
Friday, 30 May 2014

Adder Combat Cars coming 5th June 2014 in Early Support Bundle

The IAF037 Smashed Adder with Muster sheltering around it
The the first week of June 2014 we will be unveiling a new Early Supporter Offer for you all to take advantage of.  This new offer will be all about our first ground vehicle release into the 15mm Ion Age range the Adder Combat Car in four different variants!

Muster with the IAF035A Red Adder
While the ESO will have all of the fiction and information on the Adder I wanted to take this chance to tell you all a little about the vehicle itself and our ambitions for it.  You see we have been working hard to try and make the Adder as standardised as possible meaning easier production.  As few pieces as possible meaning less labour in that production and lastly modular meaning a choice of turrets and role for the Combat Car chassis.  Choice at an excellent price.
IAF035C Black Adder with Female Muster Patrol Officer
Taken from the original HOF code light tank the Adder has been remastered and tooled up for resin production rather than the original white metal.  It will be supplied in just two pieces for most variants.  That right just two pieces, the hull with wheels and the turret with weapon.  Here are the basic details of the four variants and the special scenic item that will be in the ESO too.

IAF035A  Red Adder Combat Car (Mini-Gun Turret)
IAF035B Yellow Adder Fire Support Car (Missile Pod Turret)
IAF035C Black Adder Punch Car (Rail Gun Turret)
IAF035D Orange Adder Combat Car (Grenade Turret) 
IAF037 Smashed Adder Car (Wheeled Destroyed Vehicle) 

IAF035B Yellow Adder with Muster
Every Adder is known by its variant in a colour code system. This is our first ground vehicle release and it takes us into the realm of light ground vehicles for the Ion Age. The four variants mean you will be able to fine tune your wheeled vehicle pool of combat cars.  Full information on the variants in the ESO but for now I will say that the retail price on each Adder is 4.00GBP and the same for the Smashed Adder.  The ESO Bundle will give you a 25% saving off release price.

IAF035D Orange Adder taking on the Khanate
See more 5th of June 2014 and yes we purposefully made the joke about the 'Black Adder' as we all adore the excellent comedy programme of the same name now only seen on re-runs.  I will also be posting about Patrol Angis next week as well as something new for the Khanate and all questions are welcome in the comments here or by email to

Thanks for Reading.


Thursday, 29 May 2014

IAF040 Block House released!

Early on in the initial expansion of Humanity back to the stars within the Prydian Precinct it was noted that although large cities could be built given time in the short term a need was logged for structures which could cope with variable terrain and planetary conditions. Designing such structures was beyond the abilities of all but the core systems who turned to the pioneers who created the ubiquitous Rubbacrete and Golglass. These pioneers created materials which revolutionised construction and brought about massive improvement in lives all across the Precinct; The Seorc Compono Guild. Seorc Compono Guild (SCG) brought their finest minds to focus on the challenge and created one of the miracles of the century the Habitation Dome Riser System (HDRS). The HDRS would be standardised and shipped aboard vessels heading off world anywhere in the Precinct where they could quickly accommodate a sizeable population. Camarthan Prime was one such place among hundreds from airless vacuum to populous planet.

When the rumbling of the Civil War began to turn into an approaching thunder the Seorc Compono Guild (SCG) was approached on the idea of adding a standard pattern structure to the HDRS designed from the off to be made for defence. While Hab Domes are strong structures and can endure damage that would fell a lesser civilian building they are not made for war. SCG agreed and put in motion plans for the Block House which would be made in the same fashion as its other structures but would be stronger than anything patterned before. Many thousands of the Block House were shipped out across the Precinct.

