GBP) or a 15% saving if you purchase three (25.50GBP rather than 30.00GBP) or a 25% saving if you purchase five (37.50GBP rather than 50.00GBP). Excellent! Make your choice from the drop down menu on the product page. Every order placed gets IMP013 Alouten Veteran (worth 0.60GBP) included free automatically!

IAF042B Mullo AFV Wheeled with Twin Fretan Rail Guns
This offer gives you the chance to get this high quality 15mm scale resin and white metal vehicle kit at a 10% saving if you purchase one (9.00GBP rather than 10.00GBP) or a 15% saving if you purchase three (25.50GBP rather than 30.00GBP) or a 25% saving if you purchase five (37.50GBP rather than 50.00GBP). Excellent! Make your choice from the drop down menu on the product page. Every order placed gets IMP013 Alouten Veteran (worth 0.60GBP) included free automatically!

IAF042C Mullo AFV Wheeled with Twin Angis AP Cannons
This offer gives you the chance to get this high quality 15mm scale resin and white metal vehicle kit at a 10% saving if you purchase one (9.00GBP rather than 10.00GBP) or a 15% saving if you purchase three (25.50GBP rather than 30.00GBP) or a 25% saving if you purchase five (37.50GBP rather than 50.00GBP). Excellent! Make your choice from the drop down menu on the product page. Every order placed gets IMP013 Alouten Veteran (worth 0.60GBP) included free automatically!

Go HERE to our Early Supporter Offers page.

The Mullo is the medium size of vehicle in our range in 15mm scale which is ideal for Retained Knights and virtually any other space opera force. Bigger than the Adder series of Combat Cars this is the wheeled variant of the model to which others will follow in coming months. A Mullo is an Armoured Fighting Vehicle meaning that it fills a variety of roles from gunnery support to troop transport and strong point defence; tasks it is well suited to. Once assembled the Mullo AFV wheeled measures some 80mm in length with a width of 70mm and a height to top of turret of 30mm. It is easy to assemble with a one piece hull and pre-set bracketing points for the six wheels to be mounted. The Angis 12.5mm AP weapon on ball mount can be attached to the front of the hull or left off if chosen. The main turret is one piece with two mounting points for a pair of support grade weapons.

Here are a couple of images of the model in use in play with captions (we had some fun with this!).

IAF042B Mullo and Railgun armed Adders see of Nox Troopers
IAF042C Mullo in support of Retained Knights in a Geo Shelter outpost
We think that the Mullo is a fantastic and original model and we hope that you do too. Thank you for your support of all of us here at The Ion Age in allowing us to pursue our dream of a space opera future that is wholly its own. Remember you get the monthly miniature free in every order and once you have signed up for an account with the website you will get Reward Points on all purchases which can be used later for freebies and discounts! Extra value indeed!


Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Corbal Deployable Hardpoint has Legs by Allison M

Sometimes you just see something that perks the interest and for us here at The Ion Age such a moment happened a few weeks ago when hobbyist and painter Allison M stated that he thought the IAF041 Corbal Deployable Hardpoint would be better suited if it could MOVE!  Yes move and he thought this could be done by giving it legs.  Read on to see what madness ensued.  GBS

While the Corbal Deployable Hardpoint provides ground troops with instant fortification and fire support, its static nature is unsuitable for a constantly-advancing planetary invasion force.  The Corbal Mobile Hardpoint is hardly the fastest-moving vehicle on the battlefield, but it can at least advance into newly captured territory, and its monolithic 11m stature makes even disciplined opponents consider retreat or surrender. Once a permanent position is established, the Corbal tower unit can be mounted as base defense or loaded back on a dropship for further service.

I knew I wanted to do this conversion as soon as I saw the Corbal on The Ion Age blog.  But I was stumped as to how to make the legs... my plasticard scratch-building skills are pretty sad and I'm too cheap to buy a whole other model just for its legs.  Fortunately, there's a ready source of interesting plastic shapes... Lego!  
I bought some promising-looking pieces off of eBay and started cutting: 
I'll freely admit these legs don't make a lot of sense mechanically, but I think we're well into "rule of cool" territory here anyway.  I also wanted the conversion to be "reversible" so the legs and belly details are mounted on an inverted 40 mm base that attaches to the Corbal's underside with a magnet and pins:
Allison M.
(The original blog post is HERE)

Friday, 12 September 2014

IAF042 Mullo AFV Sneak Peek!

The Ion Age is entering the realm of medium sized ground vehicles in 15mm scale this month. This sneak peek shows you some images of the mighty Mullo Armoured Fighting Vehicle which will be the subject of an Early Support Offer (ESO) real soon. The Early Supporter Offer will start on the 18th September 2014 and run until 30th September 2014. Full details will be in the ESO post so look out for it!