Capable of withstanding multiple plasma or projectile impacts that would destroy a Havelock Battlesuit the Block House can be an anchor point of a settlement or a chain of them can form a line of defence in case of attack. Reports from battlefields across the Precinct spoke of people surviving terrible events due to the super thick curved Rubbacrete walls. The Prydian Army and the Marcher Barons alike have taken to placing block houses in locations that need to be held with a great deal of success. Weaker but much less expensive than the mighty Corbal Deployable Hardpoint but far stronger than a portable weapon with its crew with the added advantage of a permanent place for up to eight people to carry out their roles. There are also specialised Block Houses mounting landing pads for the air patrol of Skylark flyers and compounds for the holding of Adder type Combat Cars. The HRDS has gained a powerful new aspect to its success.
Quincy Portent, SGC New Glastonbury, 4330IC

IAF040 Block House
Truly beautiful and crafted by hand by Sam Croes over several weeks the Block House is a work of miniature art in the space opera style. Curved and with a real feeling of being literally built like a cliff against a raging sea its going to be a tough nut for any attacker to crack open for the juicy innards.
IAF040 side view
IAF040 rear view
IAF040 Top Down View
IAF040 Block House
The Block House is a thickly walled structure made to take a real pounding in far future combat protecting colonists and troops alike. It is a high quality grey tone resin one piece casting which is 70mm long, 65mm wide and 35mm tall at its furthest points. It has a lot of external detailing on all sides and roof including the universal mount used on the Hab Dome and four firing slots on the front. It also has a rear airlock door and two side blank mounting points. Suitable for use in any science fiction setting. You will be able to make a whole settlement including strong points to keep your settlement safe. You can add any of the IAF015 Top Mounts or the IAF015 Tower Module to the top of the Block House and the locks and points line up for side mounting Hab Domes or other Block Houses. Decorate your wargame table. As always this code can be bought as a pack or as a single or select the three packs and save 10% option on the page. Go HERE. Price 9.00GBP.

A small settlement using Block House, Hab Dome, Tower Module and Top Mounts
IAF040 scale photo with Canlastrian Retained characters
In October 2013 we began the 15mm scale Ion Age terrain system with the release of IAF015 Hab Dome. Since then we have been more than happy with the excellent response world wide to our unique little dome. We expanded with three different IAF015 top mounts at the end of October last year, a sentry gun, comms spire and shield generator all made for the ring mount atop the Hab Dome. Next came the IAF024Fabricator Spire, a small but really special looking piece of terrain that looks great next to anything else we do. In January of this year the IAF015 Tower Module was released meaning that Ion Age fans could build towers of one, two, three or even four levels on top of their Hab Domes and top them off with any of the mounts. March 2014 saw the release of the IAF015 Landing Platform which could be placed on the wargaming table or mounted on a Hab Dome or atop a tower of Tower Modules (great for landing the IAF029 Skylark Patrol Flyer) and two more Top Mounts a missile pod and flak cannon. This brings us to the present and the release of the IAF040 Block House the first of our summer season 2014 terrain releases with more to come. Enjoy!

IAF015 Hab Dome
The first 15mm resin building from the The Ion Age. Fabricated by the Seorc Guild Hab Domes have many uses and can be found all across Prydian space. The Hab Dome is the starting point for a whole series of resin structure system for The Ion Age in 15mm scale. The Hab Dome is the basic unit for stackable and adaptable units. It can be used on its own or with our other terrain releases. It is a high quality grey tone resin one piece casting which is 65mm wide and 30mm tall with a high degree of external detailing. Suitable for use in any science fiction setting as well as The Ion Age. Decorate your wargame table. As always this code can be bought as a pack or as a single or select the three packs and save 10% option on the page. Go HERE. Price 7.00GBP.

Information Burst!
There is only a few days left to get IMP09 Retained Sniper sculpted by Eli Arndt free in every order from us. You can see this currently free miniature HERE until 1st June 2014.  It will appear again later this year for normal purchase. I would like to thank everyone who placed orders for the new IAF045 Legate Vanya character pack for the Khanate Empire and also took advantage of the special offer on legions packs that is now ended. There will be a couple of sneak peek blog posts in the coming days concerning an upcoming Early Support Offer (yes they are back!) and a new troop type for the Shia Khan Empire. Super! Lastly remember that by placing an order with us you will sign up for an account with the website and that means you get Reward Points in all purchases (plus a free miniature). These points can be used any time to get free products and discounts on orders. 