Designed by Sam Croes the Mullo is a resin and white metal vehicle kit which features six large ground tackling wheels along with a turret with twin weapon mount and a centre forward anti-personnel weapon mount. An armoured vehicle that acts in support of the Retained Knights that it serves. It is very much a space opera style vehicle that you can see as the result of a far future military with varied needs. Its very fetching!

Parts of the Mullo AFV
Once assembled the Mullo AFV measures some 80mm in length with a width of 70mm and a height to top of turret of 30mm. It is easy to assemble with a one piece hull and pre-set bracketing points for the six wheels to be mounted. The Angis 12.5mm AP weapon on ball mount can be attached to the front of the hull or left off if chosen to. The main turret is one piece with two mounting points for a pair of support grade weapons. Shown here are two Valerin 15Mw Laser Cannons but we will also be offering the Mullo with twin Fretan Rail Guns (the same as those mounted on the Corbal Deployable Hardpoint) if you wish those weapons instead. Any turret mounted weapons from the Adder vehicles and the Corbal will fit the Mullo.

Mullo with Size Comparisons to Retained Knight (16mm) and Adders
The Mullo Armoured Fighting Vehicle plays a role between the scouting and low intensity roles of the Adder Combat Car and the Skylark Patrol Flyer and the high intensity and fighting the Shia Khan Empire roles of the Taranis Battle Tank and the Brama Heavy Repulsar Platform. While it will not play a part in the core book of Patrol Angis all vehicles will feature in an expansion title. But in the meantime they are excellent for any rules system and of course for adding to your collection.

Full details on the Early Supporter Offers on the 18th September 2014.

Thanks for Reading.


Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Skeleton Staff

The Summer has been really busy for us.  None of us got any time off or a break.  So before there is a spark of mutiny we will be going quiet for a little while.  Hopefully catch the last of the good weather.  From the 4th to the 11th of September we will not be releasing any new products and aside from vital email and communications we will be silent online.  There is nothing amiss but in these days of hi-tech living we try to speak every day and since we will be all going our separate ways this will not be possible.  

The normal Goblin staff will be replaced with a temporary 'Skeleton Staff'.  Listen for the rattle of bones!

Continue to send in your emails and comments, orders and questions as normal and they will be attended to in a week or so.  While I cannot speak for the others and what they will be up to I myself will be using the time for a bit of a jaunt about and also to do some fine calibration of some wargame rules I am working on.

As a little hint for what will be happening from the 12th onwards across we go!

Alternative Armies - First Look at Finished modular Ferach Dragoons! - Corporate Ashigaru are Coming!

The Ion Age - Sneak Peek at the Mullo AFV!

Thanks for Reading.


Monday, 1 September 2014

IMP13 Alouten Veteran free miniature for September 2014!

Its our second year by gad!  That means that its time for the first free monthly miniature of the second year so lets have something a little bit to the side of the Prydian Army to get us into the swing of it.  The Alouten.  What is that and what will it be?  Well the Alouten are mentioned in passing in the fiction of The Ion Age and are a plan for much further in the future.  They are the beginning stage for all Retained Knights.  Alouten are in training from young boys and girls into teenagers and then for their testing and acceptance into the lowest ranks of the Retained as an Esquire. But who does the training, it must be over seen by experienced knights for it to be effective.  So an Alouten Veteran is a knight of a great amount of combat experience who has chosen to bring on the next generation rather than choose the path of a Knight Errant for instance.  He would therefore be of an age that gives greying hair and perhaps more defined features too so lets have his helmet off to be able to see them. I think that wargamers who enjoy the Retained will enjoy this free miniature.

The IMP13 Alouten Veteran September 2014's free miniature which is automatically put into every order at the rate of one per order of any value.  It can also be bought in any amount too on the monthly IMP page of the website. Wearing MkV Alwite armour and carrying a Carnwennan Pistol the veteran is minus his helmet and stands some 16mm tall in one piece.   A real character. This miniature is a fine addition to any 15mm science fiction collection for any game system.

Of course you earn reward points on all orders too through your account.  We realise that some of you may wish to purchase the currently free miniature to get multiples of it without placing a lot of orders so you can do just that.  Visit this page on the website for the miniature at a fair price for a special miniature.  There is a growing page on the Ion Age website where the current and all former IMP series free miniatures are shown so that you can see what came before.  Enjoy and go HERE

IMP01 is top left
From this month onwards when we unveil the new free miniature for the month we will also be looking back at what the monthly free miniature was a year ago at this time.  In September 2013 the free miniature was IMP01 Kneeling Retained Knight in cloak.  It was our very first miniature to be given out free and to this day its still the rarest of all the IMP series.  You can find this miniature in the Year One Collection if you are lacking it.

I do wonder what the Year Two Collection will look like....Its going to be awesome to find out across the next twelve months!

Thanks for reading.