Thanks for Reading.


Thursday, 22 May 2014

IAF045 Legate Vanya of the Styx Legion pack released!

Code labelled Legate Vanya, this is the little we know about the apparent commander of the Styx Legion. As you will all appreciate the Styx have been as a river of death to us flowing from that accursed gateway ever since the traitor Hugo Sevaris brought the Khanate back to the Precinct. The red and black glimmer suits of this legion are a constant to us here on Camarthan and in surrounding space and we are unsure of their total numbers. Their Legate can go weeks without being seen and then lead a charge into our positions in person. He is rare for a Legionary in that he shows his face, we are working on determining a species type from this and is in possession of technology which is beyond our current understanding. A personal energy robe emitter that is capable of blocking projectile and plasma rounds and so far we have not been able to penetrate on the field of war. Reports and visual feed have Vanya inspiring loyalty that borders on the insane from his Legionaries. This is the sum of our knowledge and we must expand it if we hope to make the Styx Legion a vanquished threat.”
Majoris Killian Jones, Camarthen Prime, 4331IC

IAF045 Legate Vanya of the Styx Legion
IAF045 Rear View
IAF045 Legate Vanya of the Styx Legion
The Styx Legion is a veteran fighting force and its troops had the honour of being the first through the Matter Gateway on to Camarthan Prime. The legion has a complex and not fully understood command structure that the Prydian Army is still trying to piece together but what is known is that a Legion is led by at least one Legate. That is the human term for the officer that rules the Styx Legion and while the actual name of the officer is not known he is code named 'Vanya'. Legate Vanya is a living legend among his own and his enemy too. We are proud to present to you our first character miniatures for the Shia Khan Empire in 15mm scale.  It goes well with our first Prydian Army character pack IAF005 Balthazar and Jerome. This pack contains two white metal miniatures depicting Legate Vanya and his personal guard legionary. The guard is in a ceremonial glimmer suit and armed with a Juno 2.0Kw laser rifle while the Legate is bare headed standing above a fallen Retained Knight helmet arms crossed. Vanya wears an ultra rare personal energy robe emitter and has a Cupid 0.5Kw Laser Pistol secreted upon his person. This code can be bought as a pack of two miniatures or as single poses or three packs saving 10%. Price 1.20GBP per pack. Go HERE.

Dismounted Cathus Monocycle driver asks for orders from Legionary

One Week Offer!
We took a few weeks out after Salute 2014 from our weekly release schedule and while we thought that would be cool it turned out that nearly a hundred of you were a little upset at the lack of a ping in your inbox on Thursdays. We are sorry and we are back to normal now but since its a Shia Khan week and we have more Khanate to come we thought a wee offer was a good thing to do. So from today until the morning of 29th May 2014 you can have 10% off the following 15mm Legionary pack codes to give Legate Vanya some troops to send into battle!

IAF007 Canthus Monocycle
IAF006 Legionary 1st Tesseran
IAF011 Legionary 2nd Tesseran
IAF018 Legionary 3rd Tesseran

You don't need to do anything other than add them to your cart since the discount is applied on screen. Look for the offer sticker on the page as above. Go HERE.

Information Burst!
We are in the third week of May and there are developments under way in the Ion Age terrain range that will be coming your way in the near future. There is only a week left to get IMP09 Retained Sniper sculpted by Eli Arndt free in every order from us. You can see this currently free miniature HERE until 1st June 2014. Last week when we re-released the archive code AIAF03 The Betrayers I mentioned that I had been amazed by the unpleasant emails I had from some wargamers about our free miniature policy well I have had some nice emails with apologies in them. Thanks. So on that note enjoy the new release and the special offer and if you have input in The Ion Age please do contact us. By placing an order with us you will sign up for an account with the website and that means you get Reward Points in all purchases (plus a free miniature). These points can be used any time to get free products and discounts on orders.

Thanks for your Time.


Thursday, 15 May 2014

AIAF03 The Betrayers released!

The methods of the Khanate has little changed in a thousand years.  In our records there are scattered fragments of data collected from shattered colonies and worlds fighting in the dim darkness of the cavern cities. They concern men and woman who had turned their back on their own kind.  It was not apparent from the activation of the Matter Gateway and the conflict that followed that the Prydian Precinct would have to deal with this threat from our own once more; but we did.  The Khanate do not kill once they conquer a place.  We do not know what they do to those people they find left behind or who refused to leave but the results are as they were during the Ban of Prejudice.  Those people pick up arms and use them against us.  Our name for these?  We call them Betrayers for that is what they are.  Some have had barbaric implants into their flesh while others appear unmarked.  All have serene smile on their faces.  All have an unwavering belief that the Shia Khan are the rightful master of this and every other precinct in the galaxy and speak it at all times.  Reasoning with them does nothing.  Capturing them and using the best of our technology to reset their neural state has no results.  It is regrettable that a general order to all Prydian forces to lethally respond to any Human attack upon them just as they would with verminous Maligs or any other Khanate troops had had to be issued.
Knight General Obermann.  Fleet Command.  4332IC

AIAF003 The Betrayers
The last of our original archive codes is now re-molded and re-released.  Added to the 15mm Shia Khan Army these Humans who have sided with the alien enemy are excellent for Ion Age and many other uses too. Not bad for designs more than twenty years old eh!  This pack contains six 15mm scale white metal miniatures including Betrayers firing and kneeling and a special two man miniature carrying a box or crate between them.  As always this code can be bought as a pack or as single miniatures or select the three packs and save 10% option on the page.  Go HERE.  Price 3.50GBP per pack.
AIAF03 Rear View

Information Burst!
Its been a few weeks of quiet for us at The Ion Age but we are back in step again with weekly releases and kicking it off with the last of the original codes from the old days in brand new rubber and white metal.  We are at the half way point now in the month for the current free miniature in all orders; code IMP09 Retained Sniper sculpted by Eli Arndt.  This will be in every package until 1st June 2014 when its removed and replaced by the next free miniature.  Find it HERE.  We have reached a decision on the future of the monthly free miniature and we will announce it soon as we have had more than three hundred wargamers ask us to make this change.  We will be continuing to give you a monthly free miniature and then it will case to be free and will appear on some capacity for sale once more on the website and in our product listings.  I was frankly amazed by the ugly email I got from wargamers who were angry at getting something for free!  By placing an order with us you will sign up for an account with the website and that means you get Reward Points in all purchases (plus a free miniature and you can use the current salute code).  These points can be used any time to get free products and discounts on orders. 

Thanks for your Time.


Thursday, 1 May 2014

Retained Sniper - IMP09 Free Miniature for May 2014

"Let's have a Retained Knight for May.  Something useful in a typical Lance of troops with a special role thats common for The Ion Age.  Not an officer, not female, not a special weapon.  A sniper.  That's what we want this time!"

Lay down and keep to cover for even in the far future the role of a sniper is a neccessary one for a Retained Knight.  Sculpted by Eli Ardnt the fellow who runs Loud Ninja Games over on our sister site this is May 2014's free miniature in all orders.  Armed with an Angis 12.5mm AP Rifle and covered by a camo net this knight is a fine addition to any Prydian Army force.

The Retained Sniper is the white metal 15mm miniature in the above image and until 1st June 2014 its FREE in each and every order placed with us at the rate of one per order placed. After that date it will be retired from free and replaced by the next free miniature. Of course you earn reward points on all orders too through your account.  We realise that some of you may wish to purchase the currently free miniature to get multiples of it without placing a lot of orders so you can do just that.  Visit this page on the website for the miniature at a fair price.  Yours for the next thirty days and then retired for the moment.
There is a growing page on the Ion Age website where the current and all former IMP series free miniatures are shown so that you can see what came before.  Enjoy and go HERE.